Pro-abortion rights activists sending coat hangers to GOP senator

" Anxieties Want Finding "

* Two Weigh Street *

Convoluted pretentious crock.
The woman can terminate the pregnancy, raise the kid with no involvement allowed to the father or force the father to subsidize. That’s a bigoted double standard on par with Dred Scott.
The statement was that the fee two us is the private property of the mother , not the child .

The male happily laudingly offered its game meets to the private property of the mother ; alternatively the male could have kept it in his pants .

The actual peculiarity is of those who would grant an after life , a chance for eternal life , a reincarnation , a rebirth , which are metaphors for literally passing on ones genetic identity , to a rapist by forcing a woman to surrogate its child .
Hopefully she'll listen. Her statements indicate she'll vote no.

Pro-abortion rights activists sending coat hangers to GOP senator: report

Pro-abortion rights activists are reportedly sending Republican Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) wire coat hangers in the mail in an effort to press her to vote against any Supreme Court nominee who would overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Cut reported Monday that advocates are sending Collins wire coat hangers as a graphic reminder of some of the steps historically taken when access to abortion has been restricted.

So name us the court case that is taking on Roe vs wade?

Maybe your OP is right

10 legal experts on the future of Roe v. Wade after Kennedy

Gillian Metzger

This incremental pullback may begin with sustaining some lower courts that are taking positions seemingly at odds with the Supreme Court’s 2016 decision in Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt. Whole Women’s Health, for which Kennedy provided a fifth vote, curtailed the ability of states to limit access to abortion through ostensible health regulations that did not actually produce health benefits.

States are continuously passing new laws; for example, limiting access to medication abortion and dramatically limiting the window of time in which women can obtain abortions. If sustained, as might well happen, these restrictions will as a practical matter close off abortion access in many areas of the country.

Mark Kende, professor, Drake Law School

I think that there is a strong possibility that the Supreme Court will gradually chip away at Roe and Casey by upholding various state restrictions that it might not uphold were Kennedy on the Court.
What I don't comprehend is the left is upset about removing criminals from their kids but want to keep killing kids?
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" Entitled To Liberty While Sentient "

* Most Clueless Anti-Choice Argument Yet *

And Dred Scott reaffirmed blacks weren’t fully human.
The context is based within sentience as a valid basis for empathy and representation of a victim , even if by proxy .

A fee two us is inchoate until the formation of thalamocortical spindles that do not onset any earlier than the 23rd week of pregnancy and sentience is estimated to onsets about the 29th week .
" Physically Inchoate Versus Consciously Distressed "

* Pity Full Compassion Rallying *

What I don't comprehend is the left is upset about removing criminals from their kids but want to keep killing kids?
None is literally killing kids during an abortion .

Given that the validity of empathy is based within a capacity for sentience , why is the ethical difference not evident ?
" Physically Inchoate Versus Consciously Distressed "

* Pity Full Compassion Rallying *

What I don't comprehend is the left is upset about removing criminals from their kids but want to keep killing kids?
None is literally killing kids during an abortion .

Given that the validity of empathy is based within a capacity for sentience , why is the ethical difference not evident ?

No I need an explanation the left crys about separating children from their mothers, yet want mothers the right to abort their kids .

I kind of think now only a few states will allow abortion ..
" Spelling It Out "

* Clear As Differences Between Day And Night *
No I need an explanation the left crys about separating children from their mothers, yet want mothers the right to abort their kids .
The expressed word you are missing is empathy and whether it includes a valid basis to intervene by legal proxy on behalf of some other individual or entity .

Empathy for the suffering of an inchoate feet us is not valid .

Empathy for the suffering of a sentient being is valid ; where sentient beings may be slaves , or illegal immigrants , or a sentient feet us .

* Deriding Tyranny Buy Majority *
I kind of think now only a few states will allow abortion ..
A state is not entitled to determine whether abortion is allowed , rather each individual determines whether they wish to acquire an abortion .
" Spelling It Out "

* Clear As Differences Between Day And Night *
No I need an explanation the left crys about separating children from their mothers, yet want mothers the right to abort their kids .
The expressed word you are missing is empathy and whether it includes a valid basis to intervene by legal proxy on behalf of some other individual or entity .

Empathy for the suffering of an inchoate feet us is not valid .

Empathy for the suffering of a sentient being is valid ; where sentient beings may be slaves , or illegal immigrants , or a sentient feet us .

* Deriding Tyranny Buy Majority *
I kind of think now only a few states will allow abortion ..
A state is not entitled to determine whether abortion is allowed , rather each individual determines whether they wish to acquire an abortion .

Did the child wish it?

If you ever went to the Chicago museum of science and industry, walked up the steps you would see this.. I have seen it so many times

It used to be in an a out of way place, it was designed in the 70's

What it boils down to is a minority of people want to force their religion on everyone else using the government.

As all religions have done in the past and the very reason the founders wanted a separation of church and state. But of course cons today think the founders idiots and think the Constitution is just toilet paper with printing on it.

This is why conservatives are so threaten by Shariah. They don't want religious law competition.

The only reason abortion legality is up for debate, is because we have too many religious nuts running our government.

All these anti-choice fools are hypocrites. They care for fetus up until its born. After that they don't give a shit.
What it boils down to is a minority of people want to force their religion on everyone else using the government.

