President Trump's racist neglect of Puerto Rico is threatening lives

View attachment 152258
I do not participate in the elections of this banana republic that is owned by central bankers, punkinpuss. I am simply reminding you of your faith in the polling system and how you were prepared to to be you.

Who cares what you do? Most here know you're crazy anyway.

Right now, we're not discussing either the validity of polls or the faith in them, despite your wasted efforts to divert the topic in a vain attempt to save your fellow nut job.

He made the claim that trump is ten points higher than he was a month ago. That's either true or false.

I proved it's flat out false.

Trump is more popular than any polling site would ever admit......that much I can guaran-fucking-tee you and I don't give a shit what the small polling samples claim that they can spin. Whatever poll the one you are having a pissing contest with is going by? Is more than likely 100 times more reliable than what the lamestream media uses for it's propaganda purposes. You declared last year that the polls had already declared the Hildeklunt as a definite winner of the 2016 election and no amount of spin can change that.....your leftard pals are already started gloating and acting like the typical leftard sacks of commie shit that those of your ilk most certainly are....THAT is MY point, dipshit.

P.S Do you EVER get tired of getting your cyber ass kicked from one side of this forum to the other? I mean, you are showing these sado-masochistic tendencies where you seem to enjoy getting bitch-slapped.

And by “bitch-slap,” you mean vomit crazy stories like how Sandy Hook was a hoax and then stab your cane at others names because you’re certifiably insane.

Sandy Hoax shooting never happened and if you spent even a little bit of time really looking at it, you would see that it was an Operation Gladio type event and they did a piss poor job of it. I guarantee you that I understand infinitely more than you do.
thanks for proving again how ^^^ insane ^^^ you are.


Yeah, because our "gubermint" is soooo above doing such things. (snicker)

The left's efforts to make PR into Trump's Katrina are failing miserably. Of course it's because they are based on a lie.

Trump wins again. The left better wake up Mueller and get him infront of a camera again pronto!
In Puerto Rico, acute shortages plunge the masses into survival struggle
Source: Reuters

#U.S.OCTOBER 1, 2017 / 3:29 PM / UPDATED 2 HOURS AGO

Robin Respaut, Nick Brown

FAJARDO, Puerto Rico (Reuters) - Brian Jimenez had burned through dwindling supplies of scarce gasoline on a 45-minute drive in search of somewhere to fill his grandmother’s blood thinner prescription. He ended up in Fajardo, a scruffy town of strip malls on Puerto Rico’s northeastern tip, where a line of 400 waited outside a Walmart.

The store had drawn desperate crowds of storm victims who had heard it took credit or debit cards and offered customers $20 cash back – a lifeline in an increasingly cashless society. Store employees allowed customers in, one by one, for rationed shopping trips of 15 minutes each.

Then, at noon, the store closed after its generator croaked and before Jimenez could get inside to buy his grandmother’s medicine.

“Every day we say, ‘What’s the thing that we need the most today?’ and then we wait in a line for that,” said Jimenez, a 24-year-old medical student from Ponce, on the island’s southern coast.

Read more: In Puerto Rico, acute shortages plunge the masses into survival struggle
Heckuva Job Donnie
Pentagon: More than half of Puerto Ricans without access to drinking water- 10/01/17 04:11 PM EDT
The number of Puerto Ricans without access to drinking water has risen sharply, the Defense Department announced on Saturday.

Fifty-five percent of the population did not have access to drinking water, the Pentagon said in a Saturday press release.

The military said last week that 44 percent of the island did not have access to drinking water.

In other words more people in deep trouble....
The left's efforts to make PR into Trump's Katrina are failing miserably. Of course it's because they are based on a lie.

