Zone1 Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins (meaning you go to Hell for it)

Pride says

"I know everything vis a vis spiritual matters. I don't need to go to any church. I don't need to read the Bible about Jesus or anything else"

Pride says

"Even when it seems I am learning something about Jesus I didn't know before, I will reject it (if it makes me feel uncomfortable) because I am thoroughly capable of understanding... well, anything... everything"

And I could go on and on

I'm sure others could add their own examples of how Pride destroys

Irony much? Your pride tells you that you have the market cornered on the truth.
Proverbs 23:25 Make your parents proud, especially your mother.
The translations I am looking at:

Proverbs 23:25 (King James) Thy father and they mother shall be glad and she that bare thee shall rejoice.

(New American): Let your father and your mother be glad. And let her rejoice who gave birth to you.

(Catholic Study Bible): Let your father and mother have joy; let her who bore you exult.
You can add others to that list, murder, for instance. Having said that, if you ask to be forgiven for your sin, you will be. The apple of God's eye was forgiven for murder. The only unforgivable sin, according to the Bible, is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

Catholics have divided up sin into categories, and decided some were really bad and some sin was not too bad. Sin is sin. None of it, mortal or "venial" , enters Heaven. Get rid of it. It's all deadly. Accept Christ's gift of the cross and accept His pure record in exchange for your sin filled one.

See this man? He enjoys a good meal alright, and you'd be hard pressed to find a more godly man on the planet. And every time he sits down to dinner, the angels let out another inch of his robe. He is a good and faithful servant who loves the Lord. He will be going straight up when he finishes the race down here...
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Yeah, the "seven deadly sins" is not in the Bible. It's Catholicism and it is inaccurate. None of these things are GOOD, but none of them alone condemn you to Hell. Well just everything you said. :)
Catholics have divided up sin into categories, and decided some were really bad and some sin was not too bad. Sin is sin. None of it, mortal or "venial" , enters Heaven. Get rid of it. It's all deadly. Accept Christ's gift of the cross and accept His pure record in exchange for your sin filled one.
Catholics do have a quite different perspective. Non-Catholic Christians seem to relate everything to the future heaven. Catholics relate it to the precious life we are living right now.

Will becoming a person of great conceit benefit me in this life...or will it get in the way of living a good life tomorrow? How will gluttony shape me? (Yes, pun intended.) How will murder strengthen me and present me with further grace and blessings.

Murder will make this life more of an uphill climb than will the occasional white lie. Want to make life hell for yourself? Murder, theft, and spreading lies about one's neighbor is a good way start. These are not the Way Jesus taught us to live this life; they are not eternal living in the kingdom.
That black thing in his chest, behind those rolls of fat?
Yeah........everyone in the US is far better off than they were 4 years ago. Who needs fresh meat at reasonable prices? bread? eggs? Who does not want to pay their fair share to the energy companies....who actually needs to heat and cool their homes anyway? who needs wood burning heaters that have been banned in most liberal cities? Who does not want to send their children off to ceaseless wars to be sacrificed for the good of society? Who does not mind spending 100K on a work truck that loses 10% of its value the minute you turn the key after you made the purchase? Who needs efficient fossil fuel for transportation? No one cares if you are forced to purchase EVs that is not supported by any kind of one minds waiting for hours to half way charge your batteries with fingers crossed that you might make it to the next charging station. have to love em, you know, the thing with the thing.....
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Yeah........everyone in the US is far better off than they were 4 years ago. Who needs fresh meat at reasonable prices? bread? eggs? Who does not want to pay their fair share to the energy companies....who actually needs to heat and cool their homes anyway? who needs wood burning heaters that have been banned in most liberal cities? Who does not want to send their children off to ceaseless wars to be sacrificed for the good of society? Who does not mind spending 100K on a work truck that loses 10% of its value the minute you turn the key after you made the purchase? Who needs efficient fossil fuel for transportation? No one cares if you are forced to purchase EVs that is not supported by any kind of one minds waiting for hours to half way charge your batteries with fingers crossed that you might make it to the next charging station. have to love em, you know, the thing with the thing.....
Ignorance is a choice.




Ahh, so Trump is going to Hell. 😉

Catholics do have a quite different perspective. Non-Catholic Christians seem to relate everything to the future heaven. Catholics relate it to the precious life we are living right now.

Will becoming a person of great conceit benefit me in this life...or will it get in the way of living a good life tomorrow? How will gluttony shape me? (Yes, pun intended.) How will murder strengthen me and present me with further grace and blessings.

Murder will make this life more of an uphill climb than will the occasional white lie. Want to make life hell for yourself? Murder, theft, and spreading lies about one's neighbor is a good way start. These are not the Way Jesus taught us to live this life; they are not eternal living in the kingdom.
The Catholic Church teaches replacement theology. They replaced the Jews blessings for themselves and substituted Heaven with the Catholic Church.

