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Presidential awesomeness in action

Doubts over Donald Trump's dramatic account of Baghdadi raid

Footage of the US special forces raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Syrian compound reportedly consisted of overhead surveillance footage and no audio, prompting questions over the extent of the dramatic licence taken by Donald Trump in describing the final moments of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

US officials who also watched the feed have declined to echo details of Trump’s macabre account of the Isis’s leader death on Saturday, including that Baghdadi was “whimpering, crying and screaming all the way”.

Enabling Donny to deduce pinpoint audio reactions from a purely video link. They reckon that you cant hear a tree fall in the woods (or similar) but every day this amazing man pushes back the boundary of what is possible.

The Six Million Dollar Man had super human powers of hearing and perhaps we have found the man who could do justice to that role in any remake of the classic ?

God bless you Donny.
Wow defending the Most wanted man in the world
Nobody is defending him you idiot.

It is funny you should mention that. . . .

Did Syria ASK us to violate their territorial integrity?

Americans are so arrogant, we naturally assume we have the right to go anywhere on the planet and kill anyone we want. Do we though?

Al-Baghdadi Raid is the US Empire “Creating Reality” The latest attack on Syria, whatever the truth of it, is an exercise in narrative control
Al-Baghdadi Raid is the US Empire “Creating Reality”

". . . Don’t forget the famous quote from Karl Rove:

We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

When we argue about the specifics we let those in power control the conversation.

The US broke international law, and claim it as an achievement. They ignore borders and treaties and conventions on a whim, and we are so used to it we’re debating their motives and their effectiveness.

They proclaim loudly that they’re above the law. And, in letting them set that conversation, we agree with them. Even in our outrage."
The US broke international law, and claim it as an achievement. They ignore borders and treaties and conventions on a whim, and we are so used to it we’re debating their motives and their effectiveness.

If the Libs think that President Trump violated international law, they should promise to have Trump and Pence extradited to The Hague for war crimes trials when they take over. Either that, or just STFU.
Doubts over Donald Trump's dramatic account of Baghdadi raid

Footage of the US special forces raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Syrian compound reportedly consisted of overhead surveillance footage and no audio, prompting questions over the extent of the dramatic licence taken by Donald Trump in describing the final moments of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

US officials who also watched the feed have declined to echo details of Trump’s macabre account of the Isis’s leader death on Saturday, including that Baghdadi was “whimpering, crying and screaming all the way”.

Enabling Donny to deduce pinpoint audio reactions from a purely video link. They reckon that you cant hear a tree fall in the woods (or similar) but every day this amazing man pushes back the boundary of what is possible.

The Six Million Dollar Man had super human powers of hearing and perhaps we have found the man who could do justice to that role in any remake of the classic ?

God bless you Donny.

What is sad is you and your country sits on their asses, waiting for the U.S. to do something and then when we do, you bitch about it. I am all for pulling American troops out of the Middle East and then you can bitch about us NOT being there. At least we won't be risking American lives. I know if it came to helping America you wouldn't lift a finger. Best to you and your country, but I don't want or expect the same from evil such as yourself.
You dragged us into the Iraq oil war on the back of a parcel of lies. We wont make that mistake again.

We defended you in WWII, we won’t make that mistake again. When we were hit in 911 you celebrated long into the night. You celebrate when we have adversity, you aren’t an ally, you are not our friend, you are evil.

You talk some shit. Nobody celebrated 9/11 over here. In fact I remember flags flying at half mast and crowds standing for a minutes silence as a mark of respect for the fallen. Why do you need to lie like this ?

I wasn’t talking about Great Britain as a whole, just you individually. You, not Britain, are evil. You constantly rip on our country, I am sick of you assholes that do nothing then bitch. If you don’t like the way the US handles our affairs write too bad. Talk to your leaders about stepping up. I’ve talked to mine about bringing our troops all home at let other nations take over the policing of the world. If you don’t like our nation, if you don’t feel safe, don’t come over here, we won’t miss you and we sure in the hell don’t need you.
Doubts over Donald Trump's dramatic account of Baghdadi raid

Footage of the US special forces raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Syrian compound reportedly consisted of overhead surveillance footage and no audio, prompting questions over the extent of the dramatic licence taken by Donald Trump in describing the final moments of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

US officials who also watched the feed have declined to echo details of Trump’s macabre account of the Isis’s leader death on Saturday, including that Baghdadi was “whimpering, crying and screaming all the way”.