Trump wins again. The left better wake up Mueller and get him infront of a camera again pronto!
In Puerto Rico, acute shortages plunge the masses into survival struggle
Source: Reuters

#U.S.OCTOBER 1, 2017 / 3:29 PM / UPDATED 2 HOURS AGO

Robin Respaut, Nick Brown

FAJARDO, Puerto Rico (Reuters) - Brian Jimenez had burned through dwindling supplies of scarce gasoline on a 45-minute drive in search of somewhere to fill his grandmother’s blood thinner prescription. He ended up in Fajardo, a scruffy town of strip malls on Puerto Rico’s northeastern tip, where a line of 400 waited outside a Walmart.

The store had drawn desperate crowds of storm victims who had heard it took credit or debit cards and offered customers $20 cash back – a lifeline in an increasingly cashless society. Store employees allowed customers in, one by one, for rationed shopping trips of 15 minutes each.

Then, at noon, the store closed after its generator croaked and before Jimenez could get inside to buy his grandmother’s medicine.

“Every day we say, ‘What’s the thing that we need the most today?’ and then we wait in a line for that,” said Jimenez, a 24-year-old medical student from Ponce, on the island’s southern coast.

Read more: In Puerto Rico, acute shortages plunge the masses into survival struggle

FEMA is sent into disaster zones to pick up fallen trees?? Damn, who knew? I should have waited for them to pick up mine instead of paying my lawn guy to haul it away.

I never figured you to be very intelligent.
Spits the guy asserting FEMA picks up trees.

Oh look, they don’t...

Hurricane Debris Pick-Up a Priority for Florida Recovery |

Hokay douchenozzle, those shit-tons of FEMA trailers and Bobcats weren't there, is that your claim?


Don't fucking try to tell me what I've seen with my own two eyes, faggot.

Next time I'll take a picture so I can rub it in your face.
No, that’s not my claim. My claim is you’re a flaming imbecile for citing fallen trees as evidence for the presence of FEMA. :cuckoo:

What do I see them doing? Picking up trees from people's properties.

Where is it you live again?

Not in FL?

STFU then, douchenozzle.
Moron ... yes, I’m in Florida. And no, FEMA is not picking up trees. Hell, I just gave you a link to FEMA’s website where they state picking up debris, including trees, from private property is the responsibility of the property owner and that in some areas, local government will assist.
View attachment 152258
Who cares what you do? Most here know you're crazy anyway.

Right now, we're not discussing either the validity of polls or the faith in them, despite your wasted efforts to divert the topic in a vain attempt to save your fellow nut job.

He made the claim that trump is ten points higher than he was a month ago. That's either true or false.

I proved it's flat out false.

Trump is more popular than any polling site would ever admit......that much I can guaran-fucking-tee you and I don't give a shit what the small polling samples claim that they can spin. Whatever poll the one you are having a pissing contest with is going by? Is more than likely 100 times more reliable than what the lamestream media uses for it's propaganda purposes. You declared last year that the polls had already declared the Hildeklunt as a definite winner of the 2016 election and no amount of spin can change that.....your leftard pals are already started gloating and acting like the typical leftard sacks of commie shit that those of your ilk most certainly are....THAT is MY point, dipshit.

P.S Do you EVER get tired of getting your cyber ass kicked from one side of this forum to the other? I mean, you are showing these sado-masochistic tendencies where you seem to enjoy getting bitch-slapped.

And by “bitch-slap,” you mean vomit crazy stories like how Sandy Hook was a hoax and then stab your cane at others names because you’re certifiably insane.

Sandy Hoax shooting never happened and if you spent even a little bit of time really looking at it, you would see that it was an Operation Gladio type event and they did a piss poor job of it. I guarantee you that I understand infinitely more than you do.
thanks for proving again how ^^^ insane ^^^ you are.


Yeah, because our "gubermint" is soooo above doing such things. (snicker)

View attachment 152261

Delususional dale tries to show the forum he’s not as crazy as he appears ..... with memes!


