President Trump’s Lies.......the Definitive List

Do you remember how they defended Trump not being able to find the presidential limo (that was parked right in front of him) after getting off AF1.

They claimed it was easy to miss the 5 ton "beast" that was parked the closest they could put it for someone stepping off the walkway.

All kidding aside, my friend, THAT incident was one of the scariest ones for me......It showed trump as confused and utterly lost........Imagine if some very crucial decision had to be made by him on that evening?
Snowflakes are scared by everything, especially the truth.
Yup, I copied and pasted this and add to it as required. The NYT provides a link for verification of each and every lie Trump told in that list, too. He's pathological.

Again, as I originally stated, this NYT list only goes up to June.......these last two months would require yet ANOTHER full page to list this idiot-in-chief's lies....after all, we have Trump's statements regarding Charlottesville and the Phoenix campaign rally.
/----/ You need some ButtSoSore ointment
Yup, I copied and pasted this and add to it as required. The NYT provides a link for verification of each and every lie Trump told in that list, too. He's pathological.

Again, as I originally stated, this NYT list only goes up to June.......these last two months would require yet ANOTHER full page to list this idiot-in-chief's lies....after all, we have Trump's statements regarding Charlottesville and the Phoenix campaign rally.
/----/ You need some ButtSoSore ointment
Prove that too Butafuko. You cant prove either thing because they are purely figments of your lost in space imagination>>>>>..

For your own safety, stay away from sharp objects......
Aren't you getting tired of getting your ass kicked?
I'll let you know when it happens.
There was the claim Trump interviewed the H2b's at Mar-a-lago and/or knew all of the staff there.
Then that Obama never apologized for anything.

Not to mention your definition of what's a lie and what's a mistake.
I never made such a claim, moron.

Was that a lie or a mistake?
The link below took u an ENTIRE PAGE from the NYT ....and the list stops as of TWO months ago......

Soon, a phone book may be needed.

Right wingers like to list those promises made by Obama that did not materialize......But a sane person could distinguish between a promise that was either a mistake or was prevented from fruition from a hostile Congress.

Anyway.....most of what Trump lies consist of are labeled "unforced errors" or just plain demagoguery.

If you have the time, please take a few minutes to scan the list.......Its a great little walk through the memory lane of Trump's bullshit.....

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Pure horseshit. Mostly not lies. Leftwingers have their own alternative "facts." Disputing them isn't a lie. The whole piece is effectively one big lie. There's nothing snowflakes lie about more than whether Trump has lied.

Truth hurts.
Not in this case.

Why not look at the list and tell us which one is not a lie from Trumpy.

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