Pro-abortion rights activists sending coat hangers to GOP senator

" Outside Of The Box "

* Hermenuetics Of Subconscious Anxiety *

We say "fetus" in AMERICA (note the forum title,)
I use the term feet us because the metaphors of " an after life " , " a chance for eternal life " , " reincarnation " , " being born again " have a literal meaning of passing on ones genetic identity through offspring , where failure to do so , in perpetuity , implies the metaphors of " final judgment " and " eternal damnation " .

Thus the term feet us is succinct to describe a transmutation of soles - as in the bottom of your feet .
Murder is illegal killing ; thus , abortion being legal , it is not murder
Murder is the intentional taking of an innocent human life. In the end you will shed tears for the callous attitude you displayed in your ignorant years
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What it boils down to is a minority of people want to force their religion on everyone else using the government.

As all religions have done in the past and the very reason the founders wanted a separation of church and state. But of course cons today think the founders idiots and think the Constitution is just toilet paper with printing on it.

What kind of soulless sociopathic idiot does it take to believe or to claim that wanting to prevent thousands of innocents from being murdered in cold blood on a daily basis constitutes “want[ing] to force their religion on everyone else using the government”?

That's one of the most basic, essential, and legitimate functions of government, to protect the innocent from those who would murder them, and to punish those who do commit murder.
The right is dead wrong on this issue and they can't really logically defend it. People are going to seek abortions whether it's legal or not. I'll take safe and clean over sketchy back ally abortions. I'm pretty sure it's been shown that abortion rates actually go down when women have access to safe avenues that will help educate them about everything. Believe it or not Planned Parenthood prefers it when women decide to keep their babies.

I doubt that anything more than a restriction to the first trimester and putting the issue to be defined at the state level instead of the federal level as it was before Roe is the most likely thing to happen.

Dont fret,. you progs will still be able to kill your own children, no worries!
That's one of the most basic, essential, and legitimate functions of government, to protect the innocent from those who would murder them, and to punish those who do commit murder.
It is so noble of you pro-lifers to try to save libtard children.

I say let their parents kill them so they can have that second car; why stop them from decimating their own demographic?
I will never understand these people hatred for heterosexuals and their relationships.Their's is a world completely devoid of human emotion. they hate LGBTs, but they hate heterosexuals to an equal or greater extent.

There are few acts that are as expressive of pure, evil hatred, than the gratuitous taking of the life of an innocent human being.

Your defense of the cold-blooded killing of thousands of children every day leaves you with no room to credibly accuse anyone else of “hate”. Yours is about the most hateful position that it is possible to take.
Procreation is tantamount to murder and the gov has pretty strict laws about murder.
Try harder. I'm not going to waste my time telling you why that's wrong if you're too lazy or ignorant to show why it's right.
In other words, 'I cannot answer your boring arguments with reason and fact, so I will just pretend to find them beneath my time and effort without giving a single fact or reason why BECAUSE I HAVE NONE OF EITHER!'
What it boils down to is a minority of people want to force their religion on everyone else using the government.

No, it is not about forcing religion, but protecting life.

I say you libtards should be given as much freedom as possible to kill your own kids so you can have another TV set.
It is so noble of you pro-lifers to try to save libtard children.

I say let their parents kill them so they can have that second car; why stop them from decimating their own demographic?

The Nazis believed that they were improving humanity, by weeding out those “inferior” elements from the human race. They believed that the ends justified the means.

They were wrong.

It's tempting, along similar lines, to agree with your (sarcastic, I assume) point, of allowing inferior elements in our own society to eliminate themselves by killing their offspring. But that would be wrong, in exactly the same way that the Nazis were wrong.
I will never understand these people hatred for heterosexuals and their relationships.Their's is a world completely devoid of human emotion. they hate LGBTs, but they hate heterosexuals to an equal or greater extent.

There are few acts that are as expressive of pure, evil hatred, than the gratuitous taking of the life of an innocent human being.

