Price of gas at the pump thanks to the Moon Bats

Last summer I bought 40 gallons of gas just before the hurricane season to have on hand to run my emergency generator. I buy ethanol free gas to use in small engine. I put stabilizer in it and what I don't use I put in the cars after the hurricane season is over.

It cost $2.39/gallon.

Today I went to buy ethanol free gas for my lawn mower and power washer. It was $3.88/gal.

The increase in gas has nothing to do with supply.

The price increase is solely due to market volatility because of Idiot Joe's Environmental Wacko policies, like shutting down an efficient pipeline so that George Soros rail line can get the business.

Anybody that voted for Idiot Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election is pretty much a moron, aren't they?

Who in their right mind would vote for someone that would purposely run up the cost of commodity that we all use and that drives our economy?

The increase in price is tax on Moon Bat stupidity, isn't it? Unfortunately not only do the Moon Bats have to pay it but all of us.

You still don't know what you are talking about.
Last summer I bought 40 gallons of gas just before the hurricane season to have on hand to run my emergency generator. I buy ethanol free gas to use in small engine. I put stabilizer in it and what I don't use I put in the cars after the hurricane season is over.

It cost $2.39/gallon.

Today I went to buy ethanol free gas for my lawn mower and power washer. It was $3.88/gal.

The increase in gas has nothing to do with supply.

The price increase is solely due to market volatility because of Idiot Joe's Environmental Wacko policies, like shutting down an efficient pipeline so that George Soros rail line can get the business.

Anybody that voted for Idiot Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election is pretty much a moron, aren't they?

Who in their right mind would vote for someone that would purposely run up the cost of commodity that we all use and that drives our economy?

The increase in price is tax on Moon Bat stupidity, isn't it? Unfortunately not only do the Moon Bats have to pay it but all of us.
no president — Democrat or Republican, friend of "big oil" or supporter of alternative fuels — can do much of anything to affect the short-term price of oil, and therefore gasoline. The overriding factor that determines the price of oil from day to day is the market principle of supply and demand [source: U.S. Energy Information Administration]. It comes down to simple economics: When demand is greater than supply, prices rise.

your "moon bats" is the free market and speculators.
Last summer I bought 40 gallons of gas just before the hurricane season to have on hand to run my emergency generator. I buy ethanol free gas to use in small engine. I put stabilizer in it and what I don't use I put in the cars after the hurricane season is over.

It cost $2.39/gallon.

Today I went to buy ethanol free gas for my lawn mower and power washer. It was $3.88/gal.

The increase in gas has nothing to do with supply.

The price increase is solely due to market volatility because of Idiot Joe's Environmental Wacko policies, like shutting down an efficient pipeline so that George Soros rail line can get the business.

Anybody that voted for Idiot Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election is pretty much a moron, aren't they?

Who in their right mind would vote for someone that would purposely run up the cost of commodity that we all use and that drives our economy?

The increase in price is tax on Moon Bat stupidity, isn't it? Unfortunately not only do the Moon Bats have to pay it but all of us.

Yup here where I live in Florida most places that sell gas are already at 3.85 a gallon. Wal-Mart is the cheapest at 3.84. Lets all thank stuttering fuck Biden for the price of gas. Its not even April and its $3 a gallon. This summer look for 4-5 dollars a gallon.

Lets all say a big thank you to that stuttering fuck Joe Biden.
Last summer I bought 40 gallons of gas just before the hurricane season to have on hand to run my emergency generator. I buy ethanol free gas to use in small engine. I put stabilizer in it and what I don't use I put in the cars after the hurricane season is over.

It cost $2.39/gallon.

Today I went to buy ethanol free gas for my lawn mower and power washer. It was $3.88/gal.

The increase in gas has nothing to do with supply.

The price increase is solely due to market volatility because of Idiot Joe's Environmental Wacko policies, like shutting down an efficient pipeline so that George Soros rail line can get the business.

Anybody that voted for Idiot Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election is pretty much a moron, aren't they?

Who in their right mind would vote for someone that would purposely run up the cost of commodity that we all use and that drives our economy?