Enabling Donny to deduce pinpoint audio reactions from a purely video link. They reckon that you cant hear a tree fall in the woods (or similar) but every day this amazing man pushes back the boundary of what is possible.

The Six Million Dollar Man had super human powers of hearing and perhaps we have found the man who could do justice to that role in any remake of the classic ?

God bless you Donny.

What is sad is you and your country sits on their asses, waiting for the U.S. to do something and then when we do, you bitch about it. I am all for pulling American troops out of the Middle East and then you can bitch about us NOT being there. At least we won't be risking American lives. I know if it came to helping America you wouldn't lift a finger. Best to you and your country, but I don't want or expect the same from evil such as yourself.
You dragged us into the Iraq oil war on the back of a parcel of lies. We wont make that mistake again.

We defended you in WWII, we won’t make that mistake again. When we were hit in 911 you celebrated long into the night. You celebrate when we have adversity, you aren’t an ally, you are not our friend, you are evil.

You talk some shit. Nobody celebrated 9/11 over here. In fact I remember flags flying at half mast and crowds standing for a minutes silence as a mark of respect for the fallen. Why do you need to lie like this ?

I wasn’t talking about Great Britain as a whole, just you individually. You, not Britain, are evil. You constantly rip on our country, I am sick of you assholes that do nothing then bitch. If you don’t like the way the US handles our affairs write too bad. Talk to your leaders about stepping up. I’ve talked to mine about bringing our troops all home at let other nations take over the policing of the world. If you don’t like our nation, if you don’t feel safe, don’t come over here, we won’t miss you and we sure in the hell don’t need you.
You are such a snivelling little rat. Called out on your shit and you try and twist your way out of it. Made in trumps imageyou lying piece of shit.
Did Syria ASK us to violate their territorial integrity?
If they did ask us then we violated nothing. Your prose suggests an America is wrong no matter what happened prejudice which makes your post absolute rubbish.

Your bullshit screed, your cut and paste bullshit screed, also suggests that Syria is a functioning autonomous nation
which is fully in charge of all that goes on within it's own borders which is like saying your grandfather with alzheimer's
disease absolutely strictly controls all that goes on around him. And that's funny.
Syria is a hollowed out husk and powers like Turkey and Russia decide in large part who goes in and out.
We still have a military presence there.
The idea that we need the permission of a nation that doesn't even exist in any formal sense to kill someone
who has tortured and killed American citizens is b.s.

The entire premise of this pile of steaming fecal matter rests on fictions and lies.
What is sad is you and your country sits on their asses, waiting for the U.S. to do something and then when we do, you bitch about it. I am all for pulling American troops out of the Middle East and then you can bitch about us NOT being there. At least we won't be risking American lives. I know if it came to helping America you wouldn't lift a finger. Best to you and your country, but I don't want or expect the same from evil such as yourself.
You dragged us into the Iraq oil war on the back of a parcel of lies. We wont make that mistake again.

We defended you in WWII, we won’t make that mistake again. When we were hit in 911 you celebrated long into the night. You celebrate when we have adversity, you aren’t an ally, you are not our friend, you are evil.

You talk some shit. Nobody celebrated 9/11 over here. In fact I remember flags flying at half mast and crowds standing for a minutes silence as a mark of respect for the fallen. Why do you need to lie like this ?

