Priesthood celebacy in the Catholic Church

so why did you speculate on it in your OP???!!!!
I didn't speculate on what Priests or Nun's sex lives were, no, unless you're equating molestation scandals with a "sex life", and if so then... er… no comment...

I was basically surprised that the church as an institution has lasted as long as it did, given what a self-sacrifice requiring celibacies is. Will SAID--you think they are celibate ????!!!!
Which ones?

Why do you think they aren't?
....most men have sex--self sex or otherwise...
Most women do too, but you'll have to actually have sex to realize this in person, if you honestly didn't know this, I suppose.

if they don't, there is something wrong with them
it's SINFUL!!!!!
I didn't speculate on what Priests or Nun's sex lives were, no, unless you're equating molestation scandals with a "sex life", and if so then... er… no comment...

I was basically surprised that the church as an institution has lasted as long as it did, given what a self-sacrifice requiring celibacies is. Will SAID--you think they are celibate ????!!!!
Which ones?

Why do you think they aren't?
....most men have sex--self sex or otherwise...
Most women do too, but you'll have to actually have sex to realize this in person, if you honestly didn't know this, I suppose.

if they don't, there is something wrong with them
it's SINFUL!!!!!
According to who, the Cathar Perfecti? The Shakers? The Skoptcy?

So those cults aside, you're either gay or a virgin, since you more or less admitted that you weren't aware women have sex. Which is it? Will SAID--you think they are celibate ????!!!!
Which ones?

Why do you think they aren't?
....most men have sex--self sex or otherwise...
Most women do too, but you'll have to actually have sex to realize this in person, if you honestly didn't know this, I suppose.

if they don't, there is something wrong with them
it's SINFUL!!!!!
According to who, the Cathar Prefect? The Shakers? The Skoptcies?

So those cults aside, you're either gay or a virgin, since you more or less admitted that you weren't aware women have sex. Which is it?
and YOU are a SINNER who will be SMITED to hell!!
...I see you are a BootCamper to USMB.....
I can be gay AND a virgin, yes?
Now for a serious reply, this is a Buddhist monk, granted, but in this video he voluntarily allows himself to be set on fire while meditating and doesn't even flinch in the process.

So no, it wouldn't surprise if some priests or monk are celebrate, and dedicated or fanatical enough about whatever their cause or ideal is to self-sacrifice that much; as for the reasons or merits thereof, that's a different subject entirely. A "normal" person, whatever that silly idea is, wouldn't be willing or able to do this, not even for a sex orgy with Hollywood starlets if he managed to survive.

As far as Catholic priests or monks go, Thomas Merton, might be an example, I'm unsure.
and YOU are a SINNER who will be SMITED to hell!!
For what?

I can be gay AND a virgin, yes?
Or a rapist.
a rapist can't be a virgin
One or the other.

If there is something wrong with a man who isn't seeking sex, but the woman says no (or he's unaware that women even voluntarily have sex to begin with), then what would his option be, other than rape? If you were remotely serious about that.

..I can tell you have SINNED
Not all sins are created equal, wherever did you get that idea?

I'm not aware of any religious or legal system in history which considers all sins or crimes "equally wrong", and punishes them the same, not even if one goes back to Iron Age legal systems, or older systems which the American Common Law evolved out of - such as the Levitical law of the Israelites; not all sins or crimes were punished by death, for example.
and YOU are a SINNER who will be SMITED to hell!!
For what?

I can be gay AND a virgin, yes?
Or a rapist.
a rapist can't be a virgin
..I can tell you have SINNED
Honestly, I didn't used to consider it much of a sin to sleep with a woman who was married or dating someone, when it was obvious the guy she was married to was a pussy and didn't know how to please her. Apparently I've heard of some guys actually committing suicide when they learned that their wife was just being a good venture capitalist, and knew she could get a better offer elsewhere without having to bother with all the legalities and formalities of an actual divorce.

