Pro-abortion rights activists sending coat hangers to GOP senator

Roe v Wade is Dred Scott.
Women deciding the value of a man's child by virtue of gender is the same as white people determine the value of a black by virtue of race.
It's the women's body. She has autonomous control over it. I don't think theres a law or precedent that states that the sperm donater has any ownership of the woman or fetus until its born. She can go for a run, have her teeth cleaned, drink and smoke, or go jump of a cliff.
She entered a contract upon fertilization.
The father is the other party to the contract.
If two people agree to share a winning lottery ticket the person holding the ticket is still subject to the contract. Even if they eat the ticket and make a stupid claim about their body.
You're helping my point that it must then be the government that controls the fetus and enforces the contract. Thats a bad precedent to set that I'd think people on the right would not want to do. Also it doesn't change that the woman has autonomous control over her body and will ultimately do as she pleases. Theres an organization that mails abortion pills to women in areas where it is illegal.
Procreation is tantamount to murder and the gov has pretty strict laws about murder.
Try harder. I'm not going to waste my time telling you why that's wrong if you're too lazy or ignorant to show why it's right.
You didn’t respond with analysis. Challenge my post.
Roe v Wade is Dred Scott.
Women deciding the value of a man's child by virtue of gender is the same as white people determine the value of a black by virtue of race.
It's the women's body. She has autonomous control over it. I don't think theres a law or precedent that states that the sperm donater has any ownership of the woman or fetus until its born. She can go for a run, have her teeth cleaned, drink and smoke, or go jump of a cliff.
Falsehood. It is not the woman's body that is being killed. It is the body of a separate human being.

And if she jumps off a cliff she is killing two people.
That's entirely different from saying that the man has ownership over the unborn child though, which my point was disputing.

With regard to the double homicide, theres a distinction to be made between a person killing a woman and her unborn child, circumventing the woman's autonomy and wronging her vs. The woman making this choice for herself. Jumping of a cliff is of course an extreme example meant to show autonomy. Whether it's legal or not she's in the drivers seat.

If the woman doesn't have autonomy over her body including the fetus, and the father doesn't either, who does? Is it the government that interjects ownership and control over the fetus until the child is born and benefits from citizenship and legal responsibility by both parents? Think about that for a minute. The government controls your fetus. That's the step that would need to be taken to supersede the womans autonomous control over her fetus as part of her body.

I'll add that the fetus can't be removed until very late stages, confirming that it is part of her body and dependent. If pro lifers have a problem with these natural truths then they should innovate the science and policy behind all this to be able to extract the fetus and change legal responsibility to the government. Or something along those lines.

Nobody does. The government can't, and hasn't, established "ownership", because free people, and humans, don't recognize that anybody *owns* humans. Which is why it's a human rights violation to KILL them.

You people just really don't understand the premise of human rights. No wonder the countries you control are such abysmal human rights nightmares.

The mother doesn't *own* her child. It is not chattel. Which is why she doesn't have the *right* to kill it.

And it's why it's murder when some butcher kills it.
There is no such thing as a safe abortion. Every successful abortion results in the death of an innocent human being. That is its purpose and its intent.

An act which unjustly kills an innocent human being does not meet any rational definition of “safe”.

It's safer for the mothers that have decided they are going to get an abortion. Do you see what I am saying though? People are going to do it either way, and it's a lot more ugly when it's outlawed.

What you want is for murderers to have minimized or no consequences.

I do not want it to be safe to murder a child in cold blood. Murder is ugly, no matter the conditions. Making it easier, making it “safer”, only makes it worse.

Murderers deserve death.
Most people that support abortion find it to be very sad
You people tell us endlessly that IT is not human and feels NOTHING, and is not even a life.

So..... WHY????

Orwell called it Doublethink.

“…to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy…”
The right is dead wrong on this issue and they can't really logically defend it. People are going to seek abortions whether it's legal or not. I'll take safe and clean over sketchy back ally abortions. I'm pretty sure it's been shown that abortion rates actually go down when women have access to safe avenues that will help educate them about everything. Believe it or not Planned Parenthood prefers it when women decide to keep their babies.
People commit murder whether it is legal or not. Don't be stupid.