Lemme guess, delusional dale.... that’s your idea of bitchslapping me, amirite?
View attachment 152258
Trump is more popular than any polling site would ever admit......that much I can guaran-fucking-tee you and I don't give a shit what the small polling samples claim that they can spin. Whatever poll the one you are having a pissing contest with is going by? Is more than likely 100 times more reliable than what the lamestream media uses for it's propaganda purposes. You declared last year that the polls had already declared the Hildeklunt as a definite winner of the 2016 election and no amount of spin can change that.....your leftard pals are already started gloating and acting like the typical leftard sacks of commie shit that those of your ilk most certainly are....THAT is MY point, dipshit.

P.S Do you EVER get tired of getting your cyber ass kicked from one side of this forum to the other? I mean, you are showing these sado-masochistic tendencies where you seem to enjoy getting bitch-slapped.

And by “bitch-slap,” you mean vomit crazy stories like how Sandy Hook was a hoax and then stab your cane at others names because you’re certifiably insane.

Sandy Hoax shooting never happened and if you spent even a little bit of time really looking at it, you would see that it was an Operation Gladio type event and they did a piss poor job of it. I guarantee you that I understand infinitely more than you do.
thanks for proving again how ^^^ insane ^^^ you are.


Yeah, because our "gubermint" is soooo above doing such things. (snicker)

View attachment 152261

Delususional dale tries to show the forum he’s not as crazy as he appears ..... with memes!


Lemme guess, delusional dale.... that’s your idea of bitchslapping me, amirite?

Does your beloved "gubermint" lie to it's people while using the media to do so?

Yes or No.........simple question, lil fella.
Puerto Rico certainty taught us a lot. Democrats have no problem killing people if it advances their narrative.
The mayor of San Juan is a hillary supporter. It's to her benefit to keep supplies from being distributed.
Figures. Trump Bashing San Juan Mayor Was Big Hillary Clinton Supporter in 2016
That is "Gateway Pundit " are you effing kidding me
Gateway Pundit’s White House correspondent promotes rally with white nationalist and “special guest” Matt Forney

Forney has previously worked for holocaust deniers, declared “everyone hates blacks,” and claimed women “want” to be “raped”

The left's efforts to make PR into Trump's Katrina are failing miserably. Of course it's because they are based on a lie.

Trump wins again. The left better wake up Mueller and get him infront of a camera again pronto!
In Puerto Rico, acute shortages plunge the masses into survival struggle
Source: Reuters

#U.S.OCTOBER 1, 2017 / 3:29 PM / UPDATED 2 HOURS AGO

Robin Respaut, Nick Brown

FAJARDO, Puerto Rico (Reuters) - Brian Jimenez had burned through dwindling supplies of scarce gasoline on a 45-minute drive in search of somewhere to fill his grandmother’s blood thinner prescription. He ended up in Fajardo, a scruffy town of strip malls on Puerto Rico’s northeastern tip, where a line of 400 waited outside a Walmart.

The store had drawn desperate crowds of storm victims who had heard it took credit or debit cards and offered customers $20 cash back – a lifeline in an increasingly cashless society. Store employees allowed customers in, one by one, for rationed shopping trips of 15 minutes each.

Then, at noon, the store closed after its generator croaked and before Jimenez could get inside to buy his grandmother’s medicine.

“Every day we say, ‘What’s the thing that we need the most today?’ and then we wait in a line for that,” said Jimenez, a 24-year-old medical student from Ponce, on the island’s southern coast.

Read more: In Puerto Rico, acute shortages plunge the masses into survival struggle

Not Trumps fault.
Heckuva Job Donnie
Pentagon: More than half of Puerto Ricans without access to drinking water- 10/01/17 04:11 PM EDT
The number of Puerto Ricans without access to drinking water has risen sharply, the Defense Department announced on Saturday.

Fifty-five percent of the population did not have access to drinking water, the Pentagon said in a Saturday press release.

The military said last week that 44 percent of the island did not have access to drinking water.

In other words more people in deep trouble....

Not Trumps fault.

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