Or get the "best of both worlds" by being married to a doormat who forces her to wear the pants in the family, and having a boyfriend on the side who knows how to keep her entertained, and if they committed suicide over learning that they had invested so much time and energy into a dime-a-dozen woman who was easily replicable, and could just as easily be replaced themselves, then that was just more weakness voluntarily leaving the gene pool. It's not like he was getting it anymore than on his birthday anyway, and probably only because she felt "obligated" to, not because she was remotely enchanted by the thought of it.

So c'este la vie. I'd never kill myself over a woman who's always replicable, maybe unless she was a Sheban queen or something - maybe it's because I'm better looking and smarter than the average guy, and won the gene pool lottery while a lot of them flunked, who knows? Even when I was in-between jobs, I still had a lot more of value to offer them than some of these poor saps who worked "full-time jobs", so ultimately shouldn't genetics be the ones to blame, rather than me, or her?

(Wouldn't shock me if St. Paul was a womanizer either before his conversion, and learned there were better ideals in life than pure fatuity and adolescent pleasures and vices). I feel guilty about it now and don't find it a morally, or even an economically fulfilling pursuit.

Now for a serious reply, this is a Buddhist monk, granted, but in this video he voluntarily allows himself to be set on fire while meditating and doesn't even flinch in the process.

So no, it wouldn't surprise if some priests or monk are celebrate, and dedicated or fanatical enough about whatever their cause or ideal is to self-sacrifice that much; as for the reasons or merits thereof, that's a different subject entirely. A "normal" person, whatever that silly idea is, wouldn't be willing or able to do this, not even for a sex orgy with Hollywood starlets if he managed to survive.

A "normal" person is doing suicide attacks for example for the social security of the own family. And it's by the perverse (=unnormal) to dream of a sex orgy with Hollywood starlets.

As far as Catholic priests or monks go, Thomas Merton, might be an example, I'm unsure.

The Catholic priest Maximilian Kolbe for example died for the family father Franciszek Gajowniczek in a concentration camp.

And as far as I can see this Buddhist monk had protested in 1963 with his self-immolation against the Catholics in Vietnam. But why? It live only 6 million Catholics in Vietnam. Buddhists and Catholics normally don't have big problems with each other.

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And so again I hear of a 'sex' scandal involving a Priest and 'youths'. The strange part is that these U.S 'scandal' cases involving the Catholic 'priests', for some reason, do NOT seem to be getting into the hands of/ onto the desk tops' of The USCCB; The United States' Council of Catholic Bishops.

Titus 1:7-9 "7For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre; 8But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate; 9Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers."

1 Timothy 3:1-5
"1This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. 2A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 3Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; 4One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)"

Did you know that The 'Pope' of Rome is the same; a 'bishop'; or 'OverSeer'... The term 'pope' is their way of holding 'their 'Overseer'' with and in 'esteem'. They hold their 'bishop' in their hearts by extending to him that term, 'Pope'. But it is not a 'required' term that needs to be used by the ENTIRE World. Ir's their own personal 'love' which they share within their Community; namely in The Country which supposedly understands what 'amore' really means. In extentions of marriages as well as in other 'forms' of 'love'..

But yes...the U.S has their 'own' Leadership Commitee dealing with the bishops.








U.S Bishops AND U.S Justices.

The U.S has got for itself some pretty upright snd just 'judges' wouldn't you agree??


Trivia question...

Proud to be an American?


Proud to be a U.S citizen?

Which is correct for the U.S?


The U.S has 50 States with their own 'capitA(O)l(s)'.

Can you name the 55 constitutional Countries of America?

List of countries in the Americas by population - Wikipedia

Billionaire Carlos Slim's America Movil To Boost Internet Speed In Mexico

According to Mexico's National Institute of Statistics and Geography, known as Inegi, the use of the Internet in Mexico increased 5% between 2015 and 2016. Mexico has 65.5 million (more then half of Mexico's population) regular Internet users, with 85% of those users accessing the Internet via mobile devices.

