Pro-abortion? Why?

Robberies will happen because some people want to have money but not work.
Deal with it.

That' retarded.

Robbery victims are people.

Fetuses aren't.

Here's the thing. You catch someone robbing someone, no one has an issue throwing them in jail.

Since no one will go along with throwing women who have abortions in jail, any law you make against it will be unenforceable. This was the problem with Pre-Roe. Women were never arrested for having abortions.
And in just about every state it's illegal, so it appears you need to deal with it...dumbass.

You miss my point entirely. It's "Illegal", but the laws aren't enforced and lot of people outright ignore them.

This is pretty much what the abortion laws were before Roe. They were illegal in most states, everyone knew someone who could take care of that.
Let ME remind YOU how REPUBLICANS never tried to pass laws making it legal to murder AMERICAN CITIZENS...

Except for all the places where you support capital punishment. Fetuses aren't people.

...but 2 of the 1st several pieces of legislation Democrats try to pass are making it legal for Illegals to vote in US elections and making it legal to murder American citizens!

fetuses aren't people.... and restoring voting rights is not giving the right to vote to undocumented immigrants.
Some doctors did perform abortions under the guise of D and C, but the number of abortions has exploded since Roe v. Wade.
I don't care what age you are, the who and where of performed abortions was not common knowledge or maybe you don't know just how many human beings are being aborted daily. Currently, abortion is the number one cause of death in the world.

Nobody dies from abortion because fetuses aren't people.

Um, yeah, back in the day, you knew who you could get an abortion from.

Just like prostitution is illegal, and there are at least six "Happy Ending" massage parlors within five miles of me.
A human fetus is a human being. There is no doubt that you also started life as a human fetus.
There weren't hundreds of thousands of abortions being performed each year when abortion was illegal.
As a fact of law, an embryo/fetus is not a person entitled to Constitutional protections, where the woman’s protected liberties prohibit the state from seeking to compel her to have a child against her will.

And you’ve already been proven wrong with regard to abortions conducted before and after Roe.
I'm aware of the law. That's why I and may others want to change it, and you haven't proven anything. Your posts are hearsay.
If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times, I'd like to know why you think this is important.

I am NOT interested in whether you think abortion is "moral" or "immoral", only in why you feel access to abortion as a health service is necessary.

This is not a "trick question", I want honest answers.

Flamers will be reported and ignored.

I'm not necessarily "pro-abortion". It's not about being "pro-" anything.


There are 7.9 billion people on this planet. We don't know where the limit is.

We're having water issues. China's north east is lacking water, the US is having water issues, many places are seeing problems with fresh water. At what point does the human population go beyond our ability or earth's ability to give us enough fresh water?

We're having agricultural land problems. We might have to stop raising animals in order to grow crops. Obviously with changing temperatures, either up or down, agricultural land changes, becomes more fertile, less fertile. With more urban areas, obviously there's less agricultural land out there. Some of the agricultural land isn't so good, Africa for instance has lots of not very good land.

2018 we had about 48 billion square kilometres of agricultural land. This is slightly up from 47 million Sq. km in 1992. But the population of the world has increased from about 5 billion people to nearly 8 billion people in that time. Why hasn't agricultural land increased? Better growing technology or simply there isn't much land left?

Brazil is increasing land, at the expense of the rain forest which produces a lot of oxygen. We still need to be producing oxygen.

Also we see the need for more food, the richer the world gets, the more food it needs. China is coming into first world status.

The average world meat consumption is at about 45.3 kg a year (predicted 2030).
The average for industrialized countries is 100 kg a year.
For developing countries is's about 36 kg a year.

If we increase all those developing countries we're going to have massive land issue problems. Animals need crops. Crops need land.

77% of land goes to dairy, or meat production.
82% of calorie supply comes from crops,.

So, 23% of land for 82% of calorie supply. Where as 77% of 18% of calorie supply is a massive problem if more meat is required.

The reality is we simply don't need more people. We need less people. We live longer, we need to acknowledge this and make sure people are working longer in their lives. But we're going to hit a brick wall and war is the only logical conclusion to that.
Science, you fucking retard.

When have YOU every believed in science? And YOU have absolutely no solid ground to stand on when calling others "retard".

You oppose ANYTHING to do with science, starting with abortion, climate change, equal rights. Anything that works from a scientific point of view, you oppose and you don't even know why,
When have YOU every believed in science? And YOU have absolutely no solid ground to stand on when calling others "retard".

You oppose ANYTHING to do with science, starting with abortion, climate change, equal rights. Anything that works from a scientific point of view, you oppose and you don't even know why,

The "science" of abortion is this: in almost all cases, mothers are choosing to rid themselves of normally-developing human beings in their womb. Their own sons and daughters.

This is morally repugnant and a great evil, and a tragedy.
When have YOU every believed in science?


I'm a conservative, we are the party of science - ACTUAL science, not voodoo.

And YOU have absolutely no solid ground to stand on when calling others "retard".

ChiCom, since you retard Nazis claim that your unborn victims are not human (just as you claimed about Jews), what is it you ghouls claim your victims are?