I wasn’t talking about Great Britain as a whole, just you individually. You, not Britain, are evil. You constantly rip on our country, I am sick of you assholes that do nothing then bitch. If you don’t like the way the US handles our affairs write too bad. Talk to your leaders about stepping up. I’ve talked to mine about bringing our troops all home at let other nations take over the policing of the world. If you don’t like our nation, if you don’t feel safe, don’t come over here, we won’t miss you and we sure in the hell don’t need you.
You are such a snivelling little rat. Called out on your shit and you try and twist your way out of it. Made in trumps imageyou lying piece of shit.
Look at Tommy Boi, trying to be all tough, you are a whiny bitch. I did lie at all. My son lived in Britain, I went and visited him many times and the people were fine. I have issues with you, you are a punk who hates America. You would have had a point had I voted for Trump but again, you the little boi that knows nothing, misses again. Man, you are a complete moron. I’m surprised you are smart enough to breathe, or do you have a recording telling you to breathe. Take care Tommy boi.
Did Syria ASK us to violate their territorial integrity?
If they did ask us then we violated nothing. Your prose suggests an America is wrong no matter what happened prejudice which makes your post absolute rubbish.

Your bullshit screed, your cut and paste bullshit screed, also suggests that Syria is a functioning autonomous nation
which is fully in charge of all that goes on within it's own borders which is like saying your grandfather with alzheimer's
disease absolutely strictly controls all that goes on around him. And that's funny.
Syria is a hollowed out husk and powers like Turkey and Russia decide in large part who goes in and out.
We still have a military presence there.
The idea that we need the permission of a nation that doesn't even exist in any formal sense to kill someone
who has tortured and killed American citizens is b.s.

The entire premise of this pile of steaming fecal matter rests on fictions and lies.
Perhaps you should address my points rather than cut and post unrelated talking points.

A speech by the founding father about interventionism on behalf of foreign nations is talking points now?

Wow. . . I don't think we have anything further to discuss.

YOU tell me how it is in our interest to be in Syria in the first place, then maybe we have something to discuss, otherwise, I have to say, you just don't get it. I don't even think you understand what it is to be an American. You have just been brainwashed into globalism.
A speech by the founding father about interventionism on behalf of foreign nations is talking points now?
It is when you cynically use it to boost your political narrative.
Believe it or not the world is a bit more complex then it was in the 18th century.

Wow. . . I don't think we have anything further to discuss.
Well, I didn't think we would agree on anything! But looky here!

YOU tell me how it is in our interest to be in Syria in the first place, then maybe we have something to discuss, otherwise, I have to say, you just don't get it. I don't even think you understand what it is to be an American. You have just been brainwashed into globalism.
I am the opposite of a globalist or you can call me a globalist if you will take the mantle of a do nothing isolationist for yourself.

We see how war in Syria has a domino effect and refugees pouring out of the region will be lasting problem for decades among our allies in Europe and so, eventually, here.

We can not dismiss the reality of terrorism or radical Islam though I don't use those things as carte blanch permission
to start wars as Bush did.

And we may not feel a real threat to ourselves but when certain groups in Iran and elsewhere threaten the flow of oil to Europe and the East it's a very serious thing and we can easily be sucked into wars and conflict other places

In summation you just have a very simplistic and idealistic view of geopolitical principles. I agree with you to a certain extent but you really exaggerate things out of proportion.
Doubts over Donald Trump's dramatic account of Baghdadi raid

Footage of the US special forces raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Syrian compound reportedly consisted of overhead surveillance footage and no audio, prompting questions over the extent of the dramatic licence taken by Donald Trump in describing the final moments of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

US officials who also watched the feed have declined to echo details of Trump’s macabre account of the Isis’s leader death on Saturday, including that Baghdadi was “whimpering, crying and screaming all the way”.

Enabling Donny to deduce pinpoint audio reactions from a purely video link. They reckon that you cant hear a tree fall in the woods (or similar) but every day this amazing man pushes back the boundary of what is possible.

The Six Million Dollar Man had super human powers of hearing and perhaps we have found the man who could do justice to that role in any remake of the classic ?

God bless you Donny.


A speech by the founding father about interventionism on behalf of foreign nations is talking points now?
It is when you cynically use it to boost your political narrative.
Believe it or not the world is a bit more complex then it was in the 18th century.

