
'Eye color, hair color, skin tone.' No, there is not a 3% difference here. At best. a 0.50%. and really less. As skin/hair is always replacing itself.
Not sure around eye color. I will say that Male vs. Female, you can see a 3% difference and more.

Skin/hair replacing itself is not relevant. If you are looking for an argument, I'm good with that. You are just going to need to find one that I am willing to participate a lot more in.

You said "There is 3% difference between any one of us:"

Point to where it occurs.

btw. I already said there is 3%+ between Male and Female. I feel that is about 5%.

Eye color, hair color, and skin tone. Now, you are annoying.
I have never thought to myself that I have white pride. My race is something I never think about. Do other races wake up in the morning and say " I'm black" or I'm Asian, or I'm latino"? White isn't what I am although that's my race. I'm me and if I'm going to be proud of ainything it will be that I'm proud of me.

Why can't others be the same way? Only being proud of your race, which is something you can't control, is so limiting.
Sassy, I think the founders of BLM are obnoxious pigs, but I've never heard of them saying white people are sub-human.

'Course who would know more about sub-humans than the founders of BLM.

So, do you have a link to the pigs making that statement?

Mulitiple links available...

Huffpo good enough?

Black Lives Matter Toronto Co-Founder Needs To Resign

Didya read the article? NOT a co-founder of BLM, but of the Toronto Branch. And that branch is extremely radical in it's views because attracts folks who are not ALLOWED to speak hate without taking cover in an org like BLM. It's CANADA.. Land of incarcerating you for HATE SPEECH. UNLESS --- you're org is one of the "protected" species of hate. The haters have a harder time up there finding "political cover"..

One CHAPTER -- a couple flaming hacks. They should be pushed out. BLM should have done it when this bad press started to catch fire. Pushing folks OUT of organizations is not easy. No organization is capable of putting up borders and defending it's brand against MILLIONS of whackos trying to climb aboard.

Oh cut the crap. They're racist.

Have you read their Platforms and Statements? No Black racism there. A lot of absurd NAIVETY. A good dose of HATE for "the system". No racism.

You're deluded, our Outreach had an encounter with them. They DEMANDED we say Black Lives Matter, when I told them all lives matter I was a racist bitch.

Back your goddamn choo choo up, I'm not buying what you're selling.

No use for them and never will have. And by the way 80% of the people we were feeding and clothing, helping with necessities were ...guess now. Black.
From your previous posts here, you are, indeed, a racist bitch.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: What a hoot. Your outreach is to IMMEDIATELY get into a Slogan trading contest?

You're the brainless, innovation free, inept political hacks that are going bye--bye. And your experience is a GREAT tale of why that's so.... I'd give you hints, but you're time is up anyways. Too late to figure out how to connect with everybody without being called "a racist bitch" :rofl:

I repeat, you're fucking deluded. They are racist anarchists.

I'm surprised they've duped you...I really am.

Now run along you and Coyote can cheer lead each other's delusions

Anarchists? Probably. Racist? Not part of the solutions they've proposed. They are WRONG in most of their suggestions, but their complaints are VERY real. It's just not racism that is the source of those complaints. We will calmly explain that. And they are listening..

Actions and words are two different animals.

I'm truly working on solutions and problem solving while you two primitive tribes slug it out on the streets. Work every week cataloguing contributions to LParty ideas.. And soliciting the best papers and essays from our membership. Don't even need to waste time watching the Grade School Food Fight News.

The day my side truly decides to "slug it out on the streets" is the day this BLM and ANIFTA nonsense will end.

Let them keep pushing eventually patience will end. Good decent people won't tolerate it much longer.
Good decent people don't support nazis.
'Eye color, hair color, skin tone.' No, there is not a 3% difference here. At best. a 0.50%. and really less. As skin/hair is always replacing itself.
Not sure around eye color. I will say that Male vs. Female, you can see a 3% difference and more.

Skin/hair replacing itself is not relevant. If you are looking for an argument, I'm good with that. You are just going to need to find one that I am willing to participate a lot more in.

You said "There is 3% difference between any one of us:"

Point to where it occurs.

btw. I already said there is 3%+ between Male and Female. I feel that is about 5%.

Eye color, hair color, and skin tone. Now, you are annoying.

