Pro-abortion rights activists sending coat hangers to GOP senator

What it boils down to is a minority of people want to force their religion on everyone else using the government.

As all religions have done in the past and the very reason the founders wanted a separation of church and state. But of course cons today think the founders idiots and think the Constitution is just toilet paper with printing on it.

What kind of soulless sociopathic idiot does it take to believe or to claim that wanting to prevent thousands of innocents from being murdered in cold blood on a daily basis constitutes “want[ing] to force their religion on everyone else using the government”?

That's one of the most basic, essential, and legitimate functions of government, to protect the innocent from those who would murder them, and to punish those who do commit murder.

Pretend all you want, deflection is what you do.

You want to force your religious beliefs on the entire population, that is why you and all the fake Christians that call themselves 'evangelicals' are giddy with glee at overturning Roe V Wade. You aren't pro-life. As soon as a life leaves the womb it is a terrible burden on you and the rest of the fake Christians.

You've carried this farse long enough. Inside you are gleeful that you finally have a government that will force your religion on everyone else. Just admit and stop lying to yourself. You are like Isis without the machetes. So far that is.
You want to force your religious beliefs on the entire population, that is why you and all the fake Christians that call themselves 'evangelicals' are giddy with glee at overturning Roe V Wade. You aren't pro-life. As soon as a life leaves the womb it is a terrible burden on you and the rest of the fake Christians.

You've carried this farse [sic] long enough. Inside you are gleeful that you finally have a government that will force your religion on everyone else. Just admit and stop lying to yourself. You are like Isis without the machetes. So far that is.

ISIS kills innocents, just like those on your side. My side wants to save the lives of innocents.

Yours is the side that is more like ISIS.
You want to force your religious beliefs on the entire population, that is why you and all the fake Christians that call themselves 'evangelicals' are giddy with glee at overturning Roe V Wade. You aren't pro-life. As soon as a life leaves the womb it is a terrible burden on you and the rest of the fake Christians.

You've carried this farse [sic] long enough. Inside you are gleeful that you finally have a government that will force your religion on everyone else. Just admit and stop lying to yourself. You are like Isis without the machetes. So far that is.

ISIS kills innocents, just like those on your side. My side wants to save the lives of innocents.

Yours is the side that is more like ISIS.

Uh huh. And Jesus would approve of ripping toddlers from their parents and putting them in cages.

You - aren't - a - Christian.
You - aren't - a - Christian.

It's pretty clear that you hold Christianity in deep contempt. On that basis, I absolutely reject your claimed authority to judge who is and is not a Christian.

You defend the cold-blooded murder of thousands of innocent children every day. On that basis, I absolutely reject your claimed authority to judge anyone for any lesser purported offense.
" Delusional Histrionics For A Uniform Fetish "

How Ever Why Owe Ewe *
What it boils down to is a minority of people want to force their religion on everyone else using the government
DEAD WRONG. Nobody is forcing their religion on you by saying you should be punished for killing your own child. It is just WRONG.
Death Angel , there is not a difference between creed and religion as the two are synonymous and an apatheistic evaluation of any creed begins there , because there is not an exception within the first amendment of us constitution which grants validity for a claim of religious exception for tenets of creed that ascribe to violate non aggression principles .

Therefore establish where abortion violates non aggression principles against individual citizens or by equal protection ; and begin any assertion with an initial requirement for citizenship by birth , as stipulated in .

A simple fact is that without constitutional protections , a foe eat us , or a fee to us , is private property of the mother and the follows , along with the that cedes to individualism and then which consequently cedes authority that includes federal , or state , or individual citizens .

* Know This Awl Sew *

The term nomianism is indicative of law invoked through a name , as legislation is titled , as property is titled .

An antinomian creed evaluates a perfection of hue mammon by premising removal of all writs of law , that leads to a paradox , both utopian and dystopian .

It is relevant of a utopian ideal that mammon kind and kinds of mammon should survive , while it is absurd to demand that every inception of its incarnation be made sacrosanct .

Those fictional christians invoking rites of nomianism so that they are not required to practice an antinomian creed are heretical .
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You - aren't - a - Christian.

It's pretty clear that you hold Christianity in deep contempt. On that basis, I absolutely reject your claimed authority to judge who is and is not a Christian.

You defend the cold-blooded murder of thousands of innocent children every day. On that basis, I absolutely reject your claimed authority to judge anyone for any lesser purported offense.

Not at all. I hold fake christians like you in utter contempt, just as I do with the fake televangelists who milk poor old people out of their life savings to buy jets. They aren't Christians and neither are you. You want to see actual Christians? Go visit the Amish. Most of the rest of you are phonies and you don't care that you are phonies. You can't reject 95% of what Christ taught and then call yourself a Christian. Sorry. You aren't a Christian.

