Pro-Choice on abortion but not on medical care...Is that the official position of the Democrat Party?

Only Trumptard children, their brains have a huge head start, someone killed their brains, and it wasn't me.
Well, I think you'll find that the children you're so happy to kill would have been raised by liberals and democrats, so...........................
No analogy is absolutely perfect. A vaccine is like the airbags and seatbelts on your car while the antivaxers fly by on motorcycles and no helmets. You stand a good chance of getting home no matter what you are driving but if you crash it's your ass if you have nothing to protect you.
but the idiot on the motorcycle dies while your airbags and seatbelts (vaccine) protect YOU. so who cares what the guy on the motorcycle does!!!
Unfortunately…there is no vaccine to fix congenital stupidity.

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Is it common practice for you to agree to pump your body full of experimental medicine to protect you from something less likely to kill you than a fall?

Currently, COVID causes approximately 516 deaths per day in our country of over 330,000,000.. that's the 7 day average. If you apply that rate to an entire year, you get 188,000 people, which is a 0.05% chance you'll die from COVID. Given that the left is wanting to take such drastic steps to prevent this 0.05% chance... how does it stack up with other issues they are ignoring???

Heart Disease: 16.6% chance of dying
Cancer 14.3%
Chronic Lower Resp Disease 3.7%
Suicide 1.14%
Opiod Overdose 1.09%
Fall 0.94%
Car Crash 0.95%
Gun Assault 0.3%
Pedestrian Incident 0.18%
Motorcyle accident 0.11%
Drowning 0.08%
Fire 0.06%
Choking on food 0.04%
Bicycle accident 0.03%
Sunstroke 0.01%
Accidental Gun Discharge 0.01%
Electrocution, Radiation 0.007%
Sharp Objects 0.003%
Cataclysmic Storm 0.002%
Hornet/Bee Stings 0.0017%
Hot Surfaces 0.0015%
Dog Attack 0.0011%
Lightning 0.0007%

Odds of Dying - Injury Facts
A zygote is more important than the women?
The woman created the zygote. She, at one time, had the opportunity to decide to not create that zygote. All I'm asking for is personal responsibility. If a woman cannot be responsible for such a small thing, she needs to learn what the consequence is. Y'all make women look like they are too weak and/or too stupid to be responsible for their own reproductive functions. Anyone who sees women this way makes me sick.
The woman created the zygote. She, at one time, had the opportunity to decide to not create that zygote. All I'm asking for is personal responsibility. If a woman cannot be responsible for such a small thing, she needs to learn what the consequence is. Y'all make women look like they are too weak and/or too stupid to be responsible for their own reproductive functions. Anyone who sees women this way makes me sick.
That's always the message on the Dem Plantation....and ignorant pieces of filthy dogshit eat it up.
Women, particularly dark women are too stupid to have sex and prevent pregnancy
Blacks are too stupid to obtain identification
Dark people are too stupid, they don't know how not to smoke weed when weed is illegal
Blacks are too stupid to access the internet
Dark people are too stupid to secure employment on their own merit
Dark people are too stupid to take precautions against Covid

otto105 is too stupid to understand that abortion is not a contraceptive...not even for his ignorant dark people
The difference is, if you have covid, someone else is in danger of catching it.
If a woman is pregnant and converses, goes shopping with another woman who has had an abortion, it isn't going to cause that pregnant woman to get an abortion.
But that shouldn't be an issue if you have the vaccine ... right?
The woman created the zygote. She, at one time, had the opportunity to decide to not create that zygote. All I'm asking for is personal responsibility. If a woman cannot be responsible for such a small thing, she needs to learn what the consequence is. Y'all make women look like they are too weak and/or too stupid to be responsible for their own reproductive functions. Anyone who sees women this way makes me sick.
No responsibly for the men in the picture? What if they used birth control measures and they failed? But, then your probably against anything that gets in the way of conception of a birth person.

I see you position as one of total control over the lives of women.
A zygote isn't a baby.
You can try and dehumanize abortion by referring to the baby's first stage of development. However, you are then okay with making abortion illegal after the zygote stage? At least per your reply.
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The woman created the zygote. She, at one time, had the opportunity to decide to not create that zygote. All I'm asking for is personal responsibility. If a woman cannot be responsible for such a small thing, she needs to learn what the consequence is. Y'all make women look like they are too weak and/or too stupid to be responsible for their own reproductive functions. Anyone who sees women this way makes me sick.
I am pro choice. However, that choice comes before the pregnancy. A woman, (and a man) have the choice to have sex or not. Once they do and a life is created, the choice transfers over to the life being affected. In this case...the babies.
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Or is there different spin for it?
Are there any of you Dems on this board who believe one should have the right to choose medical care without persecution?

Here's the difference... nobody is effected by abortion other than the woman having one.

You refusing to get a shot effects other people because it continues to spread the disease.

That's how vaccinations work, by causing herd immunity.
But, isn't this a shit analogy because the vax is supposed to give immunity. It's supposed to be like having an indestructible car. But, that's not the case with the vax, is it?

How did you fall for this shit?

Except nobody said that the vax was an indestructable car... that's the thing.

We know that some people will get the shot and not develop the immunity. Some people will get the shot, and still catch Covid, but may not suffer as severely from it. A vaccination, after all, is just a weakened version of the disease introduced so your body develops a resistance to it.

This is why you need as many people vaccinated as possible, so that when you have breakthrough cases, they are less likely to spread, and you have less people incubating the disease, giving rise to new variants.

But screw it, some guy told you to take Horse Dewormer, you have it covered.


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