Pro-abortion rights activists sending coat hangers to GOP senator

" Talking To A Tree "

* Objectivity Without Respect For Self Incrimination Of Failed Restraint *
It has everything that makes a human that you do.
Deeming them untermensch only makes you the monster.
Your assertion is utopian ideal turned into an absurdity .

Apparently you fail to discern that hue mammon animal bares canines and that extends suffering and exploitation of non sentient , sentient and sapient beings occurs on its watch .

Hence , from a perspective of biocentrism , hue mammon are animals and whether you feel inclined to belittle some as monsters , the validity of such accusation would require a correlation with a veracity to inflict suffering .
Many people have no teeth. Scalpel them.
" Does Knot Change Propensities Through Genome "

* Inn Denture Ewe Hue Hew *
" Talking To A Tree "
* Objectivity Without Respect For Self Incrimination Of Failed Restraint *

It has everything that makes a human that you do.
Deeming them untermensch only makes you the monster.
Your assertion is utopian ideal turned into an absurdity .
Apparently you fail to discern that hue mammon animal bares canines and that extends suffering and exploitation of non sentient , sentient and sapient beings occurs on its watch .
Hence , from a perspective of biocentrism , hue mammon are animals and whether you feel inclined to belittle some as monsters , the validity of such accusation would require a correlation with a veracity to inflict suffering .
Many people have no teeth. Scalpel them.
" Does Knot Change Propensities Through Genome "

* Inn Denture Ewe Hue Hew *
" Talking To A Tree "
* Objectivity Without Respect For Self Incrimination Of Failed Restraint *

It has everything that makes a human that you do.
Deeming them untermensch only makes you the monster.
Your assertion is utopian ideal turned into an absurdity .
Apparently you fail to discern that hue mammon animal bares canines and that extends suffering and exploitation of non sentient , sentient and sapient beings occurs on its watch .
Hence , from a perspective of biocentrism , hue mammon are animals and whether you feel inclined to belittle some as monsters , the validity of such accusation would require a correlation with a veracity to inflict suffering .
Many people have no teeth. Scalpel them.
No human DNA.

Next. :)
Hopefully she'll listen. Her statements indicate she'll vote no.

Pro-abortion rights activists sending coat hangers to GOP senator: report

Pro-abortion rights activists are reportedly sending Republican Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) wire coat hangers in the mail in an effort to press her to vote against any Supreme Court nominee who would overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Cut reported Monday that advocates are sending Collins wire coat hangers as a graphic reminder of some of the steps historically taken when access to abortion has been restricted.

She should listen to people like you who think it is okay to murder babies? And even if she helped over turn Roe V Wade, all that would do is allow California to murder babies, and sane states like Texas to not murder babies....... anyone who wants to murder their unborn child would simply have to go to a state where child murder is still legal...
The right is dead wrong on this issue and they can't really logically defend it. People are going to seek abortions whether it's legal or not. I'll take safe and clean over sketchy back ally abortions. I'm pretty sure it's been shown that abortion rates actually go down when women have access to safe avenues that will help educate them about everything. Believe it or not Planned Parenthood prefers it when women decide to keep their babies.
People commit murder whether it is legal or not. Don't be stupid.

The situation is worse when it's illegal. Sometimes you have to let go of what's ideal in favor of what's logical.

It isn't worse..... instead of pushing baby murder, push adoption.....
" An Abominable Argument For Human DNA Without Teeth "

* Keep Trying *

No human DNA.
Next. :)
From a biocentric perspective , and not from an anthropocentric perspective , hue mammon may be exploited based upon whether it exploits or reaps suffering on other biological entities .

As suffering is a valid basis for empathy , one may directly infer that sentience is a prerequisite for cognitive objection , as well , upon which another may intercede and represent a foe to us by proxy as a legal victim .

A prerequisite for sentience are thalamocortical radiations , which bridge the thalamus and cerebral cortex , which bridge the autonomic nervous systems and sympathetic nervous systems , which facilitate cognizance and consequently conscientious objection , upon which one may invoke empathy with validity to justify representation of a feetous , or foetous , as a legal victim through proxy .

A human dna argument is an extreme claim from puritanism stipulating that mammon kind and kinds of mammon should survive and endure in perpetuity without end through out time .

Puzzling is where a human dna argument stipulates that every possible instance of human dna be deemed sacrosanct to achieve the outcomes of its idealism for the indefinite perpetuity of hue mammon kind and kinds of hue mammon .

A human dna argument woefully fails to include a biocentric perspective , as regards placement of animal states on a universal scale of sophistication crossed with a universal scale of exploitation, whereby the hue mammon animal may be subject to exploits as it subjects other beings on a universal scale of sophistication to exploitation and suffering .

The hue mammon animal regards minerals , plants and inchoate animals as beings without a capacity for suffering , a reserve of remorse does no exist within the hue mammon animal in that regard to exploitation .

