President Trump to Chicago Cesspool- Clean it Up- Or I'll Send in the FEDS!

No time to comment on how absurd all this online BS is but the piece below is an interesting read.

"The conclusion of our inquiry can only be that Trump’s election does indeed represent a failure of democracy. But whose failure is it? The Republican Party may deserve some blame for having a selection system so incompetent that it could permit Trump to be nominated. But the more interesting question is how much of this failure of democracy should be laid at the feet of Trump voters, and how much on institutions of political and civil society. Poor educational systems that allowed so many voters to fall through the cracks, and private media that allowed the proliferation of fake news, bear some responsibility." S. A. Lloyd The Critique – A Failure Of Democracy?
Interesting like a cartoon show maybe. The left has literally nothing but lies, smears and filth to offer America. Leftist accept no responsibility for anything they ever do or don't do. The Democrat party is corrupt to high heaven, filled with superior arrogant assholes. Eat shit and enjoy the next eight years.
That liberal crap hole is on notice

Pull up your pants and go find your dad's


Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump
If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Not liberals you jerk, gangs.
And the difference is ....?
A lot. For one thing liberals do not fight , gangs are fighters, territorial , and hate other gangs members. Love to fight, liberals do not.
Unless the agents can go into people's homes and change the culture by teaching the children a different set of values, all the children, all at once, it's not going to work.

So Chicago is somehow unique and has always had this problem with murders?
The problem is young men who have grown up believing, through culture and peers, that shooting people is a cool, dramatic part of life. Not only acceptable but expected in order to be a "man." You don't change that by putting agents on the sidewalk. You know what I mean?

...and that is unique to Chicago? It has always been that way?

You watch too much TV.
Where did you get the idea I thought it was only going on in Chicago? When you asked before, I didn't reply because I didn't know what you were referring to. I still don't.
That liberal crap hole is on notice

Pull up your pants and go find your dad's


Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump
If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Not liberals you jerk, gangs.
And the difference is ....?
A lot. For one thing liberals do not fight , gangs are fighters, territorial , and hate other gangs members. Love to fight, liberals do not.
Liberals LOVE to fight. But only if they believe they have favorable numbers. They go out in the streets and throw bottles and rocks at cops if there are enough of them.
No time to comment on how absurd all this online BS is but the piece below is an interesting read.

"The conclusion of our inquiry can only be that Trump’s election does indeed represent a failure of democracy. But whose failure is it? The Republican Party may deserve some blame for having a selection system so incompetent that it could permit Trump to be nominated. But the more interesting question is how much of this failure of democracy should be laid at the feet of Trump voters, and how much on institutions of political and civil society. Poor educational systems that allowed so many voters to fall through the cracks, and private media that allowed the proliferation of fake news, bear some responsibility." S. A. Lloyd The Critique – A Failure Of Democracy?

And should you wonder why something to think about.

"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein

Straw man much?


No moron......they can prosecute gun criminals on federal gun violations and send them out of state to Super Max prisons.....because the polticians in Chicago refuse to push for longer sentences for repeat gun offenders...since many of the City Council are actually working with the gangs, and preventing those longer sentences and preventing police resources from going into those communities........

In Chicago....repeat gun offenders get less than two years....and judges send them to Boot Camps instead of real prisons...that is why we have gun crime....Chicago doesn't prosecute repeat gun offenders........

There are 5 districts out of 22 where all the shooting happens.....the gangs run them...that is the problem....

Bring in federal prosecutors, grab those gun casess and gang cases for federal, not state prosecution and send these guys to jail for 10 years to a Super Max prison...that will end gun violence...
That liberal crap hole is on notice

Pull up your pants and go find your dad's


Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump
If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!
Donald J. Trump on Twitter
That city is an Organ of that State. That State has a commander in chief of that which is necessary to its security.

Why is there a security problem in a city within that State?

The democrat party runs the state...Mike Madigan, democrat speaker of the house, controls the state...not the governor, and the black democrats refuse to allow longer sentences for gun crimes since the majority of the shooters are black.......
Unless the agents can go into people's homes and change the culture by teaching the children a different set of values, all the children, all at once, it's not going to work.

So Chicago is somehow unique and has always had this problem with murders?
The problem is young men who have grown up believing, through culture and peers, that shooting people is a cool, dramatic part of life. Not only acceptable but expected in order to be a "man." You don't change that by putting agents on the sidewalk. You know what I mean?
It will become less cool when Big Dwanye is corn holing their ass in a federal pen.
Arresting a couple hundred thugs is only a stop gap, but its an effective one. Chicago has shown it cannot handle its crime issue. It needed a Giuliani type mayor to come in and put down the letter of the law, and it didn't get that.
It's going to be more than a couple hundred. 243 shot in Chicago since January 1. That's about 10 a day. It's the kids. I agree they need some tough love, but to stop it you'll need to "wipe out" a generation. Or take every single gun in the city and make sure none come in.

That would be unconstitutional...and guns would come in anyway.

I don't know the answer but something has to be done, it's out of control
Yes, it is impossible to "disappear" every gun, so it's not a solution. Taking illegal guns with stop and frisk would help, though, according to NYC statistics.

The left's heads spun and exploded at "stop and frisk"...desperate times calls for desperate measures. I'll use the left's motto...."if it saves one child"
NYC was not applying the stop and frisk laws fairly, so they got dinged for it. Other cities using stop and frisk have had good results and not gotten in trouble for it. I think it will escalate the violence for awhile if it is put in motion in Chicago, though, due to people saying fuck you and getting hurt--or saying fuck you and shooting the cop. Either way, just like when you put your foot down with an out of control kid, things will get worse before they get better. So be prepared. It's only one part of the solution, though. What I said before still stands.

Stop and frisk for known gang members is a good way to lower the violence....that is how New York did it...they also just did a huge arrest event where they arrested hundreds of gang members...
Where did you get the idea I thought it was only going on in Chicago? When you asked before, I didn't reply because I didn't know what you were referring to. I still don't.

My point is there are gangs, much more active ones, in other cities, but the murder rate is lower. The breakdown of family structure also present in other big cities. In all honesty, the biggest difference is gun control is very high in Chicago. An unarmed citizenry against armed thugs.

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