As all religions have done in the past and the very reason the founders wanted a separation of church and state. But of course cons today think the founders idiots and think the Constitution is just toilet paper with printing on it.

This is why conservatives are so threaten by Shariah. They don't want religious law competition.

The only reason abortion legality is up for debate, is because we have too many religious nuts running our government.

No we are more educated then you think, we were not born conservatives,

These are babies...
Hopefully she'll listen. Her statements indicate she'll vote no.

Pro-abortion rights activists sending coat hangers to GOP senator: report

Pro-abortion rights activists are reportedly sending Republican Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) wire coat hangers in the mail in an effort to press her to vote against any Supreme Court nominee who would overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Cut reported Monday that advocates are sending Collins wire coat hangers as a graphic reminder of some of the steps historically taken when access to abortion has been restricted.

Seems you got the laughing pondscum going.

Read their listen they hate women. Why would they support women?

Pro birth anti choicers belong back in 1950
The right is dead wrong on this issue and they can't really logically defend it. People are going to seek abortions whether it's legal or not. I'll take safe and clean over sketchy back ally abortions. I'm pretty sure it's been shown that abortion rates actually go down when women have access to safe avenues that will help educate them about everything. Believe it or not Planned Parenthood prefers it when women decide to keep their babies.
Abortion is not covered under the Constitution therefore it is delegated to the States. There you go legal justification for a State to outlaw abortions.

I believe states should have the power to do that. I simply think you're wrong if you're in favor of it. I wouldn't attack the ability of the states to govern themselves just to get my way on abortion.
What it boils down to is a minority of people want to force their religion on everyone else using the government.

As all religions have done in the past and the very reason the founders wanted a separation of church and state. But of course cons today think the founders idiots and think the Constitution is just toilet paper with printing on it.

This is why conservatives are so threaten by Shariah. They don't want religious law competition.

The only reason abortion legality is up for debate, is because we have too many religious nuts running our government.

No we are more educated then you think, we were not born conservatives,

These are babies...View attachment 202804

Since you care so much for these unborn babies lives, do you support universal healthcare and free university tuition for these children so they can have a decent life? Surely you since you care so much about these babies.
Hopefully she'll listen. Her statements indicate she'll vote no.

Pro-abortion rights activists sending coat hangers to GOP senator: report

Pro-abortion rights activists are reportedly sending Republican Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) wire coat hangers in the mail in an effort to press her to vote against any Supreme Court nominee who would overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Cut reported Monday that advocates are sending Collins wire coat hangers as a graphic reminder of some of the steps historically taken when access to abortion has been restricted.

Seems you got the laughing pondscum going.

Read their listen they hate women. Why would they support women?

Pro birth anti choicers belong back in 1950

That's all you have? This is why I became a conservative ..

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Most people that support abortion find it to be very sad

You people tell us endlessly that IT is not human and feels NOTHING, and is not even a life.

So..... WHY????

Do you ever stop generalizing and stereotyping? I'm not ''you people.'' I am one fucking person. Debate me, not ''you people.* I don't know how others make it all work in their minds. Maybe I'm wrong and it's not actually sad to them. That could have been me projecting. I think getting into the semantics of what is or isn't a human life is bullshit. People are trying to distance themselves from reality by suggesting they are not killing humans. Maybe they're not developed enough to experience and understand suffering, but they're definitely alive and human.
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Hopefully she'll listen. Her statements indicate she'll vote no.

Pro-abortion rights activists sending coat hangers to GOP senator: report

Pro-abortion rights activists are reportedly sending Republican Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) wire coat hangers in the mail in an effort to press her to vote against any Supreme Court nominee who would overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Cut reported Monday that advocates are sending Collins wire coat hangers as a graphic reminder of some of the steps historically taken when access to abortion has been restricted.

Seems you got the laughing pondscum going.

Read their listen they hate women. Why would they support women?

Pro birth anti choicers belong back in 1950

That's all you have? This is why I became a conservative ..

View attachment 202806

The fetus you screen shot looks as if the it is in the last trimester.

Most women do not get abortions that late in the pregnancy. And late term abortions aren't for women who changed their minds. It is almost always done because they have a medical condtion. Women don't carry for 8 months and then change their mind. Women who do not want to have a child generally have an abortion done within the first trimester.

You still didn't answer my question. Do you support social programs to help these babies after they are born. Otherwise you're a hypocrite.
Most people that support abortion find it to be very sad
You people tell us endlessly that IT is not human and feels NOTHING, and is not even a life.

So..... WHY????

Orwell called it Doublethink.

“…to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy…”

You too huh? The left is just one giant mind that believes the same shit, right?
" Articles Of Histology "

* Autonomic Thalamus Cognizance Cortex *

Did the child wish it?
The question you have proposed is absurd .

Of course the feet us did not wish it to be terminated , as until a feet us has acquired a sufficient sophistication of a physical state to experience cognizance it is incapable of intimating anything including a wish .

At issue is that individuals project their own aspirations onto a feet us as if there were some correlation between intimations of a feet us and ones own envisioned perceptions .

A feet us is more as a blank hard drive first formatted with a file system and eventually an operating system is applied , including drivers to interfaces , through which a sentient and eventually a sapient individual would adapt to environmental challenges .

Viability is consistent on a time line with the onset of foetal pain as evidenced from the JAMA, which concludes a necessary presence for thalamocortical radiations.
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