The hue mammon animal regards sentient animals as beings with a physical capacity for suffering about which the hue mammon animal may or may not reserve remorse in that regard to their exploitation , however that physical capacity for sapience is an initial basis by which the hue mammon animal may assert an exception to exploitation for itself as related any suppositions for law to proscribe abortion .
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" Accenctuation Scopes Of Breadth "

* Being Wanted Matters Not All Being Wanted Matters All So *

It isn't worse..... instead of pushing baby murder, push adoption.....
One may push or slam as they wish as long as said physical aggression is not illegitimate for having violated non aggression principles .

* Wild Question About Your Asserted Premise That Born Babbling Babies Are Being Killed *

Does wanting adoption or pushing adoption have anything to do with whether a mother is willing to detach herself from her own offspring ?

* Consequential Summaries Challenging Hypocrisy *

Basically , regarding the treatise below , do as you wish for yourself and whether you disagree or agree with whether others engage in abortion or not , an expectation from antinomianism would be that laws not be passed proscribing abortion , rather that forgiveness , charity and informed consent are to relieve any want or necessity for having an abortion .

* An Other Non Nomianism Treatise *

A proposition about antinomianism ( non nomianism ) is that by no name ( nomian ) will a law be written , not by mu sa , not by mu ha am ad , not by pretenses from an ineffable deity , and certainly not by is sa , such that all writs of law would be removed as a utopian ideal .

As is clearly evident , antionomianism and nomianism are antonyms ; also , clearly evident is that antinomianism stipulates a paradox where a utopian implementation causes contention through dystopian consequences .

At issue is to analyze expectations for antinomianism , as a standard upon which individuals may reflect for self analysis .

Ultimately , from antinomianism , it is particularly antithetical for one to stipulate laws so that one is not obligated to implement tenets from an antinomian creed .

As an antinomian creed aspires towards a utopian ideal to remove all writs ( writes , rites , rights < normed vector space > , wrights ) of law , then an expectation for an issuance of punishment or retort as recompense for a violation of a utopian edict would be non existent , hence in existentialism of the antinomian ethos , unconditional forgiveness and unconditional charity are to prevail over demand for complicity with a utopian ideal through writs of law .
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Procreation is tantamount to murder and the gov has pretty strict laws about murder.
Try harder. I'm not going to waste my time telling you why that's wrong if you're too lazy or ignorant to show why it's right.
In other words, 'I cannot answer your boring arguments with reason and fact, so I will just pretend to find them beneath my time and effort without giving a single fact or reason why BECAUSE I HAVE NONE OF EITHER!'
No. Your previous post was grasping in the dark at straws. It's the leap of faith required by many of the fairy tales. It's not my job to deconstruct such lazy and sloppy work.
A developing fetus is not a human being. The only thing that makes it have a life is your projections onto it. I often wonder if pro-life women do that because they used to play pretend with Barbie dolls.
Hopefully she'll listen. Her statements indicate she'll vote no.

Pro-abortion rights activists sending coat hangers to GOP senator: report

Pro-abortion rights activists are reportedly sending Republican Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) wire coat hangers in the mail in an effort to press her to vote against any Supreme Court nominee who would overturn Roe v. Wade.

The Cut reported Monday that advocates are sending Collins wire coat hangers as a graphic reminder of some of the steps historically taken when access to abortion has been restricted.

She should listen to people like you who think it is okay to murder babies? And even if she helped over turn Roe V Wade, all that would do is allow California to murder babies, and sane states like Texas to not murder babies....... anyone who wants to murder their unborn child would simply have to go to a state where child murder is still legal...
Child? LMBO, Murder children. What is it ~you need a villain? IDK, maybe you have issues ......... Who knows?
Procreation is tantamount to murder and the gov has pretty strict laws about murder.
Try harder. I'm not going to waste my time telling you why that's wrong if you're too lazy or ignorant to show why it's right.
In other words, 'I cannot answer your boring arguments with reason and fact, so I will just pretend to find them beneath my time and effort without giving a single fact or reason why BECAUSE I HAVE NONE OF EITHER!'
No. Your previous post was grasping in the dark at straws. It's the leap of faith required by many of the fairy tales. It's not my job to deconstruct such lazy and sloppy work.
That’s two consecutive non-responses from you.
If a woman wants to use a coat hanger...
her body, her right

Fucking seriously dude? You're against women going to safe and clean places to get abortions, but you're totally cool with killing babies with coat hangers? Do you realize how twisted and backwards your logic is? This comment makes it apparent that you don't actually give a fuck about the women or their babies, so why get in the way of abortion at all?
Fucking seriously dude?
Do you know how twisted and backwards your logic is?

I'm not cool with killing babies....
since when do you pro choicers,
consider 'globs' babies anyway

Women don't want to endanger their lives...
that's what this coat hanger business is all about

They don't care about killing a baby,
they care about killing themselves too
The right is dead wrong on this issue and they can't really logically defend it. People are going to seek abortions whether it's legal or not. I'll take safe and clean over sketchy back ally abortions. I'm pretty sure it's been shown that abortion rates actually go down when women have access to safe avenues that will help educate them about everything. Believe it or not Planned Parenthood prefers it when women decide to keep their babies.
People commit murder whether it is legal or not. Don't be stupid.

