Pro-abortion rights activists sending coat hangers to GOP senator

I know you don't like the message but ad hominem attacks on the messenger aren't going to change what you are and what you aren't.

Ironic to find this statement in a post from you that otherwise consists of nothing but outrageous lies on your part, about me—the very definition of ad hominem attacks on your part against me because you are completely unable to address anything that I said in any honest or rational manner.
Murderers deserve death.

In your mind a 16 year old girl who gets an abortion is no different than some piece of shit that murders somebody for their wallet?

A murderer is a murderer.

Willfully and unjustly taking the life of an innocent human being is one of the most extreme and evil acts that a person can commit. Whether it is a teenaged girl murdering her own child, or a robber in the course of taking someone's wallet, it is the same crime, and calls for the same consequences.
All this fear mongering from the left, Roe v Wade will never be overturned, it was at its closest in the 90’s and that never came close. It is a dead issue that the left keeps using, to incite fear, just as they are trying to do with Collins. The left uses emotions very well.
Will someone please explain why the same people who are against abortion are against birth control measures? The countries that fully educate their youth and whose population has full access to birth-control measures do not seem to have these problems with unplanned pregnancies that lead to abortions. These countries seem to have the problem nailed. Why do Americans not do the same?
I'm not against birth control. However I don't believe I should have to pay for others use of it.
" Repetitive Anti-Choice Statements Of Nonsense "

* Legally Clue Less *
Regardless of one's position on legalized abortion , the Roe v Wade decision was, well...A legal and Constitutional "abortion." It was based on a non-existent right, found nowhere in the Constitution. It was scientifically preposterous, and has been shown ever more so in the years since 1973.
Abortion is based upon wrights of citizens , and to become a citizen , according to the 14th amendment , one must be born , and for equal protection one must be born .

That is the basis of roe v wade , as specified in the blackmun opinion .

But hey , the clown shoes pro-birth camp is going to repeat stupidity because they figure , " Why not lie , as long as we get our way ? " .
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" Ignoring Major Costs Contributors "

* Spay And Neuter Your Pets *
I'm not against birth control. However I don't believe I should have to pay for others use of it.
Given that between 0% and 200% of the poverty line have 75% of the abortions , by not paying for birth control for those least likely able to handle paying for it , and least likely to be responsible in applying it , the option is an ounce of prevention versus a ton of cure for the inevitable social welfare costs .
" Ignoring Major Costs Contributors "

* Spay And Neuter Your Pets *
I'm not against birth control. However I don't believe I should have to pay for others use of it.
Given that between 0% and 200% of the poverty line have 75% of the abortions , by not paying for birth control for those least likely able to handle paying for it , and least likely to be responsible in applying it , the option is an ounce of prevention versus a ton of cure for the inevitable social welfare costs .
I shouldn't have to pay for someones elses irresponsibility.
What it boils down to is a minority of people want to force their religion on everyone else using the government.

As all religions have done in the past and the very reason the founders wanted a separation of church and state. But of course cons today think the founders idiots and think the Constitution is just toilet paper with printing on it.
I am not religious and believe abortion is wrong. You do know there is the Secular Pro-Life movement.
" Castigating Ad Hominem Mocking Disgrace"

* Pathetic Excuses Portraying False Animation *

" Pretending Cause Without Consequence "
* Ignoring The Obvious *

I shouldn't have to pay for someones elses irresponsibility.
Out law abortion and you will get far more demands for your money that you might imagine .
Your Fiscal concerns are horrifying.
Actually the fiscal concerns are valid as those within 0% to 200% of the poverty line seek abortion to forgo loss of employment and are further debilitated by their lessened financial condition available as government subsidy .

Individualism entitles one to willful intentions as a feature of self determination , and those willful intentions extend to where , when , if , and how one chooses to procreate as an effort to assure their own self ownership .

The dictates of government through tyranny by majority or through tyranny buy minority against willful intentions of individuals for where , when , if , and how one chooses to procreate is an illegitimate aggression against self determination and self ownership .

