Pro-abortion? Why?

If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times, I'd like to know why you think this is important.
Most Americans seem to agree that Roe v Wade is a reasonable compromise that eschews extremists either insisting the State should seize control of the womb at the moment of conception or espousing the antipodal conviction that Big Government intrusion is not required at any time during gestation.

Canada provides a real-world example of a nation that keeps politicians and bureaucrats entirely out of what it views as a private matter, respecting the citizen's right to decide in consultation with loved ones, and medical and spiritual advisers whom she trusts.
There is no abortion laws in Canada, and yet the rate of abortion approximates that of the U.S.
Let's get the terms straight, to avoid further quackery by you:

That's not "pro-abortion". It's "pro-choice".

Just as wanting to ban abortion is not, "pro-life", it's 'anti-choice". Pro-life is your standard for making your own decisions. "anti-choice" is you opposing others being able to make their own choice.

So, someone can be "anti-abortion", yet still, "pro-choice".

I think he is speaking about actual pro abortion. And being pro choice is pro abortion because you're saying you should be able to have an abortion, which in itself is pro abortion because you're defending someone's ability to have one.

When you get down to it if youre pro choice you're pro abortion in murdering a child. But since it can't say "goo goo" most people don't think of it that way, if it doesn't look like a baby then it isn't a baby.

There is no middle ground. Either you're ok with killing a baby, or you aren't. Because that's what abortion is, it's killing a baby. Soon as that egg is fertilized a human starts to grow and if left alone to gestate for 9 months a baby comes out, aborting it any time before that 9 months is stopping the life of that child. All the wording and the phrasing in the world doesn't change that, wording and phrasing just allows people to ignore that fact and not think about they are killing a baby.

Doesn't matter if it's 9 weeks after fertilization or 5 years that child is growing. Being a blob at 3 weeks still doesn't change the fact it's a baby.

So if youre pro choice you're still pro abortion because they are the same thing. Even if you would never have an abortion if you're pro choice you're still saying its ok for others to kill a baby.
If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times, I'd like to know why you think this is important.

I am NOT interested in whether you think abortion is "moral" or "immoral", only in why you feel access to abortion as a health service is necessary.

This is not a "trick question", I want honest answers.

Flamers will be reported and ignored.
The mere fact that you are dumb beyond education is all one need reply.
A Fetus is a Living,breathing human.Inside a Female human.
A Fetus is entirely an innocent human life waiting to experience the human
condition.Abortion is Entirely a moral issue.The taking of an Innocent human life.
I don't give two craps in Hell or your Kitchen whether you think Abortion is or
Isn't a Moral dilemna.Just that Humans like you exist.
You are a typical example of what is wrong with society.50 years ago
your type was considered a huge minority.On par with maybe select
Serial Killers on the prowl.
Plus yer a weenie and obviously punked.Actin like one of Hitler's
henchman who get a kick out of rounding up Jews.All Jews.Regardless
of papers.Treating Abortions as if no more a problem than where to dispose
the body.Or if it may be an inconvenience.
Yer no more a Human in thought than a Kermit Gosnell.
Not even worthy of the pHrase ... God Help you.
God should treat you and yer type like you treat the morality of
My wife is in the process of aborting an un-fertilized egg innocent life. Something she does monthly.

I contributed to this by pulling out when we have sex.
Do you even know or care what the defintion of Human life comprises.
It's at The Moment of Conception.
Even those who raise guppies can understand that.
Just as an Infant is not a child.A toddler is not an infant.
A Teenager is not a child.
Man oh boy is our Society screwed.
There is no middle ground. Either you're ok with killing a baby, or you aren't. Because that's what abortion is, it's killing a baby. Soon as that egg is fertilized a human starts to grow and if left alone to gestate for 9 months a baby comes out, aborting it any time before that 9 months is stopping the life of that child. All the wording and the phrasing in the world doesn't change that, wording and phrasing just allows people to ignore that fact and not think about they are killing a baby.
Personally, I don't consider a fertilized egg as a human being anymore than I consider any cell in my body as an individual human being. Given the right conditions, that fertilized egg would become a human being but it doesn't start out that way. It begins as a DNA blueprint for a human being, nothing more. A blueprint for a house is not a house.
Do you even know or care what the defintion of Human life comprises.
It's at The Moment of Conception.
Even those who raise guppies can understand that.
Just as an Infant is not a child.A toddler is not an infant.
A Teenager is not a child.
Man oh boy is our Society screwed.
It is society that defines what is a human, not science. Society decides what rights we have and when we get them and when we lose them.
Personally, I don't consider a fertilized egg as a human being anymore than I consider any cell in my body as an individual human being. Given the right conditions, that fertilized egg would become a human being but it doesn't start out that way. It begins as a DNA blueprint for a human being, nothing more. A blueprint for a house is not a house.
cc: Foolardi

This is really key. The Left will say "my body my choice" (except when talking about injecting experimental vaccines).

