Pro-abortionists furious at Tim Tebow ad

*sob* Maybe if Momma had listened to the doctors she would have had a son that could beat 'Bama. *sniff*
*sob* Maybe if Momma had listened to the doctors she would have had a son that could beat 'Bama. *sniff*

Wow Rav...

That's on a Manifold kind of level there.


I like it :D
Let the local folks decide what they consider to be morally acceptable or not.
No thank you. I do not want local or even non local folks making reproductive decisions for me or any woman.

Nor do I want them throwing up roadblocks by omitting the 48 hour pill in rape kits, making it necessary to go out of state or the country or any such roadblock they may wish to toss in front of any woman.

Being pro-life myself, I still support a 48 hour pill. ESPECIALLY in the case of rape.
Its funny how liberals will claim conservatives are trying to shove their religious morals down everyone else's throats, yet turn around and claim that Jesus would of been for social programs that help the poor so thus we should embrace such programs.

Do you not see how hypocritical you are, or are you fully aware of how dishonest your arguements are but proceed with them anyway because you have no honest way to make a point?

If you're against using "religion" to push forward political agendas, why use Jesus to push your own agenda? Or course that's a rhetorical question, we all know why you do it - to push forward your own agenda at all costs.

You super dumbass. You took two quotes discussing different issues and you try to push them together to claim hypocrisy? Spending the money to run the ad doesn't have a fucking thing to do with trying to use the government to force theology onto society. How can you be so damn desperate to try something so transparently dishonest?

Both quotes are from you from this same thread, which is completely besides the point. What does it matter if you are taking about two different issues? If you are argueing that "Jesus would of done ..." for one issue, then turn around and call people who force their religion on others "religious extremists", that makes you a hypocrit.

Spending the money to run the ad doesn't have a fucking thing to do with trying to use the government to force theology onto society.
Why? Because you say so to dodge the question?

Then explain how semen emissions and abortions are comparable.
The first can lead to the second.

Is this the logic that men should be "controlled" because being a man "can lead" to being a rapist? You guys are really impressive.

What is your next arguement: we should cut down all the trees in the world because forest "could lead" to fire?
This is what I cannot figure out. Why the hubbub? It's a stupid fucking doritos add in a dress. We know R v W isn't going to get reversed and even if it did it would not suddenly make abortion illegal. Me thinks the public is being played for fools. Again.

Oh, and Super Bowl ads have royally sucked for at least 5 years now but it is interesting to see the parallel between how sports has become nothing but a focus on money at the same time the commercials have become as much of an attraction as the game itself.
If [a father] wants his son to grow up straight, he has to break the mother-son connection that is proper to infancy but not in the boy's interest after the age of three. In this way, the father has to be a model, demonstrating that it is possible for his son to maintain a loving relationship with this woman, his mom, while maintaining his own independence. In this way, the father is a healthy buffer between mother and son.

Can Homosexuality Be Treated and Prevented?

I know, I KNOW you are not trying to say that single mothers all raise up boys who CHOOSE to be homosexual men....
It may just be semantics, but why would anyone be for abortion??

I respect a woman's right to be in charge of her own body, but I think abortion is abhorrent.
Should be a last course of action.
That was it? They were upset over THAT?

Yup. I think so. I missed it during the Super Bowl this afternoon, but I believe that was it.

Pretty funny you posted a video that says she did consider having an abortion. How could she have been told by a doctor to have an abortion where the doctor could not have done the abortion?

Because there are such things in this world called airplanes.
Yup. I think so. I missed it during the Super Bowl this afternoon, but I believe that was it.

Pretty funny you posted a video that says she did consider having an abortion. How could she have been told by a doctor to have an abortion where the doctor could not have done the abortion?

Because there are such things in this world called airplanes.

It was a filipino doctor genius. He wouldn't have been allowed to even suggest it. But it's nice to see you struggling to tap dance around the deception. I bet you even read or heard the airplane comment somewhere else and decided to repeat it because you thought it sounded good.....without thinking.....
Pretty funny you posted a video that says she did consider having an abortion. How could she have been told by a doctor to have an abortion where the doctor could not have done the abortion?

Because there are such things in this world called airplanes.

It was a filipino doctor genius. He wouldn't have been allowed to even suggest it. But it's nice to see you struggling to tap dance around the deception. I bet you even read or heard the airplane comment somewhere else and decided to repeat it because you thought it sounded good.....without thinking.....

And you evidence that proves that doctors in the Philippines aren't allowed to suggest abortions? Oh and I've known about airplanes since I was a young boy watching the suckers soar through the sky, so I didn't need to read it here.
Because there are such things in this world called airplanes.

It was a filipino doctor genius. He wouldn't have been allowed to even suggest it. But it's nice to see you struggling to tap dance around the deception. I bet you even read or heard the airplane comment somewhere else and decided to repeat it because you thought it sounded good.....without thinking.....

And you evidence that proves that doctors in the Philippines aren't allowed to suggest abortions? Oh and I've known about airplanes since I was a young boy watching the suckers soar through the sky, so I didn't need to read it here.

You don't know the abortion laws. If you did you wouldn't have asked that question.
And we all know everyone everywhere follows the law without question.

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