President Trump will get tough on China, tough on OPEC, tough on illegals, & tough on Muslims!

"i don't like the bottle. i don't like the size. i don't like the label. other than that it's fucking great" - Trump when given a sample of Trump water

"by the way Ron Paul cannot get elected" - Trump at CPAC, 2012
"here's the deal: any foreign country shipping goods into the US pays a 20 percent tax! if they want a piece of the American market, they're going to pay for it. No more free admission into the biggest show in town - and that especially includes China, let China, OPEC, and others pay the tax. It's about damn time...and they have all the money!" - President Trump
Muslim terrorism IS a way of life now for Europe. And Europe has no one to blame but themselves.

They let them in.
"Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, death penalty." - Trump in 2012
"President Obama campaigned hard (and personally) in the very important swing states, and lost.The voters wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" - Trump just tweeted, seemingly not caring that Trump Tower was being evacuated at the same time!
take the Golden State Warriors and have them play your high school basketball team. that's the difference between China's leaders and Obama!
China built a military island in the South China Sea! A FUCKING MILITARY ISLAND!

if America tried to do that, the enviromentalists would lose their shit!

China has bridges that make the George Washington bridge look like small potatoes! and they took our jobs to build them, folks.
"TOUGHNESS is the major secret to my survival" - Trump, from the book Trump: Surviving At The Top
look what i found!

“I wasn’t political until I got into the service and saw how badly Jimmy Carter fucked things up. I became a huge Reagan admirer. Still am. But what turned me against the whole establishment was coming back from running companies in Asia in 2008 and seeing that [George W.] Bush had fucked up as badly as Carter. The whole country was a disaster." - Steve Bannon
"I will not equivocate, I will not excuse, I will not retreat an inch, and i will be heard!" - President Trump
President Trump will get tough on China, tough on OPEC, tough on illegals, & tough on Muslims!

Tough on facts, tough on common sense, tough on opponents.

Soft on Russia.
Tensions with China? What does Trump do? Has a great meeting with Jack Ma, Chinese billionaire about bringing jobs to America! So smart!

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