Your defense of the cold-blooded killing of thousands of children every day leaves you with no room to credibly accuse anyone else of “hate”. Yours is about the most hateful position that it is possible to take.

What killing of a child? Are you nuts? You are so incredibly full of shit. I suggest that you little boys get crackin' against all these people with assault guns, the bombs, the nuclear weapons. You haven't because you are cowards.
It's tempting, along similar lines, to agree with your (sarcastic, I assume) point, of allowing inferior elements in our own society to eliminate themselves by killing their offspring. But that would be wrong, in exactly the same way that the Nazis were wrong.

I believe in the Providence of God.

He is allowing these Progs to to sacrifice their children as He allowed it in Israel in sacrifice to Baal.

When the Progs have killed enough of their own children they will not have the demographic numbers to maintain this law.

It is Nature.

While I oppose them, I shed no tears for the murdered Progs of the next generation.
Most of the pro-abortion people I know have either had abortions or their GFs were encouraged to get abortions for <reasons>.

Do you guys ever wonder what that child you murdered might be like today?

You didnt just murder them and take a precious human life, you also removed from your future all the pictures of you they would have drawn in art class and brought home for you to see.

You extinguished all their prayers, their hopes that they would have shared with you, all their little secrets and fears of a bully at school. No, they wont tell you these things because the real threat to them was you it turns out, lol.

You wont know if your child might have been a sports star, a smart little nerd of a kid, you want ever know if they would fall in love and give you grandkids, nope because you killed all those grandkids too.

And when you are old, bald sitting in your own piss watching TV because there are no children who give a rats ass about you, maybe that TV you bought instead will console you?
And yet He allowed human beings the freedom to do these heinous things and ever shall
Yes He ALLOWED humans to do horrible things but government IS His instrument to enforce BASIC human morality. When the abdicate that RESPONSIBILITY and the power of government is used to punish good and reward evil, that culture WILL self destruct and th People will only be a memory.
I believe in the Providence of God.

He is allowing these Progs to to sacrifice their children as He allowed it in Israel in sacrifice to Baal.

What Does the Bible Say About Child Sacrifice?

And yet He allowed human beings the freedom to do these heinous things and ever shall.

God gives us free agency, to choose to do good or to do evil. But our choices have consequences, and in some instances, God has himself declared these consequences.

In the case of human sacrifice, God's prescribed consequences is for the offender to be put to death.

Leviticus 20:1-5

  1. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
  2. Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.
  3. And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name.
  4. And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not:
  5. Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people.
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And yet He allowed human beings the freedom to do these heinous things and ever shall
Yes He ALLOWED humans to do horrible things but government IS His instrument to enforce BASIC human morality. When the abdicate that RESPONSIBILITY and the power of government is used to punish good and reward evil, that culture WILL self destruct and th People will only be a memory.
Maybe that is what we need now, so the righteous will be protected once again?
I believe in the Providence of God.

He is allowing these Progs to to sacrifice their children as He allowed it in Israel in sacrifice to Baal.

What Does the Bible Say About Child Sacrifice?

And yet He allowed human beings the freedom to do these heinous things and ever shall.

God gives us free agency, to choose to do good or to do evil. But our choices have consequences, and in some instances, God has himself declared these consequences.

In the case of human sacrifice, God's prescribed consequences is for the offender to be put to death.

Leviticus 20:1-5

    • And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
    • Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.
    • And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name.
    • And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not:
    • Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people.

I used to hang out at bars when I was a stupid young man, some might say that should be expressed as past tense, used to be, but anyway, I often tried to get obviously drunk people to not drive and put other peoples lives at risk.

I got into a lot of fights trying to protect people from themselves. And afterwards they just hated me.

So I stopped doing it. All I say now is to ask them if they shouldnt get a cab, and not normally that any more.

I just dont have the patience to bother with those kinds of libtards, and the same goes now for libtards that want to kill their own babies.
"if you see the innocent being led to their death, DO NOT turn your face away and say, 'I did not See', for there is One in Heaven who sees all, AND HE KNOWS"--GOD

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