Presidential Emergency Powers could be a threat to our First Amendment the wrong hands

The Alarming Scope of the President's Emergency Powers

This is a frightening read. trump could go far beyond his Wall funding tantrum and begin chipping away at our rights as US citizens.

Funny how it was never alarming when Obummar had his pen and phone! The senatorial nuclear option was JUST FINE when Harry Reid invented it. ONLY NOW with the "madman" Trump at the helm do we raise our eyebrows of consternation!
Presidential Emergency Powers could be a threat to our First Amendment rights

Good Golly Miss Molly, let's hope it is. Not that my rights are at any risk, but woe be unto the Far Left who could lose their ability to say and do anything they damn well please, print anything they want, make any accusation, and never have it challenged or questioned or held ACCOUNTABLE?! Sucks to be you.
The Alarming Scope of the President's Emergency Powers

This is a frightening read. trump could go far beyond his Wall funding tantrum and begin chipping away at our rights as US citizens.
Or not.

The problem is Senate Republicans who lack the courage and integrity to support legislation to terminate the ‘emergency’ declaration, and to vote to override Trump’s subsequent veto.
The Alarming Scope of the President's Emergency Powers

This is a frightening read. trump could go far beyond his Wall funding tantrum and begin chipping away at our rights as US citizens.
Good, he needs to declare martial law and start rounding all you traitors up. Military tribunal and then immediately carry out the sentence.

Well said Comrade....Vlad will reward you for that comment!
Vlad has nothing to do with this country. Trump does, and he's coming for all you traitors.
The Alarming Scope of the President's Emergency Powers

This is a frightening read. trump could go far beyond his Wall funding tantrum and begin chipping away at our rights as US citizens.
Good, he needs to declare martial law and start rounding all you traitors up. Military tribunal and then immediately carry out the sentence.

Well said Comrade....Vlad will reward you for that comment!
Vlad has nothing to do with this country. Trump does, and he's coming for all you traitors.

Vlad helped elect trump....then celebrated with Vodka after he won......
The Alarming Scope of the President's Emergency Powers

This is a frightening read. trump could go far beyond his Wall funding tantrum and begin chipping away at our rights as US citizens.
Good, he needs to declare martial law and start rounding all you traitors up. Military tribunal and then immediately carry out the sentence.

Well said Comrade....Vlad will reward you for that comment!
Vlad has nothing to do with this country. Trump does, and he's coming for all you traitors.

Vlad helped elect trump....then celebrated with Vodka after he won......
To bad you lying traitors can't prove your sick fantasy.
Oh gee, another disingenuous thread made by a senile leftist.
Welcome to usmb
The Alarming Scope of the President's Emergency Powers

This is a frightening read. trump could go far beyond his Wall funding tantrum and begin chipping away at our rights as US citizens.
Or not.

The problem is Senate Republicans who lack the courage and integrity to support legislation to terminate the ‘emergency’ declaration, and to vote to override Trump’s subsequent veto.
We don't know they won't support terminating the declaration. Give them a chance.
The Alarming Scope of the President's Emergency Powers

This is a frightening read. trump could go far beyond his Wall funding tantrum and begin chipping away at our rights as US citizens.
Jim, you ask too much to have an intelligent conversation on this topic with Trumpers. They have their heads so far up Trump's ass that they have declared citizenship there.

Congressional power has been slowly eroding over the past 20 years. W. had his signing statements. Obama had his executive orders. Now Trump has pushed the boundaries further than ever with a bogus national emergency declaration.

It is a very bad precedent and everyone should be concerned. National emergencies has always been a favorite of dictators and other despots that have upended other republics going back to the Romans. The saving grace with Trump is Trump's stupidity and incompetence.

One thing we know from history is once power is taken away from the people it is rarely ceded back. Trumpers are way too dense to see that or care. All that matters to them is the here and now.
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The Alarming Scope of the President's Emergency Powers

This is a frightening read. trump could go far beyond his Wall funding tantrum and begin chipping away at our rights as US citizens.

I agree with the sentiment that this national emergency ploy is a radical over reach by Trump, but I’m much more concerned on what a socialist or communist Democratic President will use this power than a Republican one.
The Alarming Scope of the President's Emergency Powers

This is a frightening read. trump could go far beyond his Wall funding tantrum and begin chipping away at our rights as US citizens.
Jim, you ask too much to have an intelligent conversation on this topic with Trumpers. They have their heads so far up Trump's ass that they have declared citizenship there.

Congressional power has been slowly eroding over the past 20 years. W. had his signing statement. Obama had his executive orders. Now Trump has pushed the boundaries further than ever with a bogus national emergency declaration.

It is a very bad precedent and everyone should be concerned. National emergencies has always been a favorite of dictators and other despots that have upended other republics going back to the Romans. The saving grace with Trump is Trump's stupidity and incompetence.

One thing we know from history once power is taken away from the people it is rarely ceded back. Trumpers are way too dense to see that or care. All that matters to them is the here and now.

Just wait until a Democratic not elected with Russian help....calls. National Emergency for Climate Change.


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