That hair is body waste btw..
The skin everyone has, we are talking about pigments here.
That does not come to 3% of our mass. These pigments.

Name the 3%?
Wasn't part of the cultural racism back in the day was policies that discriminated against people of different races?
How does BLM stances NOT do that? They are basically saying black people deserve special privileges just for being black..

BLM has correctly identified some real problems in how the Criminal Justice system and public services don't work in economically marginal communities. Same conclusions in every Fed investigations of smoldering hot spots. They have the wrong diagnosis and cure. But they are correct about the abuse that unresponsive, inept local govts promotes because they stupidly don't take into account the ability to pay fines, and the economic costs of waiting for 8 hours for a court appearance. They also are crappy at the record keeping and communication between justice and the police authorities.

When they see that MORE govt is not always the solution. Or that this is not solely "a racial issue" -- they start to choose "liberty" over reparations. Responsive govt over "voting party line". And they start to realize how corrupt and incompetent their elected leadership really is. THAT -- is the cause and the cure. Not what BLM is trying to sell. Contrary to what their Dem gatekeepers think -- they are not stupid.
There is 3% difference between any one of us: Eye color, hair color and skin tone. That's it.

Where do you get this 3%,...Number?

How does a few pigments, become 3% of our body mass?

We aren't talking about different species.

Did I say that? 'species'
I was evaluating that 3% colors, numbers. Green eyes, Orange skin, Purple hair.
If you look at our total mass. We all (almost) have these parts, body decorative items.
I don't see how we are 3% different.

Let us say everyone starts out white/red.

Note that after a drip. The 3% of the colored water in the glass is not gone.
Even though the pigments are measured in drops. In clear solutions.

Not even in blood cells. As all races have type 'O', 'AB', 'B' and 'A' types in their race.

If you paid attention, poster was NOT talking about body mass. They were talking about DNA. Percent content of DNA that is different between generic Blacks and Whites. Or either and a chimpanzee.
There is 3% difference between any one of us: Eye color, hair color and skin tone. That's it.

Where do you get this 3%,...Number?

How does a few pigments, become 3% of our body mass?

We aren't talking about different species.

Did I say that? 'species'
I was evaluating that 3% colors, numbers. Green eyes, Orange skin, Purple hair.
If you look at our total mass. We all (almost) have these parts, body decorative items.
I don't see how we are 3% different.

Let us say everyone starts out white/red.

Note that after a drip. The 3% of the colored water in the glass is not gone.
Even though the pigments are measured in drops. In clear solutions.

Not even in blood cells. As all races have type 'O', 'AB', 'B' and 'A' types in their race.

If you paid attention, poster was NOT talking about body mass. They were talking about DNA. Percent content of DNA that is different between generic Blacks and Whites. Or either and a chimpanzee.

"There is 3% difference between any one of us: Eye color, hair color and skin tone. That's it." Post #2

That's the posted statement above. Listing the three areas, at that time.
I did say between Male and Female there is more than a 3% difference in total.
If we are talking about say, cancer mass, that is an open percentage as to what stage of.
There is 3% difference between any one of us: Eye color, hair color and skin tone. That's it.

Where do you get this 3%,...Number?

How does a few pigments, become 3% of our body mass?

We aren't talking about different species.

Did I say that? 'species'
I was evaluating that 3% colors, numbers. Green eyes, Orange skin, Purple hair.
If you look at our total mass. We all (almost) have these parts, body decorative items.
I don't see how we are 3% different.

Let us say everyone starts out white/red.

Note that after a drip. The 3% of the colored water in the glass is not gone.
Even though the pigments are measured in drops. In clear solutions.

Not even in blood cells. As all races have type 'O', 'AB', 'B' and 'A' types in their race.

If you paid attention, poster was NOT talking about body mass. They were talking about DNA. Percent content of DNA that is different between generic Blacks and Whites. Or either and a chimpanzee.

"There is 3% difference between any one of us: Eye color, hair color and skin tone. That's it." Post #2

That's the posted statement above. Listing the three areas, at that time.
I did say between Male and Female there is more than a 3% difference in total.
If we are talking about say, cancer mass, that is an open percentage as to what stage of.

Sorry Dude or Dudette. All the rest of us knew what the 3% implied. Shame you didn't know that's the DNA difference and not your "imagined" interpretations..
Where do you get this 3%,...Number?