The situation is worse when it's illegal. Sometimes you have to let go of what's ideal in favor of what's logical.
So true. It's a big mistake to ignore the realistic circumstance and impacts, and instead cling to the fantasy talking points about adoption and the next einstein. Put yourself in the shoes of a poorly educated and impoverished woman who is in a verbally and physically abusive relationship and can't find a way out. The pregnancy and possible child would cement that awful life or even make it worse for the mom and the kid. I personally would not be able to bring a kid into that sort of situation. Reality is a messy and often tragic place.

I haven't seen those talking points here.

Put yourself in the shoes of a poorly educated and impoverished 14 y.o. *woman* who is in a verbally and physically abusive relationship..who is raped, then forced to get an abortion by her abuser.

She goes to Planned Parenthood, where her abuser talks to the staff about her in her presence and stays with her until she's doped.

Planned Parenthood laughs and jokes with him, and takes his statements and his money, and does not report that they have treated an underaged girl who is being routinely abused.

Planned Parenthood looks a lot like a criminal endeavor from that standpoint.
What it boils down to is a minority of people want to force their religion on everyone else using the government.

As all religions have done in the past and the very reason the founders wanted a separation of church and state. But of course cons today think the founders idiots and think the Constitution is just toilet paper with printing on it.
Orwell called it Doublethink.

“…to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy…
6 months ago I had a stone removed from my pancreas. I felt NO remorse and NO sadness.

Our insane leftist say that "thing" in the womb is nothing more than that or a TUMOR.

So WHY would they feel sadness????

They DONT. They are LYING.

If they're not lying, they are supporting MURDER.
The right is dead wrong on this issue and they can't really logically defend it. People are going to seek abortions whether it's legal or not. I'll take safe and clean over sketchy back ally abortions. I'm pretty sure it's been shown that abortion rates actually go down when women have access to safe avenues that will help educate them about everything. Believe it or not Planned Parenthood prefers it when women decide to keep their babies.
Abortion is not covered under the Constitution therefore it is delegated to the States. There you go legal justification for a State to outlaw abortions.
" Comedy Of Hue Mammon Vanity "

* Anthropocentric Hubris *

6 months ago I had a stone removed from my pancreas. I felt NO remorse and NO sadness.
Our insane leftist say that "thing" in the womb is nothing more than that or a TUMOR.
So WHY would they feel sadness????
They DONT. They are LYING.
If they're not lying, they are supporting MURDER.
Murder is illegal killing ; thus , abortion being legal , it is not murder .

As for whether abortion is ethical and constitutional , it is both .
Will someone please explain why the same people who are against abortion are against birth control measures? The countries that fully educate their youth and whose population has full access to birth-control measures do not seem to have these problems with unplanned pregnancies that lead to abortions. These countries seem to have the problem nailed. Why do Americans not do the same?
" More About Knows Nothing "

* Bandwagon About Non Sense *

Abortion is not covered under the Constitution therefore it is delegated to the States. There you go legal justification for a State to outlaw abortions.
The anti-federalists show up in numbers as statists against individualists .

Abortion is covered by :
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.[/i]

The premise for equal protection, as being based upon a requirement of birth, was clearly understood and forwarded within the opinion of Blackmun, Roe V. Wade, in the statement, "Logically, of course, a legitimate state interest in this area need not stand or fall on acceptance of the belief that life begins at conception or at some other point prior to live birth."
" Antinomian Heretics Making Rules So They Do Not Have To Practice Their Resigned Faith "

* Religious Reich Of Pompous Pilates *

Will someone please explain why the same people who are against abortion are against birth control measures? The countries that fully educate their youth and whose population has full access to birth-control measures do not seem to have these problems with unplanned pregnancies that lead to abortions. These countries seem to have the problem nailed. Why do Americans not do the same?
Because the puritanical clown shoes wearing hypocrites want to spend OTHERS TAX dollars on something so idiotic as abstinence only , when the us should be the world leader in prophylactic distribution .
I will never understand these people hatred for heterosexuals and their relationships.Their's is a world completely devoid of human emotion. they hate LGBTs, but they hate heterosexuals to an equal or greater extent.
What it boils down to is a minority of people want to force their religion on everyone else using the government
DEAD WRONG. Nobody is forcing their religion on you by saying you should be punished for killing your own child. It is just WRONG.
I will never understand these people hatred for heterosexuals and their relationships.Their's is a world completely devoid of human emotion. they hate LGBTs, but they hate heterosexuals to an equal or greater extent.
Projection, much?

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