Pro-abortion? Why?

Conservatives want to outlaw abortion because as authoritarians they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.
No, Conservatives just have this 'thing' about murdering newborn babies, whereas Democrats are actually trying to make doing so legal.

Democrats say if an illegal steps across our border and has a baby that baby is INSTANTLY considered an American citizen, with all the right and protections of a US citizen ... but an AMERICAN newborn has the Right to 'be kept comfortable' while barbaric Libtards decide if it will be ALLOWED to live or be murdered and its body parts sold off.


Conservatives want to outlaw abortion because as authoritarians they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.
No, Conservatives just have this 'thing' about murdering newborn babies, whereas Democrats are actually trying to make doing so legal.

Democrats say if an illegal steps across our border and has a baby that baby is INSTANTLY considered an American citizen, with all the right and protections of a US citizen ... but an AMERICAN newborn has the Right to 'be kept comfortable' while barbaric Libtards decide if it will be ALLOWED to live or be murdered and its body parts sold off.


We don’t say it, it’s true. If you want to change the law do it. Let me remind you republicans you were in complete charge for 2 years and got none of this stuff done.
Abortion, as we have seen recently is infanticide, the goal of the left is to sacrifice infants, just as the evil Aztecs and other ancient savages did. democrats support infant sacrifice to the god of the retarded religion they follow. Abortion is the means of those sacrifices.

Temporary psychosis? Or are you just channeling Alex for shits and grins?


That you don't like certain facts in no way alters that they are fact.

It was a tactical mistake for the multi-billion dollar a year abortion industrial complex to push for killing born babies. Greed is the undoing of many.
Let me remind you republicans you were in complete charge for 2 years and got none of this stuff done.
Let ME remind YOU how REPUBLICANS never tried to pass laws making it legal to murder AMERICAN CITIZENS...

...but 2 of the 1st several pieces of legislation Democrats try to pass are making it legal for Illegals to vote in US elections and making it legal to murder American citizens!
We see this is the gop talking point for 2020.

So why didn’t Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and trump ban abortion when they had the chance? It must not be that important to them. They passed two tax bills but nothing to stop the murder of innocent babies.

You should feel let down and disappointed.

The SCOTUS illegally and unconstitutionally created the national abortion law, it is up to SCOTUS to right that illegal act.

So why have the democrats not proposed and passed a law to legalize abortion, hence making Roe irrelevant?
Ok if it's a child then let it actually be a child and do all the things that a child can do.
Remove it from the woman's body and let it breathe, eat, move and do all the things that a child can do.
But it can't do those things. If it's removed from the woman's body it can't breathe or eat on it's own. It can't cry or move on it's own or do the things a child can do.
So if you believe a zygote or embryo or fetus is a child then treat it as a child. But you don't want to do that because you know it's not a child and can't do all the things a living child can do.
Your argument that it's a child is wrong and you know it.
If a newborn infant will also die if it is not cared for. Your argument is silly.

I find it very interesting that you completely ignore my questions to you in my reply to your OP.

I guess those questions are just too hard for you to answer honestly.

I also noticed that you conveniently ignored that whole post. I gave you several situations where abortion saves lives yet you ignore it. Do you believe a woman should die if her pregnancy goes wrong?

Instead you show you don't know the meaning of words in the English language and when shown the meaning of the words you use then given the proper words to use you call it silly.

Your intent for this thread isn't to have a mature, intelligent discussion on the subject. When given the opportunity to do that, you ran from it. So I am left with your motivations are just to post more lies and garbage and to call anyone who doesn't agree with you a murderer or other ridiculous terms that are also lies. In some lame attempt to convince yourself that you're morally superior to anyone who doesn't agree with you.

Which I find to be very immature and sad.
Because I can see myself being a 19 year old girl with my whole life ahead of me and not being ready to have kids. Abortion is a very quick outpatient procedure.
Can you see yourself as a 19 year old girl with enough sense to know what causes pregnancy and keeps her pants up?
I find it very interesting that you completely ignore my questions to you in my reply to your OP.

I guess those questions are just too hard for you to answer honestly.

I also noticed that you conveniently ignored that whole post. I gave you several situations where abortion saves lives yet you ignore it. Do you believe a woman should die if her pregnancy goes wrong?

Instead you show you don't know the meaning of words in the English language and when shown the meaning of the words you use then given the proper words to use you call it silly.

Your intent for this thread isn't to have a mature, intelligent discussion on the subject. When given the opportunity to do that, you ran from it. So I am left with your motivations are just to post more lies and garbage and to call anyone who doesn't agree with you a murderer or other ridiculous terms that are also lies. In some lame attempt to convince yourself that you're morally superior to anyone who doesn't agree with you.

