Pro-abortion activists shut down streets near Supreme Court

now, as far as i know, shutting down the streets in your "protest" is illegal. at this point start dragging those committing the crime off the street. they go back, drag them to the back of a police van and discuss this with them one more time. they go back, arrest them and get them out of there.

i don't care how 'passionate' you are about YOUR topic - follow the laws. the left obviously says trying to shut down gov functions is horrible and changes the name of the crime as often as needed in order to stress how horrible it must be. yet, when they get their panties in a wad, anything and everything is ok cause THEIR cause is "righteous".

follow the laws you place on others or there simply are no laws for anyone.

now, here come the bots to say why this is ok and do some source attacks and attacks in general.
You have a president that encourages breaking the law... Hell, even intimidating judges in the process of their duties... Biden is a traitor, and all of his staff are as well.. They blame Turmp for an insurrection and yet they are actively doing one right in front of us today... And no one is calling these traitors and seditionists out...
fair question to be sure given the circumstances.

Blocking traffic is an illegal, albeit effective method of protesting in the United States. When protesters block traffic, they are engaging in civil disobedience, a term coined by one of America's earliest freethinkers and intellectuals, Henry David Thoreau.
fair enough, but what *law* still remains?

same source -

Peaceful Protests: Regulation of Time, Place, and Manner​

While governments may not deny a person's constitutional right to peacefully protest, they may regulate the time, place, and manner in which the protest is conducted. This standard was further established by a 1989 Supreme Court decision (Ward v. Rock Against Racism), a case challenging the constitutionality of New York City's noise ordinance as applied to Rock Against Racism's concerts in Central Park.

In the Ward decision, the Court held that the noise-related restrictions are constitutional as long as any restriction of time, place, and/or manner:
  1. Is content-neutral (meaning, the content of the speech or expression may not factor into the permitting decision);
  2. Is narrowly-tailored to serve a significant governmental interest (such as public safety and order); and
  3. Leaves open ample alternative channels for communication (expressive activity may still be conducted, even if its time, place, and/or manner is legally restricted in some way).
so yes, this is defined by court order and various laws at almost every level.

Again, this is the first line in the third paragraph of the provided link: From the third paragraph: "Although organized protests or marches can obtain permits to close streets..."

So they can be blocked. The proper procedures just need to be followed. I don't know if that's the case at the Supreme Court...
Protesting the supreme court justices in an attempt to intimidate them is an illegal act, and if the protest in the streets are tied to that, then it's illegal. One must go to the government as a body in order to give their redress of grievances, so there is an appropriate place and time set for doing that.
and that is the other point i didn't even address.

trying to influence the judges by protest or force i do believe is illegal but all im seeing right now are AT HOMES cause that's what the moron patrol did.
Again, this is the first line in the third paragraph of the provided link: From the third paragraph: "Although organized protests or marches can obtain permits to close streets..."

So they can be blocked. The proper procedures just need to be followed. I don't know if that's the case at the Supreme Court...
already acknowledged this point - but that simply raises the question, did they? i've not found they have yet, so drag 'em away and lets have some new video for steve inman to do parodies of.
already acknowledged this point - but that simply raises the question, did they? i've not found they have yet, so drag 'em away and lets have some new video for steve inman to do parodies of.

Yeah, I've got no real problem with that (although I've no clue who Steve Inman is).

The right to protest against your government is sacrosanct. If they want to protest and close down roads, there's a procedure for that.

They probably should've used that...
Yeah, I've got no real problem with that (although I've no clue who Steve Inman is).

The right to protest against your government is sacrosanct. If they want to protest and close down roads, there's a procedure for that.

They probably should've used that...
100%. just because you believe PASSIONATELY about your issue does not give you the right to go above the law. far too often in past riots / protests / summer of loves you'd hear WELL YOU IGNORED US FOR FAR TOO LONG!

im sorry, by what process did you calculate that? ignore >= 100 years = right to break laws

never seen that calculation. even if there was one the next step is define "ignore" as not getting the answer / results you want does NOT equal ignore. it simply means "no" and the rage after that to "get what you want "because"" is very much the makeup of an ID 2 year old persona.

can't have that gobstopper.

the fact this has worked for so long simply means we have far too few "adults" in our government and the children have taken over the island. scream into the conche or you are not heard now. :)
Maybe someone will make an anonymous call predicting a riot and they can arrest these clowns on conspiracy charges. Liberals are all for that sort of thing.
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Maybe some will make an anonymous call predicting a riot and they can arrest these clowns on conspiracy charges. Liberals are all for that sort of thing.
i am not that hot on using known "bad" methods cause the other side did. what they are doing is already illegal and shouldn't need to amplify / dramafy it to get actions done. to me that takes the focus off the topic. it's wrong to start, so stop it.

in the end, it's 100% illegal. enforce the laws we have, arrest them and let the system sort it out.
i am not that hot on using known "bad" methods cause the other side did. what they are doing is already illegal and shouldn't need to amplify / dramafy it to get actions done. to me that takes the focus off the topic. it's wrong to start, so stop it.

in the end, it's 100% illegal. enforce the laws we have, arrest them and let the system sort it out.
If the normal laws will not be enforced, there are no laws. This pick and choose nonsense needs to end. If that means using their tactics against them, so be it.
If the normal laws will not be enforced, there are no laws. This pick and choose nonsense needs to end. If that means using their tactics against them, so be it.
and i believe i said that before. we need to enforce the laws and go that route to ensure we do. if we are refusing to do that, escalate and find out why.

if you're mad kids are peeing in your swimming pool and no one is stopping it, by all means, pee away and keep on keeping on. i'll go ahead and stay out of the pool and work to fix the issue itself.
Yeah, I've got no real problem with that (although I've no clue who Steve Inman is).