The costs to socialize individuals falls mostly upon state coffers , while the pyramid scheme of social security is funded through federal income tax that incentivizes the levels of immigration .

If one wishes for social efficiency with less dependency on government , one should consider the capacity of individuals to improve their social conditions that especially includes their capacity to improve the social conditions of progeny - all while being pressured against productivity from a glut of immigrant numbers with comparative labor skills .
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" Empathy Validity Emphasis Absent Seeking Instantiation "

* A Bout Two Bee Contacted *

I am not religious and believe abortion is wrong. You do know there is the Secular Pro-Life movement.
My initial guess is that their underlying foundations are embedded in secular humanism and socialist idealism to an extent that may be a shocking realism to some .

It is rather absurd that the organization did not mention sentience once in its ethical delineation of perspectives within the subsection labeled " Personhood " .
" Will Knot Fly "

* Over Exerting Purist Emphasis *

1. A hue mammon contains it's own unique and individual hue mammon DNA.
Unique dna is not relevant to citizenship and a unique dna is not relevant to the validity for a sentience requirement for empathy .

* Avoid Flying Off The Rails *
2. So kill her. She's still a person with her own unique and individual human DNA.
The mother becomes a citizen at birth , which entitles her to retort by government for any violation of wrights delineated as protections or endowments through the constitution .

A feet two us has not been born and according to /Fourteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution a feet us is not a citizen and not entitled to equal protection until birth .
Human DNA is what makes you a human being. What did you think was growing inside a woman's womb, a big screen plasma TV?
I will not vote for any candidate who is not pro-choice. Whether or not to carry a pregnancy to term is the choice of the individual, not the state.
" Irrelevance And Absurdity Of Inalienable Rites "

* Double Standards Four Vanity *

Human DNA is what makes you a human being. What did you think was growing inside a woman's womb, a big screen plasma TV?
When a foe to us is an inchoate being it may as well be a potato .

From a biocentric perspective , rather than from an anthocentric prespective , there is a universal scale of sophistication of exploitation where mineral , plant and animal are placed within categories that range from inchoate , to sentient , to sapient .

A boicentrism perspective places mineral , plant and animal on the universal scale of sophistication exploitation with an indifference to an anthropocentric assertion that an exception be provided to mammon kind where mammon kind does not grant sanctity from exploitation and imposition of suffering upon other entities of being .

Hence there is not an exception for mammon kind until sentience onsets as prior to that a valid basis of empathy for sentience in lieu of cognitive objection is not relevant .
" Irrelevance And Absurdity Of Inalienable Rites "

* Double Standards Four Vanity *

Human DNA is what makes you a human being. What did you think was growing inside a woman's womb, a big screen plasma TV?
When it is an inchoate being it may as well be a potato .

From a biocentric perspective , rather than from an anthocentric prespective , there is a universal scale of sophistication where mineral , plant and animal are placed within categories that range from inchoate , to sentient , to sapient .

A boicentrism perspective places mineral , plant and animal on the universal scale of sophistication and disregards an anthropocentric assertion that an exception be provided to mammon kind where mammon kind does not grant sanctity from exploitation and imposition of suffering for other entities of being .

Hence there is not an exception for mammon kind until sentience onsets as prior to that a valid basis for empathy for sentience and cognitive objection is not relevant .
It has everything that makes a human that you do.

Deeming them untermensch only makes you the monster.
" Talking To A Tree "

* Objectivity Without Respect For Self Incrimination Of Failed Restraint *
It has everything that makes a human that you do.
Deeming them untermensch only makes you the monster.
Your assertion is utopian ideal turned into an absurdity .

Apparently you fail to discern that hue mammon animal bares canines and that extends suffering and exploitation onto non sentient , sentient and sapient beings on its watch .

Hence , from a perspective of biocentrism , hue mammon are animals and whether you feel inclined to belittle some as monsters , the validity of such accusation would require a correlation with a veracity to inflict suffering .
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