Prez speaking live now on ACA

Today we saw our President lie. (obviously not the first)
We saw him obfuscate. We saw him tout statistics that simply do not pass the smell test.
The fact that Obama stood there and said that "there is no widespread evidence that Obamacare is costing jobs" is only going to result in the continuation of his withering credibility.
It is just plain wrong. And everyone knows it.
Over 2000 exemptions have been given to favored groups.
The governments own employment office says they are not ready for it.
Business mandates have been delayed, but not individual mandates....WTF?
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"Prez lying live now on Obamacare."

There, I fixed it for you.

You're welcome.

Y'all say you didn't/wouldn't watch it but you know what he said. You ALWAYS say you don't and won't watch the president speak on any subject but you ALWAYS know exactly what he said.

This is very much like the dinner conversation with a 5 year old:

Eat your peas.
I don't like them.
You never had them before.
I don't like them.
At least try them.
I don't like them.
Put just one in our mouth.

Really though - that's okay. All any of us can do is educate ourselves and do what we believe is best for us and our families. In the case of rw's, that includes chopping off their own nose but that's your choice. And, its fine with me.

Seriously just are NOT a bright man/woman.
"Prez lying live now on Obamacare."

There, I fixed it for you.

You're welcome.

Y'all say you didn't/wouldn't watch it but you know what he said. You ALWAYS say you don't and won't watch the president speak on any subject but you ALWAYS know exactly what he said.

This is very much like the dinner conversation with a 5 year old:

Eat your peas.
I don't like them.
You never had them before.
I don't like them.
At least try them.
I don't like them.
Put just one in our mouth.

Really though - that's okay. All any of us can do is educate ourselves and do what we believe is best for us and our families. In the case of rw's, that includes chopping off their own nose but that's your choice. And, its fine with me.

Seriously just are NOT a bright man/woman.

Luddley is a paid insurance industry shill. Or, well, that's the generous estimation...
Y'all say you didn't/wouldn't watch it but you know what he said. You ALWAYS say you don't and won't watch the president speak on any subject but you ALWAYS know exactly what he said.

This is very much like the dinner conversation with a 5 year old:

Eat your peas.
I don't like them.
You never had them before.
I don't like them.
At least try them.
I don't like them.
Put just one in our mouth.

Really though - that's okay. All any of us can do is educate ourselves and do what we believe is best for us and our families. In the case of rw's, that includes chopping off their own nose but that's your choice. And, its fine with me.

Seriously just are NOT a bright man/woman.

Luddley is a paid insurance industry shill. Or, well, that's the generous estimation...

I work for Blue Cross Blue Shield.

You can't imagine the confusion surrounding this Law....the public sees only the tip of it.
I did some channel surfing and found that all the news networks are carrying this live town hall by President Obama EXCEPT fox. Just like the last time and the time before that and the time before that ..............

Why, its almost as if Fox doesn't want their viewers to be informed about ObamaCare.

This President gives a speech every few days.
I don't blame FOX if they choose not to run in it.
It is being covered as it always is.

Whats the problem?
Sort of loses the importance,for me at least when a president is in constant campaign mode.
It used to be the WH would contact all the networks asking and being granted air time when the President had something to go to the American people with.

This President loves the attention,loves to speak,and more importantly loves to hear his voice.Loves to do his stand up routine.

Obama has all the networks in his pocket except FOX.
Let them cover his non stop speeches.
Sort of loses the importance,for me at least when a president is in constant campaign mode.
It used to be the WH would contact all the networks asking and being granted air time when the President had something to go to the American people with.

This President loves the attention,loves to speak,and more importantly loves to hear his voice.Loves to do his stand up routine.

Obama has all the networks in his pocket except FOX.
Let them cover his non stop speeches.

he lost me a long time ago, I can't stand seeing his lying face now...
I know a lot of people feel that way

worst President EVA in that he is nothing but a teleprompter reader which is filled with hate and CORPS-MEN

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