The increase in price is tax on Moon Bat stupidity, isn't it? Unfortunately not only do the Moon Bats have to pay it but all of us.
The biggest reason is you exist in Floodida. Joe is a great choice and you will find his terms in office will be great for my nation. Gas here in California is only 35 cents more over the las five or so months.

You are confused Moon Bats

The sonofabitch stole the election from the American people, was part of the worst administration in the history of the Republican, is owned by foreign interest, has the IQ of a door knob and has fucked up everything he touched since being illegally sworn in.

Only dumbass Moon Bats think that destroying energy production, using tax payer's funds to bail out failed Democrat big city shitholes and allowing millions of Illegals to flood into this country will be good for America.

Of course we all know that you ain't exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, don't we?
Last summer I bought 40 gallons of gas just before the hurricane season to have on hand to run my emergency generator. I buy ethanol free gas to use in small engine. I put stabilizer in it and what I don't use I put in the cars after the hurricane season is over.

It cost $2.39/gallon.

Today I went to buy ethanol free gas for my lawn mower and power washer. It was $3.88/gal.

The increase in gas has nothing to do with supply.

The price increase is solely due to market volatility because of Idiot Joe's Environmental Wacko policies, like shutting down an efficient pipeline so that George Soros rail line can get the business.

Anybody that voted for Idiot Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election is pretty much a moron, aren't they?

Who in their right mind would vote for someone that would purposely run up the cost of commodity that we all use and that drives our economy?

The increase in price is tax on Moon Bat stupidity, isn't it? Unfortunately not only do the Moon Bats have to pay it but all of us.

Yup here where I live in Florida most places that sell gas are already at 3.85 a gallon. Wal-Mart is the cheapest at 3.84. Lets all thank stuttering fuck Biden for the price of gas. Its not even April and its $3 a gallon. This summer look for 4-5 dollars a gallon.

Lets all say a big thank you to that stuttering fuck Joe Biden.

Regular around here is about $2.80. The ethanol free gas I bought this morning was a dollar a gallon more expensive.

The increased price of gas at the pump is a tax these stupid Moon Bats have put on America because we let them get away with stealing the election.

Trump "Lets bring down the cost of energy"

China Joe "Lets increase the price of energy".

Why did these stupid Moon Bats think that China Joe's policies were better for this country? Are they stupid or what?

Of course these are the same yahoos that think it is OK to allow millions of Illegals to flood into the country so we know they ain't exactly the best and the brightest, don't we?
Joe made an ice storm hit Texass? Joe made the Saudis reduce output? Joe caused the Houthis to attack a Saudi oil terminal?
You do understand how the free market works do you not? I didn't think so.
Joe made it so natural disasters affect pump prices more than they should.

"On Thursday, Hofmeister also pointed out something “more subtle” that is affecting gas prices."

“The producers are practicing serious capital discipline and they’re not roaring back to produce more oil,” he said."

"He added that producers are also “getting squeezed by the administration.”

"He warned that “the prohibition on new leases from the Biden administration” will “create a psychology in the industry of there’s going to be less available and the psychology drives the pricing as well.”

"In January, President Biden signed an executive order that put drilling and fracking on federal lands and waters on hold for 60 days in an attempt to combat climate change. Biden on the campaign trail called for the U.S. to phase out its dependence on fossil fuels. "

That shit there causes problems in the energy sector and rising prices. Since Biden gas prices have risen 60 cents a gallon where I live and pretty soon they will double what they were under the Trump administration.
Last summer I bought 40 gallons of gas just before the hurricane season to have on hand to run my emergency generator. I buy ethanol free gas to use in small engine. I put stabilizer in it and what I don't use I put in the cars after the hurricane season is over.

It cost $2.39/gallon.

Today I went to buy ethanol free gas for my lawn mower and power washer. It was $3.88/gal.

The increase in gas has nothing to do with supply.

The price increase is solely due to market volatility because of Idiot Joe's Environmental Wacko policies, like shutting down an efficient pipeline so that George Soros rail line can get the business.

Anybody that voted for Idiot Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election is pretty much a moron, aren't they?

Who in their right mind would vote for someone that would purposely run up the cost of commodity that we all use and that drives our economy?

The increase in price is tax on Moon Bat stupidity, isn't it? Unfortunately not only do the Moon Bats have to pay it but all of us.

