President Trump will get tough on China, tough on OPEC, tough on illegals, & tough on Muslims!

"Boeing is building a brand new 747 Air Force One for future presidents, but costs are out of control, more than $4 billion. Cancel order!" - Trump's latest tweet
"oh no we might have a trade war with china!" DO IT! we're already under trade war! what do you think 80 percent of our factories closing is? and now our service industry's falling apart! and our mining's disappearing! AND THE US HAS LESS THAN 1 PERCENT OF RARE EARTH MINERAL EXTRACTION! 30 YEARS AGO WE HAD MORE THAN HALF! WE'RE UNDER ECONOMIC SABOTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE! SAVE US TRUMP YOU'RE ALL WE HAVE!

Today, Obama & the Japanese PM will tour Pearl Harbor. The Japanese PM will not apologize for the attack, but Obama will apologize to him.
POTUS TRUMP is first President since Andrew Jackson that'll walk into the White House and not owe anyone ANYTHING except American people
"i like the casino business. i like the glamour, because if it's not fun, you shouldn't do it, and most of all i like the cash flow." - President Trump

finally we have a WINNER in the White House. and he's gonna make us sick & tired of winning!
Trump: "I want people in my Cabinet who made a fortune."

Amen. I love that Trump doesn't apologize for being wealthy.
no state was hurt more by our trade deals than Michigan...that's why President Trump easily won Michigan!
Tough Donald has vowed to cut 90 percent of federal regulations...thank you Tough Donald!
with China beating us like a punching bag, OPEC vacuuming our wallets clean, and jobs nowhere in sight, what does Weakbama do? he makes his NCAA basketball picks & makes lavish parties at the White House.

when you're POTUS and your country is burning to the ground right before your eyes, your first instinct should not be to party. No wonder America is flake broke.

we have become the world's whipping boy, blamed for everything, credited for nothing, and given no respect.

President Trump will restore us back to the Reagan years, and make America as great now as it was back then!

I done like Obama and think he was a horrible President. But the world is not folding and despite Obama's effort the economy is in decent (but not great) shape.

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President Trump's words of wisdom:

"i'm obsessive, i'm driven, i'm single-minded, and almost maniacal...but it's all channeled into my work"

"the worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it. that makes the other guy smell blood, and then you're dead"

"i like bravado. i play to people's fantasies. People may not think big themselves, but they can get excited by those who do. that's why a little hyperbole never hurts. people wanna believe something is the biggest and greatest and most spectacular. i call it truthful hyperbole. it's an innocent form of exaggeration, and a very effective form of promotion."

"i believe in the power of NEGATIVE thinking"

"i wasn't looking to just make a good living. i was looking to make a statement. i was out to build something monumental, something worth a big effort"

"i like thinking big. i always have. to me it's very simple: if you're gonna be thinking anyway, why the hell not think big. most people think small, cos they're afraid of success, afraid of making decisions, afraid of winning. and that gives people like me a big advantage"
proof that Donald Trump is a tough guy:

"Donald Trump blocked me on twitter. it hurt my feelings. i was bummed out for a few days." - Former Congressman Joe Walsh

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