Billionaire Carlos Slim's America Movil To Boost Internet Speed In Mexico
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Given that Priesthood celibacies has been required since the Church was founded, I am surprised that it has lasted as long as it did.

Some have blamed required Priesthood celibacies on molestation scandals of recent years, what are your thoughts on this? Should the policy change? (Not that I would ever excuse the molestation or blame it solely on the celibacies requirement, mind you).

Actually, it didn't become official doctrine until the 11th century. Before that it was merely "encouraged".

The main reason why the Church wanted celibacy was so that the priests couldn't hand down property to their children. The Church is ALWAYS about the money.
Given that Priesthood celibacies has been required since the Church was founded, I am surprised that it has lasted as long as it did.

Some have blamed required Priesthood celibacies on molestation scandals of recent years, what are your thoughts on this? Should the policy change? (Not that I would ever excuse the molestation or blame it solely on the celibacies requirement, mind you).

Actually, it didn't become official doctrine until the 11th century. Before that it was merely "encouraged".

The main reason why the Church wanted celibacy was so that the priests couldn't hand down property to their children. The Church is ALWAYS about the money.
The Church believes sex is dirty

How can anyone respect a priest who is having sex?
Given that Priesthood celibacies has been required since the Church was founded, I am surprised that it has lasted as long as it did.

Some have blamed required Priesthood celibacies on molestation scandals of recent years, what are your thoughts on this? Should the policy change? (Not that I would ever excuse the molestation or blame it solely on the celibacies requirement, mind you).

Actually, it didn't become official doctrine until the 11th century. Before that it was merely "encouraged".

The main reason why the Church wanted celibacy was so that the priests couldn't hand down property to their children. The Church is ALWAYS about the money.
The Church believes sex is dirty
It is.

How can anyone respect a priest who is having sex?
How can any respect a freak who has no aspirations in life beyond the lamest sex imaginable, like a feral dog licking up scraps, lacking any further intellectual or creative qualities to speak of, which are the higher drives of superior men and women, whether scientists or artists to begin with - as opposed to a well fed gourmand, feasting on a healthy diet of Kama Sutra?
Given that Priesthood celibacies has been required since the Church was founded, I am surprised that it has lasted as long as it did.

Some have blamed required Priesthood celibacies on molestation scandals of recent years, what are your thoughts on this? Should the policy change? (Not that I would ever excuse the molestation or blame it solely on the celibacies requirement, mind you).

Actually, it didn't become official doctrine until the 11th century. Before that it was merely "encouraged".

The main reason why the Church wanted celibacy was so that the priests couldn't hand down property to their children. The Church is ALWAYS about the money.
The church, the mass media, the same thing, of course.

Most likely it was their interpretation on St. Paul's advice, which I don't believe is for the reasons you state in your conspiracy theory.
Given that Priesthood celibacies has been required since the Church was founded, I am surprised that it has lasted as long as it did.

Some have blamed required Priesthood celibacies on molestation scandals of recent years, what are your thoughts on this? Should the policy change? (Not that I would ever excuse the molestation or blame it solely on the celibacies requirement, mind you).

Actually, it didn't become official doctrine until the 11th century. Before that it was merely "encouraged".

The main reason why the Church wanted celibacy was so that the priests couldn't hand down property to their children. The Church is ALWAYS about the money.

It was also a way to bleed off excess sons without having to get them killed in warfare. it prevented splitting of large family wealth via multiple sons inheriting property.

One got the fief, the others went either into the priesthood or went off to carve out their own fiefs via warfare.
I've heard the Songs of Solomon is some beautiful, X-rated poetry, I might read it again a short time from now in the King James Version, overrated as that version is, sometimes thought of as "pure" though it was written in a very ecumenical language for its day and age, so I've been told, much as it isn't the only version translated from the "Texus Recepticus" or whatnot, so the stories about its histories go.

It has kind of a "Catholic" status among its adherents, similar in some ways to how the "Traditionalist Cathoics" view the Pre-Vactican II church, its sacraments, its rituals, and so forth.

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