No it is not. It has nothing to do with Biden. Trump conspired with OPEC to get oil prices up. The trouble is that once you get it going in 1 direction, it does not stop on a dime. The incompetence of Texas Republicans also is not helping. In addition, speculators are raising it based on rumors.
No it is not. It has nothing to do with Biden. Trump conspired with OPEC to get oil prices up. The trouble is that once you get it going in 1 direction, it does not stop on a dime. The incompetence of Texas Republicans also is not helping. In addition, speculators are raising it based on rumors.

Und Zo!

By liberal logic the more lands closed to exploration; the pipelines shot down; fuel prices will tumble like turds from liberal lips!
Last summer I bought 40 gallons of gas just before the hurricane season to have on hand to run my emergency generator. I buy ethanol free gas to use in small engine. I put stabilizer in it and what I don't use I put in the cars after the hurricane season is over.

It cost $2.39/gallon.

Today I went to buy ethanol free gas for my lawn mower and power washer. It was $3.88/gal.

The increase in gas has nothing to do with supply.

The price increase is solely due to market volatility because of Idiot Joe's Environmental Wacko policies, like shutting down an efficient pipeline so that George Soros rail line can get the business.

Anybody that voted for Idiot Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election is pretty much a moron, aren't they?

Who in their right mind would vote for someone that would purposely run up the cost of commodity that we all use and that drives our economy?

The increase in price is tax on Moon Bat stupidity, isn't it? Unfortunately not only do the Moon Bats have to pay it but all of us.
Gas before Biden here $2.21........gas today $2.94..........

I don't drive much, but when gas prices go up----so does the price of everything else.

Thanks dimwitted dems..
Last summer I bought 40 gallons of gas just before the hurricane season to have on hand to run my emergency generator. I buy ethanol free gas to use in small engine. I put stabilizer in it and what I don't use I put in the cars after the hurricane season is over.

It cost $2.39/gallon.

Today I went to buy ethanol free gas for my lawn mower and power washer. It was $3.88/gal.

The increase in gas has nothing to do with supply.

The price increase is solely due to market volatility because of Idiot Joe's Environmental Wacko policies, like shutting down an efficient pipeline so that George Soros rail line can get the business.

Anybody that voted for Idiot Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election is pretty much a moron, aren't they?

Who in their right mind would vote for someone that would purposely run up the cost of commodity that we all use and that drives our economy?

The increase in price is tax on Moon Bat stupidity, isn't it? Unfortunately not only do the Moon Bats have to pay it but all of us.

Yup here where I live in Florida most places that sell gas are already at 3.85 a gallon. Wal-Mart is the cheapest at 3.84. Lets all thank stuttering fuck Biden for the price of gas. Its not even April and its $3 a gallon. This summer look for 4-5 dollars a gallon.

Lets all say a big thank you to that stuttering fuck Joe Biden.
Explain to us in detail what Biden did that increased gas prices.

Here's a hint...figure out why they went so low almost exactly a year ago...
The rise in oil/bbl benefits russia and saudi immensely. If saudi increases production prices will fall. It wouldn't surprise me to see prices hit 100/bbl for WTI this fall. This admin doesn't care if you serfs pay 10/ gallon.
Our domestic producers need it more. They are all deep in debt or bankrupt.
The right cracks me up. I guess we need government price controls eh? Stupid markets.
Last summer I bought 40 gallons of gas just before the hurricane season to have on hand to run my emergency generator. I buy ethanol free gas to use in small engine. I put stabilizer in it and what I don't use I put in the cars after the hurricane season is over.

It cost $2.39/gallon.

Today I went to buy ethanol free gas for my lawn mower and power washer. It was $3.88/gal.

The increase in gas has nothing to do with supply.

The price increase is solely due to market volatility because of Idiot Joe's Environmental Wacko policies, like shutting down an efficient pipeline so that George Soros rail line can get the business.

Anybody that voted for Idiot Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election is pretty much a moron, aren't they?

Who in their right mind would vote for someone that would purposely run up the cost of commodity that we all use and that drives our economy?

