President Trump’s Lies.......the Definitive List

/----/ based on her track record as SOS, she'd be a disaster in the Oval Office.

Based on Trumps track record, six bankruptcys, 4,000 lawsuits, millions in fines and penalties for fraud and racial discrimination. He would be just what we've seen.

Defending the Nazi's and KKK, picking some of the worst people to occupy the white house, acknowledged by their shortest tenures in history.
The factual error lame excuse doesn't work when the person making it does not acknowledge the error and allows it to stay on the record without retraction.
Can you provide a link to show trump apologizing to CNN or making a retraction of his error? If not, it is properly listed as a lie, because that is what it is. One of the over 1,000 lies told by trump during a relatively short period.

Trump's VERY LOW self-esteem would never allow him to apologize...His mentor way Roy Cohn, best known for being the chief prosecutor to Joe McCarthy....
Cohn taught Donny-baby that apologizing is a sign of weakness.. ..just as Cohn never apologize for ruining other people's lives. (Cohn later died of AIDS, cursing Trump for never visiting him as he was dying.)

A snake pit.......
and if you claim Hillary would have been better, I'll laugh in your partisan face

Hillary knows more than just rich white millionares to fill the cabinet with. Knows how to work with a republican congress, and wouldn't throw a tantrum and threaten to shut down the federal government.
/----/ You don't know any of that. It's just your wishful thinking

She worked with the republicans in congress to get 9-11 aid for New York Proof that is true.

I can't prove how many employees she knew at state, but based on all the e-mails she got from them, she knew a lot of them.
Nobody cares, you dim bulb
/----/ based on her track record as SOS, she'd be a disaster in the Oval Office.

Based on Trumps track record, six bankruptcys, 4,000 lawsuits, millions in fines and penalties for fraud and racial discrimination. He would be just what we've seen.

Defending the Nazi's and KKK, picking some of the worst people to occupy the white house, acknowledged by their shortest tenures in history.
Oh, but it's a lie when Trump does it?

It's a lie when Trump never corrects it, doubled down and repeats it over and over and over, often getting the communication people or spokesmen to back up the statement with their own lies..
The factual error lame excuse doesn't work when the person making it does not acknowledge the error and allows it to stay on the record without retraction.
Can you provide a link to show trump apologizing to CNN or making a retraction of his error? If not, it is properly listed as a lie, because that is what it is. One of the over 1,000 lies told by trump during a relatively short period.

Trump's VERY LOW self-esteem would never allow him to apologize...His mentor way Roy Cohn, best known for being the chief prosecutor to Joe McCarthy....
Cohn taught Donny-baby that apologizing is a sign of weakness.. ..just as Cohn never apologize for ruining other people's lives. (Cohn later died of AIDS, cursing Trump for never visiting him as he was dying.)

A snake pit.......
When did Obama apologize for anything, douche bag?
/----/ based on her track record as SOS, she'd be a disaster in the Oval Office.

Based on Trumps track record, six bankruptcys, 4,000 lawsuits, millions in fines and penalties for fraud and racial discrimination. He would be just what we've seen.

Defending the Nazi's and KKK, picking some of the worst people to occupy the white house, acknowledged by their shortest tenures in history.
By your standards you better not invest in anything connected to Bill Gates.
Yup, I copied and pasted this and add to it as required. The NYT provides a link for verification of each and every lie Trump told in that list, too. He's pathological.

Again, as I originally stated, this NYT list only goes up to June.......these last two months would require yet ANOTHER full page to list this idiot-in-chief's lies....after all, we have Trump's statements regarding Charlottesville and the Phoenix campaign rally.
If Trump says it a dozen times for days or weeks on end, it's a factual error.

If somebody else says something ONCE, and then corrects it, it's a lie.

You GOT IT !!! Welcome to the bizarre "logic"of trump ass-kissers.

(BTW, when Obama stated "57 states" he meant that he had visited a few states more than once...and yes, it was a misstatement ...........But in my little example, we ALL know that Trump hates CNN and his "factual error" was DELIBERATE.)
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..But in my little example, we ALL know that Trump hates CNN and his "factual error" was DELIBERATE.)

Do you remember how they defended Trump not being able to find the presidential limo (that was parked right in front of him) after getting off AF1.

They claimed it was easy to miss the 5 ton "beast" that was parked the closest they could put it for someone stepping off the walkway.
Prove he lied, just because some lying POS leftist says so aint enough BUTTAFUKOS!!! HAHAHAHAAA. SSDD is just another clown car stuffed with jokes.
Do you remember how they defended Trump not being able to find the presidential limo (that was parked right in front of him) after getting off AF1.

They claimed it was easy to miss the 5 ton "beast" that was parked the closest they could put it for someone stepping off the walkway.

All kidding aside, my friend, THAT incident was one of the scariest ones for me......It showed trump as confused and utterly lost........Imagine if some very crucial decision had to be made by him on that evening?
When did Obama apologize for anything, douche bag?

The list is much longer for the decent Obama owning u for his mistakes....But just a couole to send you to bed (after you change your diaper, that is.)

Obama apologizes for Special Olympics comment - CNN Political Ticker

Obama apologizes for quip, which some called sexist – CNN Political ...
So he apologized when his own side was on his case.


On second thought, DON'T change your diaper before going to bed.....
Prove he lied, just because some lying POS leftist says so aint enough BUTTAFUKOS!!! HAHAHAHAAA. SSDD is just another clown car stuffed with jokes.

Yet another UNHINGED right wing moron.......LOL
Prove he lied, just because some lying POS leftist says so aint enough BUTTAFUKOS!!! HAHAHAHAAA. SSDD is just another clown car stuffed with jokes.

Yet another UNHINGED right wing moron.......LOL

Prove that too Butafuko. You cant prove either thing because they are purely figments of your lost in space imagination>>>>>..

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