Wow. . . I don't think we have anything further to discuss.
Well, I didn't think we would agree on anything! But looky here!

YOU tell me how it is in our interest to be in Syria in the first place, then maybe we have something to discuss, otherwise, I have to say, you just don't get it. I don't even think you understand what it is to be an American. You have just been brainwashed into globalism.
I am the opposite of a globalist or you can call me a globalist if you will take the mantle of a do nothing isolationist for yourself.

We see how war in Syria has a domino effect and refugees pouring out of the region will be lasting problem for decades among our allies in Europe and so, eventually, here.

We can not dismiss the reality of terrorism or radical Islam though I don't use those things as carte blanch permission
to start wars as Bush did.

And we may not feel a real threat to ourselves but when certain groups in Iran and elsewhere threaten the flow of oil to Europe and the East it's a very serious thing and we can easily be sucked into wars and conflict other places

In summation you just have a very simplistic and idealistic view of geopolitical principles. I agree with you to a certain extent but you really exaggerate things out of proportion.

Oh, I get it now. . . . those events are sitting on our oil.

right. got it. o_O
Oh, I get it now. . . . those events are sitting on our oil.

right. got it.
I replied in good faith which is more than I can say for you. I'm not surprised you can't deal with any of the points I made.

I just rephrased the essential absurdity of your excuse. Good faith my ass.

"when certain groups in Iran and elsewhere threaten the flow of oil to Europe and the East it's a very serious thing. . "


LRB · Seymour M. Hersh · The Red Line and the Rat Line: Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels
Doubts over Donald Trump's dramatic account of Baghdadi raid

Footage of the US special forces raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Syrian compound reportedly consisted of overhead surveillance footage and no audio, prompting questions over the extent of the dramatic licence taken by Donald Trump in describing the final moments of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

US officials who also watched the feed have declined to echo details of Trump’s macabre account of the Isis’s leader death on Saturday, including that Baghdadi was “whimpering, crying and screaming all the way”.

Enabling Donny to deduce pinpoint audio reactions from a purely video link. They reckon that you cant hear a tree fall in the woods (or similar) but every day this amazing man pushes back the boundary of what is possible.

The Six Million Dollar Man had super human powers of hearing and perhaps we have found the man who could do justice to that role in any remake of the classic ?

God bless you Donny.
Wow defending the Most wanted man in the world
Odd..I read no defense? I heard him mocking Trump's over the top BS---perhaps you could show me the part where he defended the terrorist?
Doubts over Donald Trump's dramatic account of Baghdadi raid

Footage of the US special forces raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Syrian compound reportedly consisted of overhead surveillance footage and no audio, prompting questions over the extent of the dramatic licence taken by Donald Trump in describing the final moments of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

US officials who also watched the feed have declined to echo details of Trump’s macabre account of the Isis’s leader death on Saturday, including that Baghdadi was “whimpering, crying and screaming all the way”.

Enabling Donny to deduce pinpoint audio reactions from a purely video link. They reckon that you cant hear a tree fall in the woods (or similar) but every day this amazing man pushes back the boundary of what is possible.

The Six Million Dollar Man had super human powers of hearing and perhaps we have found the man who could do justice to that role in any remake of the classic ?

God bless you Donny.
Wow defending the Most wanted man in the world
Odd..I read no defense? I heard him mocking Trump's over the top BS---perhaps you could show me the part where he defended the terrorist?
Wow another one
Doubts over Donald Trump's dramatic account of Baghdadi raid

Footage of the US special forces raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Syrian compound reportedly consisted of overhead surveillance footage and no audio, prompting questions over the extent of the dramatic licence taken by Donald Trump in describing the final moments of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

US officials who also watched the feed have declined to echo details of Trump’s macabre account of the Isis’s leader death on Saturday, including that Baghdadi was “whimpering, crying and screaming all the way”.

Enabling Donny to deduce pinpoint audio reactions from a purely video link. They reckon that you cant hear a tree fall in the woods (or similar) but every day this amazing man pushes back the boundary of what is possible.