(very cute pun, btw) :clap2:
The Catholic Church teaches replacement theology. They replaced the Jews blessings for themselves and substituted Heaven with the Catholic Church.
Who teaches that the Catholic Church teaches replacement theology? The Catholic Church rejects it.
Indeed...........the "sheepel" will believe anything they see in writiing. I call anyone a liar that declares they are better off today than they were 4 years ago. There is what the Biden administration declares and reality proven by the facts in evidence. Example........Biden claims that he has created over 13 million "new jobs". Reality the majority of these the (wink, wink) new jobs are merely jobs that were closed out due to the fake pandemic......the truth/facts: Nearly 72% of these jobs existed prior to the fake pandemic, they have now recovered (after the election was stolen by fake write in ballots, thanks to the fake pandemic) the real number of new jobs created? Employment is up by 3.7 new jobs over over Bidens first 3 years when looking at today's actual economy.

Truth/Reality: In Trump's first 2.5 years in office 5 million new jobs were added to the economy, 1.3 million more than Bidenomics has provided in his tax and spend economy...........minus the super inflation. Its the ole "bait and switch" lie.................Biden claims that inflation is coming down, indeed but inflation might be down in the short term, but its still a super inflated economic over a 3 year period.

Jobs? Labor force participation was higher under TRUMP when the real numbers are provided ............Biden's labor force participation is 0.7 lower than Trumps, even though Biden is allowing over 300,000 illegal immigrants to enter the labor force each year.....without documentation.

Fact check: wages are not keeping up with Biden's super inflation rates. Real wages are down 5% under Biden. Since Biden took office the people that work have seen their wages drop by 4900 dollars.

Fact check: Biden's supposed help for the middle class was nothing but a bait and switch to provide TAX RELIEF not to the middle class but the top 1%ers demoncrats always preach about in public then get in bed with behind the scenes. The so called "Inflation Reduction Act" gave 271 billion dollar tax credit to the top 1%. The money is supposed to be used to promote "green energy" .......the problem being? No one wants to purchase the bullshit being sold by the EV automobiles etc.., The money is going to help these giant corporations instead of the targeted people........the middle class who are still struggling just to feed their families on a 3.2 adjustment for inflation when disposable income is down by 7.5%, home affordability is down 37.3%, credit use is up by 36.2%, average savings is down almost 82%........with families struggling just to pay for lives necessities.

What good is the price of gas going down by a few cents (because Biden opened the gates on our strategic emergency reserves)..........when you can't afford to make a car payment because the fake pandemics made the average car cost inflate to 10s of thousands above real market value, now a great deal of families can't afford to pay for their upside down purchase and keep a roof over their head and food on the table for their loved ones.

Bidenomics does nothing but kiss the ass of the 1%ers they supposedly are demonizing. Big Auto, Big Pharmacy, Big Banking, are the ones making super profits while standing on the back of our middle class citizens.

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Trump inherited from Obama -- low unemployment, an expanding economy, and a stable country.

Biden inherited from Trump -- high unemployment, an economy that had SHRUNK 3.5% Trump's last year in office, an uncontrolled pandemic, an unstable government, the fallout from a failed siege of the US Capitol, a weakened NATO, and a variety of other calamities both large and small.

Trump inherited a well-running country from Obama while Biden inherited a complete mess from Trump.
False, and has been debunked many times. have debunked the information and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. I call bullshit. :backpedal:

By this logic you are admitting the government, such as the Biden administration uses false stats. You can't have your cake and eat it too. There is such a thing as the Law of the Excluded Middle. One of the first 3 laws of logic and reason. Either the information you presented from a few jerks on face book or twitter are lying or the GOVERNMENTS own sources are lying.

Since you claim the government stats have been debunked.........simply provide the facts in evidence that proves the stats from Congress and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics are wrong. :deal: have debunked the information and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. I call bullshit. :backpedal:
Decide whether government statistics are true or the work of the imaginary "deep state".

You can't have it both ways.
Decide whether government statistics are true or the work of the imaginary "deep state".

You can't have it both ways.
The quint essential response for a liar. Deflection. You are yet to prove the US Bureau of Labor Statistics is you declare and the US Bureau of Labor are agents of a deep state? FYI. You can't "see it BOTH WAYS"............its illogical and fundamentally flawed. There can be only 1 TRUTH but any number of liars.......truth is truth regardless of the source. Logic dictates that for every proposition .....the proposition is true or its NEGATION is true (negation....the fundamental opposite proposition) both cannot be based upon truth.

As I declared, some "sheeple" as you just demonstrated believe anything they see in writing without ever checking for facts in evidence. The majority of posts on Twitter and or Facebook are based upon subjective bias and opinion.......its by majority nothing but propaganda. Sheeple do not demonstrate the capacity for critical independent thinking......they just repeat the propaganda like sheep being herded to get "fleeced".

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