And you aren't pro-life, you are pro-birth. Once children are born you could not care less what happens to them.

I know you don't like the message but ad hominem attacks on the messenger aren't going to change what you are and what you aren't. No one can support Donald Trump and call themself a Christian. Supporting blatant over the top immorality is not something Jesus did.

And you know this. But you ignore it.
" Eye Test If And Only If Through Casual Address "

* Obliging Other Inn Queries *

I believe in the Providence of God.
He is allowing these Progs to to sacrifice their children as He allowed it in Israel in sacrifice to Baal.
What Does the Bible Say About Child Sacrifice?
And yet He allowed human beings the freedom to do these heinous things and ever shall.
God gives us free agency, to choose to do good or to do evil. But our choices have consequences, and in some instances, God has himself declared these consequences.
In the case of human sacrifice, God's prescribed consequences is for the offender to be put to death.
Leviticus 20:1-5
  1. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
  2. Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.
  3. And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name.
  4. And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not:
  5. Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people.
The issue between whether slavery can be compared with abortion is non sense because suffering is the principle issue given that molech involved a cruelty of incinerating individuals alive , even within a metal cauldron idolized to appear as a monitor .
The seven laws listed by the Mishnah in Sanhedrin 56a are: to have laws and courts for the society, and to refrain from blasphemy, idolatry, a set of six forbidden sexual relationships, murder, theft, and eating flesh that was removed from a living animal.[5]

Seven Laws of Noah - Wikipedia

There is an .

* Whom Owns Who Ore Oar Who Owns Whom *

A focus continuously raised about abortion is when could it be regarded as an ethical choice to occur .

Through a common understanding for suffering , empathy is valid for a feet us once a physical capacity for sentience is available , while empathy is not valid for a feet us before a physical capacity for sentience is available .

Individualism is endowed with self ownership ( free roam , free association ) and self determination ( private property , willful intents ) .

As individuals are endowed with self ownership through procreation , the evaluation of alternatives whether to those ends , or two other ends , is to be accounted for by the individual and not stipulated through illegitimate aggression by private or by public magistrates .
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I will never understand these people hatred for heterosexuals and their relationships.Their's is a world completely devoid of human emotion. they hate LGBTs, but they hate heterosexuals to an equal or greater extent.

There are few acts that are as expressive of pure, evil hatred, than the gratuitous taking of the life of an innocent human being.

Your defense of the cold-blooded killing of thousands of children every day leaves you with no room to credibly accuse anyone else of “hate”. Yours is about the most hateful position that it is possible to take.

What killing of a child? Are you nuts? You are so incredibly full of shit. I suggest that you little boys get crackin' against all these people with assault guns, the bombs, the nuclear weapons. You haven't because you are cowards.
Call it what you will, a child, a zygote, a fetus, it's still a human being. And not only a human being, but the most innocent humans of us all.

Not one of them has ever so much as touched a gun or bomb or nuke. Now who's the coward.
" Genetic Parent Age Wish Full Thinking "

* Attempting Potent Effects *

" Inchoate "* No Problem *
How about you respond to my actual post?
There is a saying that " possession is 9/10ths of the law " . The foetus is the private property of the mother .
Not where a contract is involved.
Sniffing misses muffle and daunting lofted rears playing peak a boo poke does not count as contract to conceive ones fee two us .

Please describe how such a contract could be valid unless it were significantly documented .

It is that self ownership ( free roam , free association ) cannot be conscripted away from another individual and a fee two us is private property of the mother .

Even for marriages , possibly nearing divorce , or involving infidelity , or involving other extraneous circumstances , it would be difficult to conclude that a contract of civil union obligates a woman to be a mother for a haploid of another individual .
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" Genetic Parent Age Wish Full Thinking "

* Attempting Potent Effects *

" Inchoate "* No Problem *
How about you respond to my actual post?
There is a saying that " possession is 9/10ths of the law " . The foetus is the private property of the mother .
Not where a contract is involved.
Sniffing misses muffle and daunting lofted rears playing peak a boo poke does not count as contract to conceive ones fee two us .

Please describe how such a contract could be valid unless it were significantly documented .

It is that self ownership ( free roam , free association ) cannot be conscripted away from another individual and a fee two us is private property of the mother .

Even for marriages , possibly nearing divorce , or involving infidelity , or involving other extraneous circumstances , it would be difficult to conclude that that contract of civil union obligates a woman to be a mother of another individual .
There is another factor involved in conceiving the child. The father. It's just as much his as it is hers.
Roe v Wade is Dred Scott.
Women deciding the value of a man's child by virtue of gender is the same as white people determine the value of a black by virtue of race.
What a stupid ass post. Are you afraid your momma would have 'selected' not to have you?
" Pragmatic Biology "

* Game Meets Races *

Call it what you will, a child, a zygote, a fetus, it's still a human being. And not only a human being, but the most innocent humans of us all.
Prior to the haploids forming a diploid cell of a zygote , the sex cells containing the haploids are termed gametes .

