President Trump’s Lies.......the Definitive List

That's a lie. Trump didn't know a single person he said he personally hired for Trump University.
Did I mention Trump University? See why we don't swallow your crap about Trump lying? You just lied about me lying.

Trump didn't personally hire everybody ar Mar-a-lago or Trump Tower.

BUT Trump said he personally hired everybody for Trump University. And when asked under oath to identify even a single one of them, Trump said he didn't know any of them. Not even ONE. Nada. Zero.

How would he know EVERYBODY at Mar-a-lago. especially the 25 H1b's they just hired.
We can always count on you to divert the discussion to something totally unrelated.

Trump lives at Mar-a-Lago, dumbass. He doesn't hire H1-Bs. He hires H2-Bs. How do you know Trump didn't interview everyone of them?

The bottom line: you lied about Trump lying and about me lying.
The link below took u an ENTIRE PAGE from the NYT ....and the list stops as of TWO months ago......

Soon, a phone book may be needed.

Right wingers like to list those promises made by Obama that did not materialize......But a sane person could distinguish between a promise that was either a mistake or was prevented from fruition from a hostile Congress.

Anyway.....most of what Trump lies consist of are labeled "unforced errors" or just plain demagoguery.

If you have the time, please take a few minutes to scan the list.......Its a great little walk through the memory lane of Trump's bullshit.....

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Pure horseshit. Mostly not lies. Leftwingers have their own alternative "facts." Disputing them isn't a lie. The whole piece is effectively one big lie. There's nothing snowflakes lie about more than whether Trump has lied.

Truth hurts.
Not in this case.
The link below took u an ENTIRE PAGE from the NYT ....and the list stops as of TWO months ago......

Soon, a phone book may be needed.

Right wingers like to list those promises made by Obama that did not materialize......But a sane person could distinguish between a promise that was either a mistake or was prevented from fruition from a hostile Congress.

Anyway.....most of what Trump lies consist of are labeled "unforced errors" or just plain demagoguery.

If you have the time, please take a few minutes to scan the list.......Its a great little walk through the memory lane of Trump's bullshit.....

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Yep.....when a President lies it really sucks. :(

Desperation time. That was 2009 compared to Trump every time he open his mouth brag first then lies.
His speech last Tuesday in Arizona alone spewed several misinformation and lies.
The problem with followers like you is you are so used to it that you don't even bother to check facts and reality.
Like Hannity style.

So what lies did he "spew" in Phoenix?
If it was a STUPID list, your name would be on it.
That stupid list has been debunked over and over again...

Really? They found another 800,000 people at Trumps inauguration, that didn't show up in the photographs, nor get there by briidge, tunnel, or public transportation.

Now you're just lying LIKE Trump, about the 1,000 lies of Trump.
So what lies did he "spew" in Phoenix?


Trump: "CNN, which is so sad, so pathetic, and their ratings are going down."

2017 is pacing to be CNN's highest on record in Total Day among total viewers and highest among 25-54 since 2003. 2017 is also pacing to be CNN's second largest audience since 2008 in prime time among 25-54 and total viewers."
So what lies did he "spew" in Phoenix?


Trump: "CNN, which is so sad, so pathetic, and their ratings are going down."

2017 is pacing to be CNN's highest on record in Total Day among total viewers and highest among 25-54 since 2003. 2017 is also pacing to be CNN's second largest audience since 2008 in prime time among 25-54 and total viewers."

Trump lives at Mar-a-Lago, dumbass. He doesn't hire H1-Bs. He hires H2-Bs. How do you know Trump didn't interview everyone of them? .

Because Trump and his attorney said he wouldn't. During the Janiuary press conference.

So which is the lie, that Trump said he wouldn't interview them, or that Trump interviewed them?

Your lying knickers are in a twist.
So what lies did he "spew" in Phoenix?


Trump: "CNN, which is so sad, so pathetic, and their ratings are going down."

2017 is pacing to be CNN's highest on record in Total Day among total viewers and highest among 25-54 since 2003. 2017 is also pacing to be CNN's second largest audience since 2008 in prime time among 25-54 and total viewers."
That's just a factual error, not a lie.
you claimed the list was debunked.

Now you admit items on it are true.
Trump lives at Mar-a-Lago, dumbass. He doesn't hire H1-Bs. He hires H2-Bs. How do you know Trump didn't interview everyone of them? .

Because Trump and his attorney said he wouldn't. During the Janiuary press conference.

So which is the lie, that Trump said he wouldn't interview them, or that Trump interviewed them?

Your lying knickers are in a twist.
I have no idea what Trump said about the summer hires, but this is just one big diversion.
2017 is pacing to be CNN's highest on record in Total Day among total viewers and highest among 25-54 since 2003. 2017 is also pacing to be CNN's second largest audience since 2008 in prime time among 25-54 and total viewers."
That's just a factual error, not a lie.

How many times do you have to repeat a factual error before it becomes a lie?

Twice, three times?

Obama said 57 states only ONCE.
I have no idea what Trump said about the summer hires, but this is just one big diversion.

Trump and his lawyer said he would have nothing to do with them. Nothing at all. Then Trump signed the papers putting that in effect.

So you lied.
2017 is pacing to be CNN's highest on record in Total Day among total viewers and highest among 25-54 since 2003. 2017 is also pacing to be CNN's second largest audience since 2008 in prime time among 25-54 and total viewers."
That's just a factual error, not a lie.

How many times do you have to repeat a factual error before it becomes a lie?

Twice, three times?

Obama said 57 states only ONCE.
It becomes a lie when you know it's not true. Obama is attacked for the 57 states comment because of his stupidity, not his dishonesty. He has said plenty of other things to attack him for on that basis.

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