Prices at The Restaurants

What if not enough people are willing to pay the higher prices? What happens then?

God bless you always!!!


They close. It’s happening. And will get worse. You can’t run a business when expenses are higher than income.
That practice was made illegal in the UK a few years ago. So if the bill was £40 and you paid cash or credit card, you pay £40 with no added extra fees. The only thing a shop can do is display, "Minimum £5 spend when using a card".

sounds like they built in the few with a mandatory min of five bucks. All your link says is the fee has to be public not hidden
As for the increase in prices at Restaurants let me say that Credit card companies’ fees are already being paid by customers because they are part of a merchant’s overhead expenses.
I also know that the restaurant industry has been devastated by our governments imposed regulations, and SHUT-DOWNS , and I for one have been VERY Sympathetic about that from day one.
However, over the last few weeks I have notices after getting my bill from some restaurants a Credit Card Fee for using my card.
Now I dine out several times weekly with my wife and have notices a Fee added on the bill for using a credit card, ranging from 2 percent to 4 percent. Being told about it in advance, or having it listed on the Menu is not the Issue, not at all.
As we all know very well the cost of eating out has skyrocketed with food and also the drink prices! And mostly all of the restaurants have raised their prices. I know that, and I’m not complaining about that. But now adding a Credit Card Fee on top is what I think TO MUCH.
I believe that without a doubt it will reduce the number of times people go out to a restaurant. That is a Given.
And as a customer who frequently dines in restaurants, I know will impact my going out for dinner as often as I have been..
First of all, I feel that if the restaurant is raising their prices then they should not be charging this ridiculous fee for the use of someone using their Card As a practical matter, since more than 80, and maybe 90 percent of bills at full-service restaurants are paid by credit cards, such fees should be built into the prices, as they most probably were already. .
I think the prices they are charging now is getting to be too much already, then you include the tip, the gas to get there, the Valet for parking, and now a credit card fee?. They are going to be pricing themselves out of existence.
All prices already went up. I’m VERY Sorry for all those that suffered last year. But my fixed income didn’t go up, and I’,m sure that most of their other customers haven't either
Sounds to me like you are ok with whatever price the restaurants charge, no matter how high it is. But, don't add on a charge card fee. Does it really make a difference if you pay $50 for a meal for two because their overhead has gone up or if you pay $48 for a meal for two with a $2 charge card fee added on? I don't understand if you will continue patronizing a restaurant no matter how much they charge but if they add on a charge card fee you are going to cut back?
Like someone said further up the thread, if you don't like credit card fees, pay in cash whenever you go to a place that has them. I've already said that the garage that I go to charges one, and I simply use my debit card or pay cash when I go in there to avoid the 3 percent extra fee they charge for credit.

BTW.........................for those of you who get charged ATM fees and hate them (like myself), a simple solution is to go to Wal-Mart and buy something small that you need (a cold drink is always an option for me), pay with your ATM or debit card, and have them give you cash back. They give cash back up to 100 dollars, which is enough cash for the average person to have on them. And, they don't charge fees for getting cash back. Been doing that ever since I first ran into ATM fees. Now? I only use an ATM when I have to get more than 400 bucks out for rent.

Yeah.............I'm an old fogie, I like to pay cash wherever I can.
They close. It’s happening. And will get worse. You can’t run a business when expenses are higher than income.
If enough restaurants close, who they get their food and supplies from hopefully will then have no other choice but to lower their prices.

God bless you always!!!

If enough restaurants close, who they get their food and supplies from hopefully will then have no other choice but to lower their prices.

God bless you always!!!


They also can’t produce at a loss. They close up shop, making food cost rise even more.
I disagree ABiikerSailor. My local Mexican place has raised the prices over fifty percent. I used to get a "five dollar foot long" from subway... that is now $11.50 for a six inch,,,,,,that a purple haired employee watches as it gets cold.... Where I live, eating out is now simply a joke. If you try to order food that is prepared for you ( regardless of price) it is far, far different from just two years ago. My grandparents went through the depression. They learned to use lentils and animal fat to survive....IMHO we are heading in that direction.

Use the coupons. $5.99 for any footlong. I suppose prices in different markets may vary.

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