Pretty much!

The GOP had better start re-learning how to communicate pretty soon.

Avoiding it and throwing around platitudes isn't going to work.

Showing the cost will be communication enough....
No it won't.

All I'm seeing here is "we don't need to communicate." Okay, good luck.

Sure it will,the same way it did in socialist California when they attempted to pass single payer.
If those loons balked at the cost what do you think normal Americans are going to say.....? :321:
Well, that's my question. The electorate is changing.

If the GOP disagrees, okay. I guess we'll see.
Govt cant even run social security properly and we have idiots out there that want them to run everything from healthcare and industry to private property.
It would be hilarious if it wasnt so pathetic.
We'll see but anyone running on her platform and can't explain how it's funded will struggle.
Then again leftists are too fucking stupid to grasp it
The wealthy can pay for it. Higher income taxes. Much higher. And less military spending.

Bing, there it is.

Now, at some point, the GOP will have to do more than just scream SOCIALISM. That doesn't work any more. This is going to take actual effort.

Won't work and just reveals you don't know squat about economics either.
No, it's just my profession.

And I'm not talking about economics, I'm talking about politics. You don't seem to understand that.

You start taking taxes, spending, etc it's economics and part of politics.

You don't seem to understand that.

Let me help won't work. They will sell a pie in the sky dream and when the rubber meets the road a catastrophic fail will happen. History proves that.
Okay, then there's no need to communicate with those who disagree. They'll figure it out on their own, I'm sure.
And totally irrelevant.

Keep telling yourself that the guy who came fairly close to the Democratic nomination is “irrelevant.”
He’s done nothing since he lost the nomination. He was beat by a failure, his ideas can’t be funded, not sure what if any accomplishments he had prior. So yes, he’s pretty much irrelevant.

he is a symbol of the TIMES-----the mood of voting
population and ALSO lots of present day young
CULT HEROES------like cortez
He is far from a symbol or hero. Very small community that identifies with him or her. They spout off huge ideas, accomplish nothing and collect government checks all while telling people how bad their lives are. They are no more than evangelists.

....and getting elected.
And doing nothing once they got elected. Theirs is a small community. Bernie did well in the primaries because he was a novelty at a time when people were fed up with the system. He ultimately lost to Hillary because more people in the democratic party new that his ideas were not only unattainable but ill conceived.
The GOP had better start re-learning how to communicate pretty soon.

Avoiding it and throwing around platitudes isn't going to work.

Showing the cost will be communication enough....
No it won't.

All I'm seeing here is "we don't need to communicate." Okay, good luck.

Sure it will,the same way it did in socialist California when they attempted to pass single payer.
If those loons balked at the cost what do you think normal Americans are going to say.....? :321:
Well, that's my question. The electorate is changing.

If the GOP disagrees, okay. I guess we'll see.

The only way that happens is if the population of the poor surpasses the middle class.
If that happens we're fucked.
Never in history has it worked....and never will
Let's see, dumbass, it works in England, France, Holland, Sweden, Norway,.....

No it doesn't.....dumb ass

In what way has it failed in those countries?

It’s not getting paid for and the so-called benefits are less than optimal. Think you can go from working stiff to wealthy in any of those countries?


Do you think economic mobility is prevalent today in the US?
So FOX sent an intrepid conservative to an Alexandria Ocasio Cortez rally and the conservative ended up getting kind of excited:

‘Fox & Friends’ Falls Face-First Into Ocasio-Cortez ‘Trap’

Kruta told the Fox & Friends hosts that she went to the rally to “see what the fuss was about” and “why the message was resonating.” Asked why voters might be drawn to a Democratic Socialist message, she added, “They talk about things that everybody wants, especially if you’re a parent. They talk about education for your kids, health care for your kids, the things that you want.”

Then Hannity tried to scare his audience and Ocasio Cortez thanked him:


The GOP can keep laughing, or it can start paying attention. Which would be smarter?

I’d say laugh. It’s not like a conservative is going to win that seat anyway. She’ll get to Congress and continue to make an ass of herself. Smart people know better than to swallow that garbage.
How do you plan on insuring that there will be enough "smart people" in the future?
We'll see but anyone running on her platform and can't explain how it's funded will struggle.
Then again leftists are too fucking stupid to grasp it
The wealthy can pay for it. Higher income taxes. Much higher. And less military spending.

Bing, there it is.

Now, at some point, the GOP will have to do more than just scream SOCIALISM. That doesn't work any more. This is going to take actual effort.

Won't work and just reveals you don't know squat about economics either.
No, it's just my profession.

And I'm not talking about economics, I'm talking about politics. You don't seem to understand that.

You start taking taxes, spending, etc it's economics and part of politics.

You don't seem to understand that.

Let me help won't work. They will sell a pie in the sky dream and when the rubber meets the road a catastrophic fail will happen. History proves that.
Okay, then there's no need to communicate with those who disagree. They'll figure it out on their own, I'm sure.

Sure there is a need....sadly there is.

See leftists are fucking stupid
We'll see but anyone running on her platform and can't explain how it's funded will struggle.
Then again leftists are too fucking stupid to grasp it
The wealthy can pay for it. Higher income taxes. Much higher. And less military spending.

Bing, there it is.

Now, at some point, the GOP will have to do more than just scream SOCIALISM. That doesn't work any more. This is going to take actual effort.

