President Trump: "We will have no choice than to totally destroy North Korea."

"We will have no choice than to totally destroy North Korea."

Do you mean like totally, totally? that's way harsh.

"Well fuck you, for sure, like totally!" -- Randy, Valley Girl

That is what you want as a President, a Fuhrer?
Sometimes it takes more than a president to get things done in a strong, bold manner. We didn't see nothing but weakness in usurper Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka.
Sounds to me like a lot of talk on both sides. China will flatten us if we strike first, even as a pre-emptive strike. He's about as believable as Kim with his threats to reduce us to ash.

That is what you want as a President, a Fuhrer?

Conservatives have longed for a Fuhrer. They know he will eliminate the opposition overseas...and here at home.

Conservatives dream of the day Auschwitz-like camps dot the American landscape. The will have this dream until it becomes a nightmare to them, when they too are herded into the death chambers.


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The Big Orange Idiot is building the first Fuhrer's legacy, and this pleases conservatives.

Sounds to me like a lot of talk on both sides. China will flatten us if we strike first, even as a pre-emptive strike. He's about as believable as Kim with his threats to reduce us to ash.
-------------------------------------------------- if 'china' will flatten the USA then its time for it to happen OldLady . [feckin wusses]
Sounds to me like a lot of talk on both sides. China will flatten us if we strike first, even as a pre-emptive strike. He's about as believable as Kim with his threats to reduce us to ash.
Yeah well, after Big Chief Don-Don-Runs-Amok gets done totally destroying North Korea, you're next.

That is what you want as a President, a Fuhrer?

Conservatives have longed for a Fuhrer. They know he will eliminate the opposition overseas...and here at home.

Conservatives dream of the day Auschwitz-like camps dot the American landscape. The will have this dream until it becomes a nightmare to them, when they too are herded into the death chambers.


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The Big Orange Idiot is building the first Fuhrer's legacy, and this pleases conservatives.

You are a liar.
What a bold truthful statement by our beloved Trumpenfuhrer. What else can any REAL American leader say than we will not be threatened by a budding nuclear power that says directly ‘We are going to reduce you to ashes’. We will stand for the US or we will perish.

Hey, I'm tired of waiting. Let's get it done this week! After the nuclear half-life of red glowing embers of Little Kimmy's former fantasy stops glowing, I hope they take all the glass beads and ashes swept up from Pyongyang's public square and put them into those little things you shake up to give you a little "snowstorm." My desk could use a new paperweight. And it would look great right next to my Kim Jong-Un bobble-head.
Sounds to me like a lot of talk on both sides. China will flatten us if we strike first, even as a pre-emptive strike. He's about as believable as Kim with his threats to reduce us to ash.
China will flatten us? lol...
What a bold truthful statement by our beloved Trumpenfuhrer. What else can any REAL American leader say than we will not be threatened by a budding nuclear power that says directly ‘We are going to reduce you to ashes’. We will stand for the US or we will perish.

What more does it say that we are willing to destroy S. Korea in the process?
What he said was "IF THE U.S. IS FORCED TO DEFEND ITSELF". I expect that most liberal pundits won't quote the full statement and ignorant lefties won't bother to look for it.
Poor Nikki is gulping down the Maalox about now. Here she and the rest of the world have been condemning and sanctioning the regime so busily the past couple weeks and in comes Trump totally ignoring all that shit. Let's get straight to the threats.
I don't have a lot of hope the sanctions will work because China is not going to comply. They have been involved in plenty of shady shipping tactics to "smuggle" NK goods into China and vice versa. Treasury has caught them (I do love CSPAN sometimes). They're also doing a bunch of money laundering for NK. So it's probably a vain hope that sanctions will work. But to every thing there is a season. This is the season of stern diplomacy. Trump shouldn't be trash talking YET.
What he said was "IF THE U.S. IS FORCED TO DEFEND ITSELF". I expect that most liberal pundits won't quote the full statement and ignorant lefties won't bother to look for it.

Why don't you direct your bitching at what is right here - Trumpster OP totally missing that part.
Sounds to me like a lot of talk on both sides. China will flatten us if we strike first, even as a pre-emptive strike. He's about as believable as Kim with his threats to reduce us to ash.

So what do you think would happen to China if they were to lose the US as a trading partner?
I think that's another empty threat, HWGA. It would hurt us as much as it would hurt them, and we won't do it. Like all the rest of it, Trump will just bluster and bullshit about it.
I hope he proves me wrong. But I'm not very hopeful.

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