Well, the fetus is not the woman's body. All of the cells in the woman's body have the same DNA. The baby's DNA is different, a combination of the mother's and the father's. As such, it is a unique human body, without question. Science and all that.
If men could get pregnant there would be Zero POLITICANS saying a single word about abortion
Which begs the question.How and when did the notion of Abortion
spring into action as if needed or convenient.
Certainly not when Steve McQueen and Natalie Wood did :
- Love With the Proper Stranger - { 1963 }.
Abortion was considered Evil.unclean,and dirty.And Unnecessary.
Where a human being is not of right mind to comprehend what they
are about to do.Like Going to war w/o thinking about the cost of human
life and devastation of cities.Like - Hiroshima -. Never to be tried again.
In short ... Abortion should never-ever rise to such acceptance as to
seem like going out to lunch.
But is has.Meaning it's a Human Tragedy.
Watch the Move - Gosnell - The Trial of Americas Biggest Serial Killer {2018}
The man the Left refused to cover.His initial Trials were empty in the
courtrooms.Because Today's left Know that Abortion is wrong.
And that One Party { democrats } live by use and propagation of an
Abortionist mindset.
In plain english Both Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden { supposed good Catholics }
are doomed to hell.No way eligible for heaven
It is society that defines what is a human, not science. Society decides what rights we have and when we get them and when we lose them.
Yeah right.Like how Nice we have abortions.
" Its a wonder we have any nice things at all with Tweedledee and
Tweedledum over there running around the house knocking into everything.
I guess Societys Under a Hitler, Stalin or Mao also decided what is right.
Talk about sheer ignorance.
Total lack of Reason.
" The nost noble and excellent gift of heaven to man is reason. "
-- Cicero
cc: Foolardi

Well, the fetus is not the woman's body. All of the cells in the woman's body have the same DNA. The baby's DNA is different, a combination of the mother's and the father's. As such, it is a unique human body, without question. Science and all that.
Actually, that is too simplistic. If that were true of men too, 25% of the children of a set of parents would have exactly the same set of DNA. Obviously uniqueness is common.
Which begs the question.How and when did the notion of Abortion
spring into action as if needed or convenient.
Wrong question.

Correct question: How and when did the notion of using government excess and overreach to interfere in citizens’ personal lives become appropriate and warranted.

Whatever a citizen’s perception of abortion might be – that it’s wrong, immoral, or in violation of religious dogma – it’s neither the role nor responsibility of government to codify that perception in public law, compelling women to give birth against their will through force of that law.
Actually, that is too simplistic. If that were true of men too, 25% of the children of a set of parents would have exactly the same set of DNA. Obviously uniqueness is common.
No they would not.

I said "combination of DNA."
There is no middle ground. Either you're ok with killing a baby, or you aren't.
This is a lie – abortion is not ‘killing’ a baby.

This sort of baseless, bad-faith demagoguery by the right is both wrong and reprehensible.

And there is no ‘ground’ – middle or otherwise; that fails as a false dilemma fallacy.

Citizens are at liberty to make decisions concerning whether to have a child or not free from un-Constitutional interference from the state.
Im tired of paying for whores to keep having babies and living on welfare and food stamps. If you have a kid and your not married bitch you get no benefits
Everyone is tired of dishonest rightwing demagogues lying about ‘paying’ for abortions.
I'm not necessarily "pro-abortion". It's not about being "pro-" anything.

In fact, and again, no one is ‘pro-abortion.’

It is perfectly appropriate and consistent to acknowledge and defend a woman’s right to privacy while also advocating for an end to the practice of abortion.
Wrong question.

Correct question: How and when did the notion of using government excess and overreach to interfere in citizens’ personal lives become appropriate and warranted.

Whatever a citizen’s perception of abortion might be – that it’s wrong, immoral, or in violation of religious dogma – it’s neither the role nor responsibility of government to codify that perception in public law, compelling women to give birth against their will through force of that law.

Actually it's The Paramount Question.Because growing up in the
50's and dating back to the 40's and before A Pregnant woman was
honored.Men tipped their hats and smiled.Women were treated like
Princess when carrying Life.What happened.?
The Democrat Party is what happened.
They found their Golden Goose.Make Abortion as legal and
available as if buying teddy bears for the kids at Christmas
Every day can be a Christmas if women are allowed to stop
a pregnancy.Now even if the baby is born alive.
Real Progess ... eh.No wonder they call themselves Progressives.
Progressively Evil.
Valueing Not Truth but Lies.Not We the People but Illegals
crossing an Open border.To some new Sanctuary city of their
own choosing.While True-blue Patriots and citizens get targetted
and slandered and mandated.
The "science" of abortion is this: in almost all cases, mothers are choosing to rid themselves of normally-developing human beings in their womb. Their own sons and daughters.

This is morally repugnant and a great evil, and a tragedy.
In your personal, subjective opinion – but not as a fact of law.

What’s truly repugnant, a great evil, and a tragedy is the authoritarian right seeking more government, bigger government interfering in citizens’ private lives, compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law.

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