Which I find to be very immature and sad.
Your attempt at deflection and your butthurt attitude noted. Concerning "moral superiority", your post expresses this with eloquence. Congratulations. :itsok:
I find it very interesting that you completely ignore my questions to you in my reply to your OP.

I guess those questions are just too hard for you to answer honestly.

I also noticed that you conveniently ignored that whole post. I gave you several situations where abortion saves lives yet you ignore it. Do you believe a woman should die if her pregnancy goes wrong?

Instead you show you don't know the meaning of words in the English language and when shown the meaning of the words you use then given the proper words to use you call it silly.

Your intent for this thread isn't to have a mature, intelligent discussion on the subject. When given the opportunity to do that, you ran from it. So I am left with your motivations are just to post more lies and garbage and to call anyone who doesn't agree with you a murderer or other ridiculous terms that are also lies. In some lame attempt to convince yourself that you're morally superior to anyone who doesn't agree with you.

Which I find to be very immature and sad.

Does your income depend on the abortion-industrial complex in some way?

It's good to understand the motives of others.
Ok if it's a child then let it actually be a child and do all the things that a child can do.
Remove it from the woman's body and let it breathe, eat, move and do all the things that a child can do.
But it can't do those things. If it's removed from the woman's body it can't breathe or eat on it's own. It can't cry or move on it's own or do the things a child can do.
So if you believe a zygote or embryo or fetus is a child then treat it as a child. But you don't want to do that because you know it's not a child and can't do all the things a living child can do.
Your argument that it's a child is wrong and you know it.
If a newborn infant will also die if it is not cared for. Your argument is silly.

I find it very interesting that you completely ignore my questions to you in my reply to your OP.

I guess those questions are just too hard for you to answer honestly.

I also noticed that you conveniently ignored that whole post. I gave you several situations where abortion saves lives yet you ignore it. Do you believe a woman should die if her pregnancy goes wrong?

Instead you show you don't know the meaning of words in the English language and when shown the meaning of the words you use then given the proper words to use you call it silly.

Your intent for this thread isn't to have a mature, intelligent discussion on the subject. When given the opportunity to do that, you ran from it. So I am left with your motivations are just to post more lies and garbage and to call anyone who doesn't agree with you a murderer or other ridiculous terms that are also lies. In some lame attempt to convince yourself that you're morally superior to anyone who doesn't agree with you.

Which I find to be very immature and sad.
Those who obsess over what women do in their private lives are immature and sad.
I've never met any women who were pro-abortion - but I've met many who were pro-CHOICE.

It’s perfectly consistent to oppose abortion while also supporting a woman’s right to privacy.

But conservatives aren’t interested in finding ways to end the practice that comport with the Constitution – they’re only interested in compelling conformity through force of law.
I find it very interesting that you completely ignore my questions to you in my reply to your OP.

I guess those questions are just too hard for you to answer honestly.

I also noticed that you conveniently ignored that whole post. I gave you several situations where abortion saves lives yet you ignore it. Do you believe a woman should die if her pregnancy goes wrong?

Instead you show you don't know the meaning of words in the English language and when shown the meaning of the words you use then given the proper words to use you call it silly.

Your intent for this thread isn't to have a mature, intelligent discussion on the subject. When given the opportunity to do that, you ran from it. So I am left with your motivations are just to post more lies and garbage and to call anyone who doesn't agree with you a murderer or other ridiculous terms that are also lies. In some lame attempt to convince yourself that you're morally superior to anyone who doesn't agree with you.

Which I find to be very immature and sad.
Your attempt at deflection and your butthurt attitude noted. Concerning "moral superiority", your post expresses this with eloquence. Congratulations. :itsok:
Citizens aren’t required to ‘justify’ the exercising of a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so – including the right to privacy.
If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times, I'd like to know why you think this is important.

I am NOT interested in whether you think abortion is "moral" or "immoral", only in why you feel access to abortion as a health service is necessary.

This is not a "trick question", I want honest answers.

Flamers will be reported and ignored.

Abortion, or not, is NOT a matter for government to get involved in. The decision only involves a patient and her doctor and the patient's own religious/moral beliefs. This current craze of forcing sectarian religious beliefs on people who have not signed on to them is an insult to all of us.
I find it very interesting that you completely ignore my questions to you in my reply to your OP.

I guess those questions are just too hard for you to answer honestly.

I also noticed that you conveniently ignored that whole post. I gave you several situations where abortion saves lives yet you ignore it. Do you believe a woman should die if her pregnancy goes wrong?

Instead you show you don't know the meaning of words in the English language and when shown the meaning of the words you use then given the proper words to use you call it silly.