The right to protest against your government is sacrosanct. If they want to protest and close down roads, there's a procedure for that.

They probably should've used that...

Or you do what the Civil Rights marchers did, March, get arrested, pay a fine, and go RIGHT BACK AND DO IT AGAIN.

The whole idea of civil disobedience is you find something wrong with some law, and you break that law or a proxy law to show your distaste. You then take what the system demands and go do it again, daring the system to impose itself on you over and over.
You have a president that encourages breaking the law... Hell, even intimidating judges in the process of their duties... Biden is a traitor, and all of his staff are as well.. They blame Turmp for an insurrection and yet they are actively doing one right in front of us today... And no one is calling these traitors and seditionists out...
What shit are you talking...

Do you just see Trump doing something and think that is what I will blame Biden of?

Where has Biden intimidated judges? Can we have that with actual proof? Not something coming from your head...

Also you stated that all of the Biden staff are traitors... Could you please show where this crime was broken and again proof?

Biden was voted into power and enough judges agreed with that... Trump's lawyers didn't even have enough proof to even accuse any side of voter fraud...

You just made a fool of yourself with that post... You told us nothing about these protestors, Biden or even Trump... You told us you are a gullible fool who can be easily tricked...
What shit are you talking...

Do you just see Trump doing something and think that is what I will blame Biden of?

Where has Biden intimidated judges? Can we have that with actual proof? Not something coming from your head...

Also you stated that all of the Biden staff are traitors... Could you please show where this crime was broken and again proof?

Biden was voted into power and enough judges agreed with that... Trump's lawyers didn't even have enough proof to even accuse any side of voter fraud...

You just made a fool of yourself with that post... You told us nothing about these protestors, Biden or even Trump... You told us you are a gullible fool who can be easily tricked...
and you've gone way off topic for the sole purpose of raging and made a bigger fool of yourself.

and i gotta give you props for that - i didn't think you could.

i was wrong.
Or you do what the Civil Rights marchers did, March, get arrested, pay a fine, and go RIGHT BACK AND DO IT AGAIN.

The whole idea of civil disobedience is you find something wrong with some law, and you break that law or a proxy law to show your distaste. You then take what the system demands and go do it again, daring the system to impose itself on you over and over.
yea, but they are not even doing that. from what i can tell they feel it's their right to do whatever they want in order to get what they feel is "justice". and hell, that definition changes daily if not more often.

the point is, the law isn't arresting them - they're letting it happen which pretty much says there isn't a law. anymore.

putting that back traditionally is very painful to those who have abused it to "this" point but that day is coming. the screaming is going to be LOUD.
What shit are you talking...

Do you just see Trump doing something and think that is what I will blame Biden of?

Where has Biden intimidated judges? Can we have that with actual proof? Not something coming from your head...

Also you stated that all of the Biden staff are traitors... Could you please show where this crime was broken and again proof?

Biden was voted into power and enough judges agreed with that... Trump's lawyers didn't even have enough proof to even accuse any side of voter fraud...

You just made a fool of yourself with that post... You told us nothing about these protestors, Biden or even Trump... You told us you are a gullible fool who can be easily tricked...
What a moron... Kavanaugh is a Justice. He and others are deciding a case.. Your idiots are protesting in front of his home, which is a violation of US CODE 1507. Your president doesn't see a problem with it even though the law is not ambiguous. Why wont the DOJ enforce the law? You can bet if they were picketing a left wing justice they would be all over it...
yea, but they are not even doing that. from what i can tell they feel it's their right to do whatever they want in order to get what they feel is "justice". and hell, that definition changes daily if not more often.

the point is, the law isn't arresting them - they're letting it happen which pretty much says there isn't a law. anymore.

putting that back traditionally is very painful to those who have abused it to "this" point but that day is coming. the screaming is going to be LOUD.

And that's the problem with current protests. They forget the whole idea is to get government to arrest you, to make your point for you. The blame is on the law's side as well as the protesters, who don't get the 2nd part of the operation, make the system deal with you.

The other thing is in certain places the government agrees with the protesters more than they agree with the right to the people being protested to even have the beliefs in issue.
And that's the problem with current protests. They forget the whole idea is to get government to arrest you, to make your point for you. The blame is on the law's side as well as the protesters, who don't get the 2nd part of the operation, make the system deal with you.

The other thing is in certain places the government agrees with the protesters more than they agree with the right to the people being protested to even have the beliefs in issue.
they've done a very good job at being the victim and making the police bad guys for enforcing bed time.

that's how far we've fallen.
and i believe i said that before. we need to enforce the laws and go that route to ensure we do. if we are refusing to do that, escalate and find out why.

if you're mad kids are peeing in your swimming pool and no one is stopping it, by all means, pee away and keep on keeping on. i'll go ahead and stay out of the pool and work to fix the issue itself.
Hoping this administration is going to do the right thing obviously isn't working. Doing nothing is not the path forward.

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