Priest-in-training caught trying to have sex with a 3 yr old

I'm still here Twinkie. If you had bothered to read your own link you'd know they dropped the charges because the child was to emotionally distraught to tesitfy

You trying to insinuate he's gay? Or are you using the "twinkie defense" for your insanity?

Run along you daffy fruit loop. I have no interest in you ramblings.
If that were true, you wouldn't have responded to this post, gassy.

Off to ignore ya go fruit loop. You can't stay on point and are a waste of time. Bye
Good luck with that bigot.

You win. lol
Members of disliked minority groups are often stereotyped as representing a danger to the majority's most vulnerable members. For example, Jews in the Middle Ages were accused of murdering Christian babies in ritual sacrifices. Black men in the United States were often lynched after being falsely accused of raping White women.
In a similar fashion, gay people have often been portrayed as a threat to children.

As an expert panel of researchers convened by the National Academy of Sciences noted in a 1993 report: "The distinction between homosexual and heterosexual child molesters relies on the premise that male molesters of male victims are homosexual in orientation. Most molesters of boys do not report sexual interest in adult men, however" (National Research Council, 1993, p. 143, citation omitted).

To avoid this confusion, it is preferable to refer to men's sexual abuse of boys with the more accurate label of male-male molestation. Similarly, it is preferable to refer to men's abuse of girls as male-female molestation. These labels are more accurate because they describe the sex of the individuals involved but don't implicitly convey unwarranted assumptions about the perpetrator's sexual orientation.
Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Ya mess with a kid you're a perverted pedophile, I don't care what "class" you belong to
Child molestation and pedophilia are different. Nonetheless, I agree with you that child sexual abuse should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I'm fascinated. Please, tell me the difference.
how am I a conservative? Smh

I was trying to pay you a compliment. My bad.
You branded me. That isn't a compliment

I had no idea that being called a conservative would offend you. However, I suppose I would be very offended if someone were to call me a conservative.

You have my apologies.
Granted it's better than liberal

I'll never accuse you of that. lol
If a single male tries to adopt a child, that should always raise suspicion of a nefarious motive by any adoption agency. The creepo alarm should be going crazy.
I'm glad DHS still has some work to do now that Obama has told them not to enforce the border laws.
If a single male tries to adopt a child, that should always raise suspicion of a nefarious motive by any adoption agency. The creepo alarm should be going crazy.

Here's another one who can't read. He wasn't going through an agency, he was going on Craigslist.

In email passages reprinted in the criminal complaint, Mr. Wright discussed his sexual fantasies and said he planned to pay the parents of a baby girl so he could “adopt/own” her. “The cheapest baby girl under 3 would be good,” he wrote.
If a single male tries to adopt a child, that should always raise suspicion of a nefarious motive by any adoption agency. The creepo alarm should be going crazy.
I think we should not live in a society that assumes that all men who want to adopt children are automatically considered perverts.
And we all know there are no pedo Libtards. That's what makes the op so special...yo.

Anyone else read about the two homos who adopted the little boy and raped him? It was all over the news

There are sick people all over, in every faction and sector of humans
They were Catholic no doubt.

Well you could prove it....but you won't so go shave your back and do whatever homos do
They certainly fit the profile, Bi-Catfish.
Why was he going to film it?

Because he's a sicko creep.
And this affects you in what way?

Because parents still take their children into catholic churches and still hand over their kids for education by catholic churches.

And the catholic church still hides pedo priests.
and the catholics I know get pissed when I mention this.
when my daughter was young we had to go to a catholic church because a family member (wifes side) was getting confirmed or whatever it is that the catholics do with kids other than have sex with them.
Some woman got mad at me because I refused to let my daughter go with her to some child sunday school class instead of sit in the service. She wouldnt just take no for an answer so I finally just told her to go find some other young girl for the priest to rape.
no clue why she got such an attitude.
Why was he going to film it?

Because he's a sicko creep.
And this affects you in what way?

Because parents still take their children into catholic churches and still hand over their kids for education by catholic churches.

And the catholic church still hides pedo priests.
and the catholics I know get pissed when I mention this.
when my daughter was young we had to go to a catholic church because a family member (wifes side) was getting confirmed or whatever it is that the catholics do with kids other than have sex with them.
Some woman got mad at me because I refused to let my daughter go with her to some child sunday school class instead of sit in the service. She wouldnt just take no for an answer so I finally just told her to go find some other young girl for the priest to rape.
no clue why she got such an attitude.
Nevermind. The neostasi will make her into a homosexual before university.
Why was he going to film it?

Because he's a sicko creep.
And this affects you in what way?

Because parents still take their children into catholic churches and still hand over their kids for education by catholic churches.

And the catholic church still hides pedo priests.
and the catholics I know get pissed when I mention this.
when my daughter was young we had to go to a catholic church because a family member (wifes side) was getting confirmed or whatever it is that the catholics do with kids other than have sex with them.
Some woman got mad at me because I refused to let my daughter go with her to some child sunday school class instead of sit in the service. She wouldnt just take no for an answer so I finally just told her to go find some other young girl for the priest to rape.
no clue why she got such an attitude.
Nevermind. The neostasi will make her into a homosexual before university.
we go to college in America, the people that go to university live on the United States larges air craft carrier
Why was he going to film it?

Because he's a sicko creep.
And this affects you in what way?

Because parents still take their children into catholic churches and still hand over their kids for education by catholic churches.

And the catholic church still hides pedo priests.
and the catholics I know get pissed when I mention this.
when my daughter was young we had to go to a catholic church because a family member (wifes side) was getting confirmed or whatever it is that the catholics do with kids other than have sex with them.
Some woman got mad at me because I refused to let my daughter go with her to some child sunday school class instead of sit in the service. She wouldnt just take no for an answer so I finally just told her to go find some other young girl for the priest to rape.
no clue why she got such an attitude.
Because he's a sicko creep.
And this affects you in what way?

Because parents still take their children into catholic churches and still hand over their kids for education by catholic churches.

And the catholic church still hides pedo priests.
and the catholics I know get pissed when I mention this.
when my daughter was young we had to go to a catholic church because a family member (wifes side) was getting confirmed or whatever it is that the catholics do with kids other than have sex with them.
Some woman got mad at me because I refused to let my daughter go with her to some child sunday school class instead of sit in the service. She wouldnt just take no for an answer so I finally just told her to go find some other young girl for the priest to rape.
no clue why she got such an attitude.
Nevermind. The neostasi will make her into a homosexual before university.
we go to college in America, the people that go to university live on the United States larges air craft carrier
You're actually pretty ignorant, aren't you? I went to a university. Actually, I went to two universities. Both in the United States. The second university was a Jesuit university where I got a top notch education in law. You know absolutely nothing about Catholics, you know nothing about the world, and you are a complete retard.
Because he's a sicko creep.
And this affects you in what way?

Because parents still take their children into catholic churches and still hand over their kids for education by catholic churches.

And the catholic church still hides pedo priests.

Sadly, it's not just happening in Catholic churches.

Unfortunately no.

I hear it is legal for queer couples to adopt now.

Isn't that something? Less than a decade or so ago it was recognized that this was a sexual dysfunction, now they can be role models to children.

So I agree, it happens throughout society.
Yes, it is legal for gay and lesbians to adopt. The research shows we make great parents!
Yeah, great. Link me to that, will ya?

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