You oppose ANYTHING to do with science,

Like 75 genders that can change with the mood lighting?


starting with abortion,

Where you claim that the victim isn't human - being that you're all "sciencey" and shit. Because DNA will come back as, what is it you filthy Nazi ghouls call your victims? Oh yeah, a "lump of goo."

climate change,


equal rights. Anything that works from a scientific point of view, you oppose and you don't even know why,

Fucktard - you have POLITICAL faith - nothing you vomit out has ANYTHING in common with "science."

You don't even know what science is, you only follow your Reich, and Emperor Xi.
I'm not necessarily "pro-abortion". It's not about being "pro-" anything.


There are 7.9 billion people on this planet. We don't know where the limit is.

We're having water issues. China's north east is lacking water, the US is having water issues, many places are seeing problems with fresh water. At what point does the human population go beyond our ability or earth's ability to give us enough fresh water?

We're having agricultural land problems. We might have to stop raising animals in order to grow crops. Obviously with changing temperatures, either up or down, agricultural land changes, becomes more fertile, less fertile. With more urban areas, obviously there's less agricultural land out there. Some of the agricultural land isn't so good, Africa for instance has lots of not very good land.

2018 we had about 48 billion square kilometres of agricultural land. This is slightly up from 47 million Sq. km in 1992. But the population of the world has increased from about 5 billion people to nearly 8 billion people in that time. Why hasn't agricultural land increased? Better growing technology or simply there isn't much land left?

Brazil is increasing land, at the expense of the rain forest which produces a lot of oxygen. We still need to be producing oxygen.

Also we see the need for more food, the richer the world gets, the more food it needs. China is coming into first world status.

The average world meat consumption is at about 45.3 kg a year (predicted 2030).
The average for industrialized countries is 100 kg a year.
For developing countries is's about 36 kg a year.

If we increase all those developing countries we're going to have massive land issue problems. Animals need crops. Crops need land.

77% of land goes to dairy, or meat production.
82% of calorie supply comes from crops,.

So, 23% of land for 82% of calorie supply. Where as 77% of 18% of calorie supply is a massive problem if more meat is required.

The reality is we simply don't need more people. We need less people. We live longer, we need to acknowledge this and make sure people are working longer in their lives. But we're going to hit a brick wall and war is the only logical conclusion to that.
The Far Right uses Pro-Abortion as a political cliché. No one is Pro-Abortion. But many of us feel that a woman should have a right to choose. Just like many on the Far Right say they should have a right to choose whether to wear a mask.

I'm a conservative, we are the party of science - ACTUAL science, not voodoo.

ChiCom, since you retard Nazis claim that your unborn victims are not human (just as you claimed about Jews), what is it you ghouls claim your victims are?

Like 75 genders that can change with the mood lighting?


Where you claim that the victim isn't human - being that you're all "sciencey" and shit. Because DNA will come back as, what is it you filthy Nazi ghouls call your victims? Oh yeah, a "lump of goo."


Fucktard - you have POLITICAL faith - nothing you vomit out has ANYTHING in common with "science."

You don't even know what science is, you only follow your Reich, and Emperor Xi.
At about eight weeks gestation, there is a detectable heart beat.

At about 20 weeks, the baby can feel excruciating pain.

At about 24 weeks, about 50% of babies are viable.

To permit elective abortion beyond this time is inhumane and arguably homicide and inhumane.

Here is a 21-week fetus being successfully operated on for Spina Bifida. Samuel was born healthy in 1999. This was over 20 years ago.

(Spoiler due to graphic image - click on it)
Samuel Armas 21-week gestation operation 1999

Hi, Samuel!



At about eight weeks gestation, there is a detectable heart beat.

At about 20 weeks, the baby can feel excruciating pain.

At about 24 weeks, about 50% of babies are viable.

To permit elective abortion beyond this time is inhumane and arguably homicide and inhumane.

Here is a 21-week fetus being successfully operated on for Spina Bifida. Samuel was born healthy in 1999. This was over 20 years ago.

(Spoiler due to graphic image - click on it)
Samuel Armas 21-week gestation operation 1999

Hi, Samuel!

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Cows have a "detectable heartbeat", same with pigs, sheep etc. All thing people who are "pro-life" eat.
Let's get the terms straight, to avoid further quackery by you:

That's not "pro-abortion". It's "pro-choice".

Just as wanting to ban abortion is not, "pro-life", it's 'anti-choice". Pro-life is your standard for making your own decisions. "anti-choice" is you opposing others being able to make their own choice.

So, someone can be "anti-abortion", yet still, "pro-choice".
If you want to keep the consitency of those terms.. let's do it.

But, if someone knee-deep in trouble wants another guy dead to protect his assets or interests.. it would be a "pro choice" for him to kill to do so.

I think that's wrong. You appear to think it's okay. If I were you, I'd not side with the people who advocate for "choice" as far as the lives other people. So creepy.
Cows have a "detectable heartbeat", same with pigs, sheep etc. All thing people who are "pro-life" eat.
Weirdo, we don't intentionally harvest babies for food. Humans are omnivores, and most of us eat meat which provides some essential nutrients that cannot be found elsewhere in nature.

The large majority of human babies are killed for arbitrary elective reasons - the mother made bad decisions, got pregnant, and now does not want to deal with the consequences of her choices. In short, the baby, which is the most helpless and defenseless of all humans, is not wanted.

21 weeks is five months! Waiting to terminate until after the fetus develops into a viable human being which has a beating heart and can experience excruciating pain is absolutely humane, don't you think?

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