The situation is worse when it's illegal. Sometimes you have to let go of what's ideal in favor of what's logical.
The situation is worse when it's illegal. Sometimes you have to let go of what's ideal in favor of what's logical.
What's ideal is a quick fix solution
What's logical is being responsible

keep your legs shut
take precautions
put the baby up for adoption
take the morning after pill

If a woman wants to use a coat hanger...
her body, her right
Her body has 2 heads and 4 arms and legs.
Her body has 2 heads and 4 arms and legs.
Yeah, well, she only cares about 1 of the bodies....hers
The right is dead wrong on this issue and they can't really logically defend it. People are going to seek abortions whether it's legal or not. I'll take safe and clean over sketchy back ally abortions. I'm pretty sure it's been shown that abortion rates actually go down when women have access to safe avenues that will help educate them about everything. Believe it or not Planned Parenthood prefers it when women decide to keep their babies.
People commit murder whether it is legal or not. Don't be stupid.

The situation is worse when it's illegal. Sometimes you have to let go of what's ideal in favor of what's logical.
The situation is worse when it's illegal. Sometimes you have to let go of what's ideal in favor of what's logical.
What's ideal is a quick fix solution
What's logical is being responsible

keep your legs shut
take precautions
put the baby up for adoption
take the morning after pill

If a woman wants to use a coat hanger...
her body, her right
Her body has 2 heads and 4 arms and legs.
Her body has 2 heads and 4 arms and legs.
Yeah, well, she only cares about 1 of the bodies....hers
She should have considered the consequences when she entered into the contract with the father of the baby they created.
A developing fetus is not a human being. The only thing that makes it have a life is your projections onto it. I often wonder if pro-life women do that because they used to play pretend with Barbie dolls.
A developing fetus is not a human being
Your ass!


Women don't push out senior citizens, full grown adults,
teenagers, school age kids, preschoolers or toddlers....
all are stages of a human being
The only thing that makes it have a life is your projections onto it.
Oh, I see...for 9 months, your mother 'projected' life onto you....
It's alive it's alive it's alive it's alive it's alive it's alive it's alive
Grow grow grow grow grow grow grow grow grow grow
Come out come out come out come out come out come out
Breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe

You're a moron you're a moron you're a moron
Will someone please explain why the same people who are against abortion are against birth control measures? The countries that fully educate their youth and whose population has full access to birth-control measures do not seem to have these problems with unplanned pregnancies that lead to abortions. These countries seem to have the problem nailed. Why do Americans not do the same?
Who knows what the hell you're talking about?
A developing fetus is not a human being. The only thing that makes it have a life is your projections onto it. I often wonder if pro-life women do that because they used to play pretend with Barbie dolls.
A developing fetus is not a human being
Your ass!


Women don't push out senior citizens, full grown adults,
teenagers, school age kids, preschoolers or toddlers....
all are stages of a human being
The only thing that makes it have a life is your projections onto it.
Oh, I see...for 9 months, your mother 'projected' life onto you....
It's alive it's alive it's alive it's alive it's alive it's alive it's alive
Grow grow grow grow grow grow grow grow grow grow
Come out come out come out come out come out come out
Breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe

You're a moron you're a moron you're a moron

Pro Life people are something, never mind that they have their noses deep in the ***** of other women, they use that one weak stance it's alive. Yeah well so was Frankenstein. It is a developing fetus, it doesn't have personality and can't think. I say this because I'm not for 20 week abortions. The best way to do an abortion is start planning when you skip a month. Nine month abortions have been outlawed for years, you do that for hype.
A developing fetus is not a human being. The only thing that makes it have a life is your projections onto it. I often wonder if pro-life women do that because they used to play pretend with Barbie dolls.
A developing fetus is not a human being
Your ass!


Women don't push out senior citizens, full grown adults,
teenagers, school age kids, preschoolers or toddlers....
all are stages of a human being
The only thing that makes it have a life is your projections onto it.
Oh, I see...for 9 months, your mother 'projected' life onto you....
It's alive it's alive it's alive it's alive it's alive it's alive it's alive
Grow grow grow grow grow grow grow grow grow grow
Come out come out come out come out come out come out
Breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe

You're a moron you're a moron you're a moron

Pro Life people are something, never mind that they have their noses deep in the ***** of other women, they use that one weak stance it's alive. Yeah well so was Frankenstein. It is a developing fetus, it doesn't have personality and can't think. I say this because I'm not for 20 week abortions. The best way to do an abortion is start planning when you skip a month. Nine month abortions have been outlawed for years, you do that for hype.
Pro Life people are something, never mind that they have their noses deep in the ***** of other women, they use that one weak stance it's alive.
Weak're alive bitch
Yeah well so was Frankenstein.
Yeah, well, Frankenstein isn't real, moron
It is a developing fetus, it doesn't have personality and can't think.
Well, that explains it..... you're still a developing fetus
I say this because I'm not for 20 week abortions.
I think you're a failed abortion
KeepItReal, I think you have, a superior man syndrome. Hate it when you can't control women? Yes women have the say over the potential jr. in her body. I think you have a terrible attitude.

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