A hue mammon being is defined to be , where sapiens alludes to .

A prerequisite for sapience is .

* Logic Of Twists *

Not one of them has ever so much as touched a gun or bomb or nuke. Now who's the coward.
Prior to the onset of sentience , it is correct that " Not one of them has ever so much as touched ... " anything with cognizance .
" Pragmatic Biology "

* Game Meets Races *

Call it what you will, a child, a zygote, a fetus, it's still a human being. And not only a human being, but the most innocent humans of us all.
Prior to the haploids forming a diploid cell of a zygote , the sex cells containing the haploids are termed gametes .

A hue mammon being is defined to be , where sapiens alludes to .

A prerequisite for sapience is .

* Logic Of Twists *

Not one of them has ever so much as touched a gun or bomb or nuke. Now who's the coward.
Prior to the onset of sentience , it is correct that " Not one of them has ever so much as touched ... " anything with cognizance .
1. A hue mammon contains it's own unique and individual hue mammon DNA.

2. So kill her. She's still a person with her own unique and individual human DNA.
" Self Owner Ship Forsaking Enslavement "

* Terminology Normalizes Under Standing *

There is another factor involved in conceiving the child. The father. It's just as much his as it is hers.
A male does not know that an offspring is their own which is why they are more aggressive while females are less aggressive because they are self assured that their own mortality has survived through their offspring .

Males would have to establish themselves as the father through dna testing without coercion of the female by .

As one cannot conscript self ownership ( free roam , free association , procreation ) away from the mother and not violate non aggression principles and , " as they say " " possession is 9/10ths of the law " , the fee two us will remain private property of the mother .
" Self Owner Ship Forsaking Enslavement "

* Terminology Normalizes Under Standing *

There is another factor involved in conceiving the child. The father. It's just as much his as it is hers.
A male does not know that an offspring is their own which is why they are more aggressive while females are less aggressive because they are self assured that their own mortality has survived through their offspring .

Males would have to establish themselves as the father through dna testing without coercion of the female by .

As one cannot conscript self ownership ( free roam , free association , procreation ) away from the mother and not violate non aggression principles and , " as they say " " possession is 9/10ths of the law " , the fee two us will remain private property of the mother .
That little baby girl is no more the property of the mother than a Dem's negro slave picking cotton on a southern plantation.

In fact, mommy has an obligation to care for her own child as best she can.
" Genetic Parent Age Wish Full Thinking "

* Attempting Potent Effects *

" Inchoate "* No Problem *
How about you respond to my actual post?
There is a saying that " possession is 9/10ths of the law " . The foetus is the private property of the mother .
Not where a contract is involved.
Sniffing misses muffle and daunting lofted rears playing peak a boo poke does not count as contract to conceive ones fee two us .

Please describe how such a contract could be valid unless it were significantly documented .

It is that self ownership ( free roam , free association ) cannot be conscripted away from another individual and a fee two us is private property of the mother .

Even for marriages , possibly nearing divorce , or involving infidelity , or involving other extraneous circumstances , it would be difficult to conclude that a contract of civil union obligates a woman to be a mother for a haploid of another individual .
Convoluted pretentious crock.
The woman can terminate the pregnancy, raise the kid with no involvement allowed to the father or force the father to subsidize. That’s a bigoted double standard on par with Dred Scott.
" Will Knot Fly "

* Over Exerting Purist Emphasis *

1. A hue mammon contains it's own unique and individual hue mammon DNA.
Unique dna is not relevant to citizenship and a unique dna is not relevant to the validity for a sentience requirement for empathy .

* Avoid Flying Off The Rails *
2. So kill her. She's still a person with her own unique and individual human DNA.
The mother becomes a citizen at birth , which entitles her to retort by government for any violation of wrights delineated as protections or endowments through the constitution .

A feet two us has not been born and according to /Fourteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution a feet us is not a citizen and not entitled to equal protection until birth .
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" Will Knot Fly "

* Over Exerting Purist Emphasis *

1. A hue mammon contains it's own unique and individual hue mammon DNA.
Unique dna is not relevant to citizenship and a unique dna is not relevant to the validity for a sentience requirement for empathy .

* Avoid Flying Off The Rails *
2. So kill her. She's still a person with her own unique and individual human DNA.
The mother becomes a citizen at birth , which entitles her to retort by government for an violations of wrights delineated as protections or endowments through the constitution .

A feet two us has not been born and according to /Fourteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution a feet us is not a citizen and not entitled to equal protection until birth .
And Dred Scott reaffirmed blacks weren’t fully human.

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