Pro-Choice on abortion but not on medical care...Is that the official position of the Democrat Party?

No analogy is absolutely perfect. A vaccine is like the airbags and seatbelts on your car while the antivaxers fly by on motorcycles and no helmets. You stand a good chance of getting home no matter what you are driving but if you crash it's your ass if you have nothing to protect you.
So, what you're saying is, it doesn't matter if I am riding a motorcycle. If you are driving a Volvo, you're good.

But, isn't this a shit analogy because the vax is supposed to give immunity. It's supposed to be like having an indestructible car. But, that's not the case with the vax, is it?

How did you fall for this shit?
Is that what you think a vaccine does? Perfect immunity for everyone? Alas this is not so. Some vaccines are spectacularly effective like the smallpox vaccine was but most do not give 100% immunity to 100% of the people 100% of the time. The shots we had as a kid are still protecting you to varying degrees from diseases we may never encounter because at some point people got vaccinated in large enough numbers to stop the spread.
Is that what you think a vaccine does? Perfect immunity for everyone? Alas this is not so. Some vaccines are spectacularly effective like the smallpox vaccine was but most do not give 100% immunity to 100% of the people 100% of the time. The shots we had as a kid are still protecting you to varying degrees from diseases we may never encounter because at some point people got vaccinated in large enough numbers to stop the spread.
But, you having vaccine immunity protects you, right?
Why should I trust you not to be an idiot? You're already sounding like one. Just like that drunk on the bar stool cannot be trusted not to start a fight, drive drunk or puke on the floor. If the bar staff is any good he's already been cut off and his keys confiscated.
the point<-------------------------------------------->you

not surprised you continue to avoid my point.
You are right, if you sit quietly on a stool, drunk as hell, it doesn't really affect me at all. However, the second you get up off that stool and start stumbling around the bar, or heaven forbid, get in your car and drive down the street, that does have the potential to affect me in a negative way.
but that's not happening. Im simply sitting quietly, minding my own business.

If you don't want to get the vaccine, great, stay at home on your stool, and nobody will bother you. However, if you leave your house and go to public areas unvaccinated, that does have the potential to affect others in a negative way. Don't want the vaccine? Okay, stay at home on your stool and don't leave your house. But, if you want to go out in public, I highly suggest (and would prefer) that you get the vaccine, unless you have a medical condition that prevents vaccinations.
I got the vaccine. Thats why I don't care if you didn't. I don't care who doesn't get it because I GOT THE DAMN THING.
As it should be...but because we are not doing as these fucking tyrants command, they do give a damn.

It's not about public safety. It's about compliance and control.
absolutely correct.

I got it BY CHOICE. If I didn't already have it I wouldn't get it because no ass clown politician is going to force me as a free American to do a damn thing.

FUCK Joe Biden
Democrats are just pro-death. From their Klan days to baby killing to their new mandatory death jabs. Whatever has the best chance of killing innocent folks gets the DNC stamp of approval.
Hmmmm….pro death

That is a rightwing thing. Those Klan boys were rightwingers.
The will always be a Democrat creation, nothing can change that.
It will also always be a rightist creation and nothing can change that. Parties come and go and change overtime. Ideologies not so much.

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