Your intent for this thread isn't to have a mature, intelligent discussion on the subject. When given the opportunity to do that, you ran from it. So I am left with your motivations are just to post more lies and garbage and to call anyone who doesn't agree with you a murderer or other ridiculous terms that are also lies. In some lame attempt to convince yourself that you're morally superior to anyone who doesn't agree with you.

Which I find to be very immature and sad.
Your attempt at deflection and your butthurt attitude noted. Concerning "moral superiority", your post expresses this with eloquence. Congratulations. :itsok:

Deflection of what?

I answered your question and asked you some questions.

I guess my questions are just too inconvenient for you.

I'm not surprised.
Let me remind you republicans you were in complete charge for 2 years and got none of this stuff done.
Let ME remind YOU how REPUBLICANS never tried to pass laws making it legal to murder AMERICAN CITIZENS...

...but 2 of the 1st several pieces of legislation Democrats try to pass are making it legal for Illegals to vote in US elections and making it legal to murder American citizens!
Who wants illegals to vote ?
Because I can see myself being a 19 year old girl with my whole life ahead of me and not being ready to have kids. Abortion is a very quick outpatient procedure.
Can you see yourself as a 19 year old girl with enough sense to know what causes pregnancy and keeps her pants up?
That wasn’t the question. You asked why I’m pro abortion. If I were that girl it would be too late for that.
I've never met any women who were pro-abortion - but I've met many who were pro-CHOICE.

It’s perfectly consistent to oppose abortion while also supporting a woman’s right to privacy.

But conservatives aren’t interested in finding ways to end the practice that comport with the Constitution – they’re only interested in compelling conformity through force of law.

There's more to it than that, Clayton. It's a control issue for conservatives. They want to control women. If women have problems getting birth control, and pregnancy can be forced on us, then it makes sense to limit women's career advancement since we never know if or when the woman will have to take a maternity leave. Companies can't be run by women if biology can't be controlled.

The religious right believes that the fear of pregnancy will keep women celibate/faithful/moral. It hasn't worked since the dawn of time, but that's another thread. Anything that removes that fear of unwanted pregnancy, encourages "immorality". That's why the Christian right refuses provide health care insurance which covers birth control. Any reasonable employer would WANT their employees' birth control covered since that employee would be less likely to be taking time off to have a baby. Certainly insurance companies want to cover birth control, since it's cheaper than covering prenatal care, confinement and delivery, and postnatal care.

Like gay marriage - which has no effect on straight people at all, abortion is another non-issue for those who aren't involved. And like gay marriage, the religious right is more concerned with enshrining their theorcratic beliefs in secular law, than any feelings they pretend to have for the innocent unborn. It's just fucking wrong.
Let me remind you republicans you were in complete charge for 2 years and got none of this stuff done.
Let ME remind YOU how REPUBLICANS never tried to pass laws making it legal to murder AMERICAN CITIZENS...

...but 2 of the 1st several pieces of legislation Democrats try to pass are making it legal for Illegals to vote in US elections and making it legal to murder American citizens!
Who wants illegals to vote ?
No one.
Let me remind you republicans you were in complete charge for 2 years and got none of this stuff done.
Let ME remind YOU how REPUBLICANS never tried to pass laws making it legal to murder AMERICAN CITIZENS...

...but 2 of the 1st several pieces of legislation Democrats try to pass are making it legal for Illegals to vote in US elections and making it legal to murder American citizens!
Who wants illegals to vote ?
No one.
Democrats are already allowing illegals to vote in US elections:

"In some localities, certain undocumented immigrants are allowed to vote for particular elections."

Fact Check: Are Democrats ‘Trying to Give Illegal Immigrants the Right to Vote’?

Republicans blasted Democrats for allowing illegals to vote in ANY US election, even local elections...

If Democrats did / do not want illegals to vote in US elections then why do they allow it ... And why did they call the GOP's opposition to letting them vote in local (only FOR NOW) elections 'stupid' and 'ridiculous'.

Democrats once declared they only wanted to preserve a woman's right to terminate a fetus ... That eventually became a viable baby capable of surviving outside the womb ...and now they are trying to make it legAl to kill a newborn baby...

That's what Socialists / liberals do - they continually keep pushing, advancing their true agenda slowly and a little more over time....

1st illegal non-US citizens could not vote in US elections at all ... Then it became only in local elections...while places like Broward county, Fla not only allowed illegals to illegally vote but defended their being allowed to vote.... Democrats are opposing the push-back against allowing illegals to vote in local elections. History shows they are just continuing to push their agenda to eventually get to their real goal. If they can't make 20+ million illegals legal voting citizens then they will push the argument / agenda of justifying their right to vote in ALL US elections...and eventually try to pass that into law.


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