You people are putting too much into an election result in a socialist loving city. Since when is NYC a mirror of the rest of the country? She’s not the future of this country in reality.
The GOP had better start re-learning how to communicate pretty soon. Avoiding it and throwing around platitudes isn't going to work.
Yeah because the GOP hasn’t been winning anything lately right?
I'm not talking about today. If you're convinced that nothing is changing, great.
And totally irrelevant.

Keep telling yourself that the guy who came fairly close to the Democratic nomination is “irrelevant.”
He’s done nothing since he lost the nomination. He was beat by a failure, his ideas can’t be funded, not sure what if any accomplishments he had prior. So yes, he’s pretty much irrelevant.

he is a symbol of the TIMES-----the mood of voting
population and ALSO lots of present day young
CULT HEROES------like cortez

He is far from a symbol or hero. Very small community that identifies with him or her. They spout off huge ideas, accomplish nothing and collect government checks all while telling people how bad their lives are. They are no more than evangelists.

IF ONLY----from your keyboard to "god's" ears. I see that following as a BIG GROWING FAD
Fads die out. The kids will grow up and grow brains. Once the kids realize they were sold a bill of goods they will turn on them. It wont take them long, they have no patience and no loyalty.
So FOX sent an intrepid conservative to an Alexandria Ocasio Cortez rally and the conservative ended up getting kind of excited:

‘Fox & Friends’ Falls Face-First Into Ocasio-Cortez ‘Trap’

Kruta told the Fox & Friends hosts that she went to the rally to “see what the fuss was about” and “why the message was resonating.” Asked why voters might be drawn to a Democratic Socialist message, she added, “They talk about things that everybody wants, especially if you’re a parent. They talk about education for your kids, health care for your kids, the things that you want.”

Then Hannity tried to scare his audience and Ocasio Cortez thanked him:


The GOP can keep laughing, or it can start paying attention. Which would be smarter?

I’d say laugh. It’s not like a conservative is going to win that seat anyway. She’ll get to Congress and continue to make an ass of herself. Smart people know better than to swallow that garbage.
How do you plan on insuring that there will be enough "smart people" in the future?

Because even with the poor education young people get these days, experience and life in general makes many of them wiser. A lot of people vote democrat in their youth, including me, then they grow up. Mostly.
The GOP had better start re-learning how to communicate pretty soon.

Avoiding it and throwing around platitudes isn't going to work.

Showing the cost will be communication enough....
No it won't.

All I'm seeing here is "we don't need to communicate." Okay, good luck.

Sure it will,the same way it did in socialist California when they attempted to pass single payer.
If those loons balked at the cost what do you think normal Americans are going to say.....? :321:
Well, that's my question. The electorate is changing.

If the GOP disagrees, okay. I guess we'll see.

The only way that happens is if the population of the poor surpasses the middle class.
If that happens we're fucked.
Then you'll actually have to put forth the effort to communicate and change minds.

Can you do that?
Class warfare right out of Lenin's mouth. The evil rich capitalist and his bourgeoisie scum, right?
That argument will convince no one of nothing, ever.

You'll need something better.

Negative. You've advocated for something much worse. Anti-Americanism incarnate.
In whose eyes? And exactly what will you say to convince those who disagree?

If anything?

The people have already spoken. They'll say the same thing, louder, in November.
We'll see but anyone running on her platform and can't explain how it's funded will struggle.
Then again leftists are too fucking stupid to grasp it
The wealthy can pay for it. Higher income taxes. Much higher. And less military spending.

Bing, there it is.

Now, at some point, the GOP will have to do more than just scream SOCIALISM. That doesn't work any more. This is going to take actual effort.

You people are putting too much into an election result in a socialist loving city. Since when is NYC a mirror of the rest of the country? She’s not the future of this country in reality.

she may win-----in New York ------Just as did
So FOX sent an intrepid conservative to an Alexandria Ocasio Cortez rally and the conservative ended up getting kind of excited:

‘Fox & Friends’ Falls Face-First Into Ocasio-Cortez ‘Trap’

Kruta told the Fox & Friends hosts that she went to the rally to “see what the fuss was about” and “why the message was resonating.” Asked why voters might be drawn to a Democratic Socialist message, she added, “They talk about things that everybody wants, especially if you’re a parent. They talk about education for your kids, health care for your kids, the things that you want.”

Then Hannity tried to scare his audience and Ocasio Cortez thanked him:


The GOP can keep laughing, or it can start paying attention. Which would be smarter?

I think at the end of the day most people realize there is no such thing as a free lunch
The wealthy can pay for it. Higher income taxes. Much higher. And less military spending.

Bing, there it is.

Now, at some point, the GOP will have to do more than just scream SOCIALISM. That doesn't work any more. This is going to take actual effort.

Won't work and just reveals you don't know squat about economics either.
No, it's just my profession.

And I'm not talking about economics, I'm talking about politics. You don't seem to understand that.

You start taking taxes, spending, etc it's economics and part of politics.

You don't seem to understand that.

Let me help won't work. They will sell a pie in the sky dream and when the rubber meets the road a catastrophic fail will happen. History proves that.
Okay, then there's no need to communicate with those who disagree. They'll figure it out on their own, I'm sure.

Sure there is a need....sadly there is.

See leftists are fucking stupid

You should be a GOP spokesperson! Keep up the good work! :113:

(TNHarley , this is an example of me being a dick. See, I didn’t ask a question because I don’t care about her views)

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