The Six Million Dollar Man had super human powers of hearing and perhaps we have found the man who could do justice to that role in any remake of the classic ?

God bless you Donny.
Wow defending the Most wanted man in the world
Odd..I read no defense? I heard him mocking Trump's over the top BS---perhaps you could show me the part where he defended the terrorist?
Wow another one
LOL! One that can read..you dumb ass? Your mind must be a very odd place. You just make it up as you go along....

An attack on Trump is not a defense of the dead POS. We all know Trump goes over the top--on everything. The terrorist is dead..and good riddance---only fools and insecure morons need all the 'begged for his life' hype.
Doubts over Donald Trump's dramatic account of Baghdadi raid

Footage of the US special forces raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Syrian compound reportedly consisted of overhead surveillance footage and no audio, prompting questions over the extent of the dramatic licence taken by Donald Trump in describing the final moments of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

US officials who also watched the feed have declined to echo details of Trump’s macabre account of the Isis’s leader death on Saturday, including that Baghdadi was “whimpering, crying and screaming all the way”.

Enabling Donny to deduce pinpoint audio reactions from a purely video link. They reckon that you cant hear a tree fall in the woods (or similar) but every day this amazing man pushes back the boundary of what is possible.

The Six Million Dollar Man had super human powers of hearing and perhaps we have found the man who could do justice to that role in any remake of the classic ?

God bless you Donny.
Wow defending the Most wanted man in the world
Odd..I read no defense? I heard him mocking Trump's over the top BS---perhaps you could show me the part where he defended the terrorist?
Wow another one
LOL! One that can read..you dumb ass? Your mind must be a very odd place. You just make it up as you go along....

An attack on Trump is not a defense of the dead POS. We all know Trump goes over the top--on everything. The terrorist is dead..and good riddance---only fools and insecure morons need all the 'begged for his life' hype.
Wow ! It continues
Doubts over Donald Trump's dramatic account of Baghdadi raid

Footage of the US special forces raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Syrian compound reportedly consisted of overhead surveillance footage and no audio, prompting questions over the extent of the dramatic licence taken by Donald Trump in describing the final moments of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

US officials who also watched the feed have declined to echo details of Trump’s macabre account of the Isis’s leader death on Saturday, including that Baghdadi was “whimpering, crying and screaming all the way”.

Enabling Donny to deduce pinpoint audio reactions from a purely video link. They reckon that you cant hear a tree fall in the woods (or similar) but every day this amazing man pushes back the boundary of what is possible.

The Six Million Dollar Man had super human powers of hearing and perhaps we have found the man who could do justice to that role in any remake of the classic ?

God bless you Donny.
Wow defending the Most wanted man in the world
Odd..I read no defense? I heard him mocking Trump's over the top BS---perhaps you could show me the part where he defended the terrorist?
Wow another one
LOL! One that can read..you dumb ass? Your mind must be a very odd place. You just make it up as you go along....

An attack on Trump is not a defense of the dead POS. We all know Trump goes over the top--on everything. The terrorist is dead..and good riddance---only fools and insecure morons need all the 'begged for his life' hype.
Wow ! It continues
Does 'it'? ***sigh*** just another plain vanilla troll--you can't even be clever at it...shame.
Doubts over Donald Trump's dramatic account of Baghdadi raid

Footage of the US special forces raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Syrian compound reportedly consisted of overhead surveillance footage and no audio, prompting questions over the extent of the dramatic licence taken by Donald Trump in describing the final moments of one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.

US officials who also watched the feed have declined to echo details of Trump’s macabre account of the Isis’s leader death on Saturday, including that Baghdadi was “whimpering, crying and screaming all the way”.

Enabling Donny to deduce pinpoint audio reactions from a purely video link. They reckon that you cant hear a tree fall in the woods (or similar) but every day this amazing man pushes back the boundary of what is possible.

The Six Million Dollar Man had super human powers of hearing and perhaps we have found the man who could do justice to that role in any remake of the classic ?

God bless you Donny.

Yes...of course you are protecting the reputation of the rapist murderer to take shots at Trump....you asshats are morons...

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