Priest-in-training caught trying to have sex with a 3 yr old

Plenty of hetero men are equal opportunity child molesters of boys and girls. They are often married, and they "act out" against children, gender matters less to them
Ok, purely hypothetically.
Would a child brought up by a bigot be likely to take on bigotted beliefs
Notice how you want to emphasize that gays are child molesters when the overwhelming majority are heteros.

Gays are like 2% of the population, think percentages....sigh
Your prejudice against gays is showing.
Bringing up kids in a hate filled household is a form of child abuse. I really feel for her kids.
You can't mention her kids. It's against the TOS.
So much for freedom of speech !!

You can malign innocent people using out of date news reports and that is ok.

Poisonous bitch should be locked up for spreading hate.
Still borderline. Finger waggling time coming up soon if you don't knock it off. You can't backtrack after already breaking a rule then pretending to hypothetically say the same thing..hypothetically.
Says the gal who didn't mind breaking the rules herself when it suited her.
Ok, purely hypothetically.
Would a child brought up by a bigot be likely to take on bigotted beliefs
Gays are like 2% of the population, think percentages....sigh
Your prejudice against gays is showing.
Bringing up kids in a hate filled household is a form of child abuse. I really feel for her kids.
You can't mention her kids. It's against the TOS.
So much for freedom of speech !!

You can malign innocent people using out of date news reports and that is ok.

Poisonous bitch should be locked up for spreading hate.
Well, the task for those of us who don't share sass' position is to counter it with facts. We've got to chill. They can't. But we can.
I think that you believe you are dealing with rational people. I admire that but I think that hate filled bigot trash is beyond reach.
The point of the OP is...ANOTHER priest was busted for doing what priests have been busted many times for doing. Some of y'all are killing the messengers. It was media that reported it and this is a message board for discussing or otherwise.
Ok, purely hypothetically.
Would a child brought up by a bigot be likely to take on bigotted beliefs
Your prejudice against gays is showing.
Bringing up kids in a hate filled household is a form of child abuse. I really feel for her kids.
You can't mention her kids. It's against the TOS.
So much for freedom of speech !!

You can malign innocent people using out of date news reports and that is ok.

Poisonous bitch should be locked up for spreading hate.
Well, the task for those of us who don't share sass' position is to counter it with facts. We've got to chill. They can't. But we can.
I think that you believe you are dealing with rational people. I admire that but I think that hate filled bigot trash is beyond reach.

Hate filled bigot trash is very common on forums. Rationality, not so much.
The fact that the RCC still hasn't cleaned up this problem is beyond negligent.
When religious people sexually abuse children it often affects their relationship with religion permanently. Ms Irish would rather dis gays for it than deal with the RCC priest problem.
Ok, purely hypothetically.
Would a child brought up by a bigot be likely to take on bigotted beliefs
Bringing up kids in a hate filled household is a form of child abuse. I really feel for her kids.
You can't mention her kids. It's against the TOS.
So much for freedom of speech !!

You can malign innocent people using out of date news reports and that is ok.

Poisonous bitch should be locked up for spreading hate.
Well, the task for those of us who don't share sass' position is to counter it with facts. We've got to chill. They can't. But we can.
I think that you believe you are dealing with rational people. I admire that but I think that hate filled bigot trash is beyond reach.

Hate filled bigot trash is very common on forums. Rationality, not so much.
I suppose so. I just wonder where the justice is. Why are decent people being upbraided when bigot lying trash are able to go about their business in peace ?
Oh, I'm sorry, I should have posted something about Muslim rape overseas.
This is a current event, Numbnuts. If you don't have anything to say about this topic, quit trolling the thread.
This thread is about a creepo trying to get his hands on a baby, but thankfully was unsuccessful.
Then perhaps you should make a comment when you start a thread instead of linking to a story in the NYT without comment. How are we to know if you were sympathizing with the student or not, Can't tell what you liibs think anymore. You people are all over the wall these days.

I did comment on the story, dumbass.
So you claim.

Do you deny there was/is a problem with molesting children in the Catholic Church?
Ok, purely hypothetically.
Would a child brought up by a bigot be likely to take on bigotted beliefs
You can't mention her kids. It's against the TOS.
So much for freedom of speech !!

