President Trump will get tough on China, tough on OPEC, tough on illegals, & tough on Muslims!

Tough on China, tough on Mexico, tough on Japan, tough. Then, after they batter our poor economy in anger, we can only hope it can be nursed back to health.
You do know that there were 1.2 million Christians in Iraq. That the Pope begged Bush and the Republicans to help them. That Republicans did nothing to help them. Let them be raped, crucified, beheaded and chased out of Iraq. Bush and the GOP wouldn't even let them come here. It's one of the reasons the world lost trust in the US.

Trump stiffs his workers, cut off medical aid to a nephew's sick baby because he was angry at the nephew.

Republicans don't care about the Syrians. It's all politics to them. And that's all it is.
The more government does, the more incentive every special interest has to hire swamp creatures

And the more complex government is, the more opportunity those swamp creatures have to thrive in niches unknown or poorly understood by everyone except insiders.
with China beating us like a punching bag, OPEC vacuuming our wallets clean, and jobs nowhere in sight, what does Weakbama do? he makes his NCAA basketball picks & makes lavish parties at the White House.

when you're POTUS and your country is burning to the ground right before your eyes, your first instinct should not be to party. No wonder America is flake broke.

we have become the world's whipping boy, blamed for everything, credited for nothing, and given no respect.

President Trump will restore us back to the Reagan years, and make America as great now as it was back then!

its what he says, but the company he keeps says different. we shall see.
If he replaces Obama’s liberal industrial policy focused on green energy with his own populist industrial policy focused on traditional manufacturing, he will merely spend and subsidize in different ways.

he wouldn’t drain the swamp, but merely feed different alligators.
I don't see his finest talent as being "tough" as much as seeing a need and making the most important goal being progress for the US. Sometimes that will be being tough and sometimes it will be artfully negotiating a deal with the US being the winner.
he's tough, he's smart, he's strong, he's quick, he's cunning, he's sexy, he's everything a president should be!
I want him to get tough on the fucking communist criminals that are destroying my state. Our governor just released her proposed budget...where she proposes the closure of a mental hospital that we just spent MILLIONS of dollars to build (because Oregonians WANT mental hospitals, we are tired of having mentally ill homeless people living in our yards!) and the elimination of various and assorted programs for the elderly and disabled...

And seeks to add tens of millions to the CHILD WELFARE hire EVER MORE WORKERS, to pay FOSTER FAMILIES MORE, and to provide attorneys and money for legal fees when those workers and foster parents are sued and arrested for the fucking BLATANT CHILD TRAFFICKING that they engage in.

Oh and btw...they are pushing through back door legislation that will allow dhs workers to *foster* kids.

So they're hiring people to steal your kids, they're hiring people to battle parents in court when they do so, they are making it legal for them to keep the kids themselves, and they are increasing the rates at which they will pay themselves to do it.
President Trump will get the price of a barrel of oil way down to $20 a barrel, and boy will our economy rock!

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