How does a few pigments, become 3% of our body mass?

We aren't talking about different species.

Did I say that? 'species'
I was evaluating that 3% colors, numbers. Green eyes, Orange skin, Purple hair.
If you look at our total mass. We all (almost) have these parts, body decorative items.
I don't see how we are 3% different.

Let us say everyone starts out white/red.

Note that after a drip. The 3% of the colored water in the glass is not gone.
Even though the pigments are measured in drops. In clear solutions.

Not even in blood cells. As all races have type 'O', 'AB', 'B' and 'A' types in their race.

If you paid attention, poster was NOT talking about body mass. They were talking about DNA. Percent content of DNA that is different between generic Blacks and Whites. Or either and a chimpanzee.

"There is 3% difference between any one of us: Eye color, hair color and skin tone. That's it." Post #2

That's the posted statement above. Listing the three areas, at that time.
I did say between Male and Female there is more than a 3% difference in total.
If we are talking about say, cancer mass, that is an open percentage as to what stage of.

Sorry Dude or Dudette. All the rest of us knew what the 3% implied. Shame you didn't know that's the DNA difference and not your "imagined" interpretations..

:wtf:We are all 99.9 percent the same, DNA-wise. Really.
If one has a bigger nose but loses size to/on its dick. FFS!? Mass would be about same.
I have never thought to myself that I have white pride. My race is something I never think about. Do other races wake up in the morning and say " I'm black" or I'm Asian, or I'm latino"? White isn't what I am although that's my race. I'm me and if I'm going to be proud of ainything it will be that I'm proud of me.

Why can't others be the same way? Only being proud of your race, which is something you can't control, is so limiting.
Polly Want a Cracker?

That's what you're told to think, parrot. Because you are a mind slave to incessantly drummed sweet-sounding seductive cliches, you do have nothing to be proud of.
They're not racist..

Complete unadulterated BS.

BLM Co foundet Yusra Khogall stated white people are sub human.

That's racist. No two ways about it.

Sassy, I think the founders of BLM are obnoxious pigs, but I've never heard of them saying white people are sub-human.

'Course who would know more about sub-humans than the founders of BLM.

So, do you have a link to the pigs making that statement?

Mulitiple links available...

Huffpo good enough?

Black Lives Matter Toronto Co-Founder Needs To Resign

Didya read the article? NOT a co-founder of BLM, but of the Toronto Branch. And that branch is extremely radical in it's views because attracts folks who are not ALLOWED to speak hate without taking cover in an org like BLM. It's CANADA.. Land of incarcerating you for HATE SPEECH. UNLESS --- you're org is one of the "protected" species of hate. The haters have a harder time up there finding "political cover"..

One CHAPTER -- a couple flaming hacks. They should be pushed out. BLM should have done it when this bad press started to catch fire. Pushing folks OUT of organizations is not easy. No organization is capable of putting up borders and defending it's brand against MILLIONS of whackos trying to climb aboard.

Oh cut the crap. They're racist.
How is wanting reform in the police or criminal justice system racist? You might not agree with their view but how is it racist and comparable to the white supremacists (or black supremacist) movements?
Their policies are built on the color of skin. How is that not racist? They think they deserve special shit..
Wasn't part of the cultural racism back in the day was policies that discriminated against people of different races?
How does BLM stances NOT do that? They are basically saying black people deserve special privileges just for being black..
Special priveledge or equal priveledge in the what they see as an unequal justice system?
Wasn't part of the cultural racism back in the day was policies that discriminated against people of different races?
How does BLM stances NOT do that? They are basically saying black people deserve special privileges just for being black..
Special priveledge or equal priveledge in the what they see as an unequal justice system?
No more cops patrolling black neighborhoods? Lol
I have never thought to myself that I have white pride. My race is something I never think about. Do other races wake up in the morning and say " I'm black" or I'm Asian, or I'm latino"? White isn't what I am although that's my race. I'm me and if I'm going to be proud of ainything it will be that I'm proud of me.

Why can't others be the same way? Only being proud of your race, which is something you can't control, is so limiting.
I have never thought about my race one way or another. But I have never been adversely affected because of my race. Probably makes a huge difference.

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