You can malign innocent people using out of date news reports and that is ok.

Poisonous bitch should be locked up for spreading hate.
Well, the task for those of us who don't share sass' position is to counter it with facts. We've got to chill. They can't. But we can.
I think that you believe you are dealing with rational people. I admire that but I think that hate filled bigot trash is beyond reach.

Hate filled bigot trash is very common on forums. Rationality, not so much.
I suppose so. I just wonder where the justice is. Why are decent people being upbraided when bigot lying trash are able to go about their business in peace ?
Because life isn't fair. And it's REALLY not fair on forums like these.
Oh, I'm sorry, I should have posted something about Muslim rape overseas.
This is a current event, Numbnuts. If you don't have anything to say about this topic, quit trolling the thread.
This thread is about a creepo trying to get his hands on a baby, but thankfully was unsuccessful.
Then perhaps you should make a comment when you start a thread instead of linking to a story in the NYT without comment. How are we to know if you were sympathizing with the student or not, Can't tell what you liibs think anymore. You people are all over the wall these days.

I did comment on the story, dumbass.
So you claim.

Do you deny there was/is a problem with molesting children in the Catholic Church?
Hey, who cares if this thread is about the priest problem. You'd better bash some gays. Get with it!
And we all know there are no pedo Libtards. That's what makes the op so special...yo.

Anyone else read about the two homos who adopted the little boy and raped him? It was all over the news

There are sick people all over, in every faction and sector of humans
They were Catholic no doubt.

Well you could prove it....but you won't so go shave your back and do whatever homos do

You can't even post a link to a story that apparently was "all over the news."

The first link the dingbat posted, it turns out they were innocent.
Ok, purely hypothetically.
Would a child brought up by a bigot be likely to take on bigotted beliefs

Good question. If the bigot is otherwise loving and benign to the kid, maybe not.

The problem bigots have is that their bigotry seldom limits itself to one group. They tend to not only despise everyone who isn't just like them, but they're loud about it. They're abusive to waitstaff and cashiers and anyone their paranoia tells them is "taking an attitude with them."

And they tend not to be kind to their children. "What the HELL are you looking at???" is often accompanied by a backhand across the face.

The kid learns young, and becomes the opposite of the bigot. That's one of those balancing things that's kept the human race from annihilating itself.

Watch the reaction to this post, and you'll see what I mean.
And we all know there are no pedo Libtards. That's what makes the op so special...yo.

Anyone else read about the two homos who adopted the little boy and raped him? It was all over the news

There are sick people all over, in every faction and sector of humans
They were Catholic no doubt.

Well you could prove it....but you won't so go shave your back and do whatever homos do

You can't even post a link to a story that apparently was "all over the news."

The first link the dingbat posted, it turns out they were innocent.
Yup, she tried to pass a non story off as fact and now she has disappeared. I cant understand how she can carry on without apologising for lying ?
Anyone else read about the two homos who adopted the little boy and raped him? It was all over the news

There are sick people all over, in every faction and sector of humans
They were Catholic no doubt.

Well you could prove it....but you won't so go shave your back and do whatever homos do

You can't even post a link to a story that apparently was "all over the news."

The first link the dingbat posted, it turns out they were innocent.
Yup, she tried to pass a non story off as fact and now she has disappeared. I cant understand how she can carry on without apologising for lying ?

I'm still here Twinkie. If you had bothered to read your own link you'd know they dropped the charges because the child was to emotionally distraught to tesitfy
Anyone else read about the two homos who adopted the little boy and raped him? It was all over the news

There are sick people all over, in every faction and sector of humans
They were Catholic no doubt.

Well you could prove it....but you won't so go shave your back and do whatever homos do

You can't even post a link to a story that apparently was "all over the news."

The first link the dingbat posted, it turns out they were innocent.
Yup, she tried to pass a non story off as fact and now she has disappeared. I cant understand how she can carry on without apologising for lying ?
She won't apologize for anything. Plenty of people pass lies off as fact and think if they just repeat the lie over and over again it will stick. Goebbels was right

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