The increase in price is tax on Moon Bat stupidity, isn't it? Unfortunately not only do the Moon Bats have to pay it but all of us.
One other issue that Biden did immediately was a moratorium on signing federal land oil/gas exploration leases.
This is the ONLY real direct action a President can affect the supply of energy, i.e. oil/gas.
Here is a chart I put together of the last 3 presidents and their leases they signed.
Since Biden is following the Obama instruction manual look at the potential drop in leases which means a drop in exploration which means a price increase!
About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.
Supporting link: U.S. oil and natural gas production to fall in 2021, then rise in 2022 - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Note: Obama had only 1 year where he signed more leases than previous year.

Last summer I bought 40 gallons of gas just before the hurricane season to have on hand to run my emergency generator. I buy ethanol free gas to use in small engine. I put stabilizer in it and what I don't use I put in the cars after the hurricane season is over.

It cost $2.39/gallon.

Today I went to buy ethanol free gas for my lawn mower and power washer. It was $3.88/gal.

The increase in gas has nothing to do with supply.

The price increase is solely due to market volatility because of Idiot Joe's Environmental Wacko policies, like shutting down an efficient pipeline so that George Soros rail line can get the business.

Anybody that voted for Idiot Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election is pretty much a moron, aren't they?

Who in their right mind would vote for someone that would purposely run up the cost of commodity that we all use and that drives our economy?

The increase in price is tax on Moon Bat stupidity, isn't it? Unfortunately not only do the Moon Bats have to pay it but all of us.

No it is not. It has nothing to do with Biden. Trump conspired with OPEC to get oil prices up. The trouble is that once you get it going in 1 direction, it does not stop on a dime. The incompetence of Texas Republicans also is not helping. In addition, speculators are raising it based on rumors.

You are lying. China Joe's policies ran up the cost of fossil fuels the minute he took office. Shame on you for being in denial. That just shows us how fucking scumbag you Moon Bats are.

Is that how you dishonest Moon Bats justify the destruction that China Joe is doing to this country? Lying and denial? Or is it that you are just plain stupid?
Last summer I bought 40 gallons of gas just before the hurricane season to have on hand to run my emergency generator. I buy ethanol free gas to use in small engine. I put stabilizer in it and what I don't use I put in the cars after the hurricane season is over.

It cost $2.39/gallon.

Today I went to buy ethanol free gas for my lawn mower and power washer. It was $3.88/gal.

The increase in gas has nothing to do with supply.

The price increase is solely due to market volatility because of Idiot Joe's Environmental Wacko policies, like shutting down an efficient pipeline so that George Soros rail line can get the business.

Anybody that voted for Idiot Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election is pretty much a moron, aren't they?

Who in their right mind would vote for someone that would purposely run up the cost of commodity that we all use and that drives our economy?

The increase in price is tax on Moon Bat stupidity, isn't it? Unfortunately not only do the Moon Bats have to pay it but all of us.
Gas before Biden here $2.21........gas today $2.94..........

I don't drive much, but when gas prices go up----so does the price of everything else.

Thanks dimwitted dems..

A tax on Moon Bat stupidity.
Last summer I bought 40 gallons of gas just before the hurricane season to have on hand to run my emergency generator. I buy ethanol free gas to use in small engine. I put stabilizer in it and what I don't use I put in the cars after the hurricane season is over.

It cost $2.39/gallon.

Today I went to buy ethanol free gas for my lawn mower and power washer. It was $3.88/gal.

The increase in gas has nothing to do with supply.

The price increase is solely due to market volatility because of Idiot Joe's Environmental Wacko policies, like shutting down an efficient pipeline so that George Soros rail line can get the business.

Anybody that voted for Idiot Joe or looked the other way when he stole the election is pretty much a moron, aren't they?

Who in their right mind would vote for someone that would purposely run up the cost of commodity that we all use and that drives our economy?

The increase in price is tax on Moon bats stupidity, isn't it. Unfortunately not only do the Moon Bats have to pay it but all of us.
Joe made an ice storm hit Texass? Joe made the Saudis reduce output? Joe caused the Houthis to attack a Saudi oil terminal?
You do understand how the free market works do you not? I didn't think so.
The orange cultists sure cry a lot, don't they?

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