"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

Did you ever go to school at all?

Ever hear of Normative Universal Morality? Not every concept comes down to some meaningless "whatever I feel it is" bullshit. You missed your chance to be a hippy. Try being an adult now.

Angry retorts and rhetorical questions aren't objective arguments either. Care to try again or is that all you got?
Did you ever go to school at all?

Ever hear of Normative Universal Morality? Not every concept comes down to some meaningless "whatever I feel it is" bullshit. You missed your chance to be a hippy. Try being an adult now.
You just proved that you don't understand the terms you are trying to use. Go get some education.
LOL, the one who calls a fetus a baby. It was right there on black and white
You must have reading comprehension issues too

Angry retorts and rhetorical questions aren't objective arguments either. Care to try again or is that all you got?
She's totally obsessed with this subject just like CarsomyPlusSix. Almost useless attempting to.talk to.them plus it seems to.be torture for them to hear opposing ideas on.the subject. After a while I give up but they always come back for more. Must be sadistic bitches. Just remembered, Catsomy says she's a man, but I don't believe her. No man could be that unstable about this issue.
I enjoy the biological sciences took over 32 hours in biology courses at college. I actually know the difference between a baby and a fetus.
32 hours?! Holy crap, you're practically a licensed physician! :lmao:
32 hours?! Holy crap, you're practically a licensed physician! :lmao:
Thos were mostly plant and animal courses. One of the most interesting courses I took was limnology. Love fresh waters, love to swim and I especially love turtles. Have a bunch of my backyard pond. Love it in the springtime when the baby painted turtles hatch out. They are beautiful. I look for the beauty in life. There is less and less of it in this world because of the pressures the human population is putting on it. We are set up to loose a million species in the next 20 years if we keep on this trajectory. The biggest shame we have is destroying our home.
No sarcasm. I'm super impressed by your whole 32 hours. I'll bet you have a library card too.
I do. Visit there at least once a week. Have been doing various research projects my entire adult life with the exception of being in the Air Force. Then I barely had time to take a few basic courses on base.
Holy crap, what an accomplished scholar!
No, all and all I'm just a regular guy. But I do like to read and many of my old texts are yellowing with age ( some over 50 years old now ) so I'm photocopying the data that is still relevant and putting them into plastic sheets in notebooks. Summarizing as much as I can. Soon my library will be mostly notebooks. I do not trust the Internet, it's total corruption and collapse is imminent in my mind. I have 5 notebooks on Herpetology alone. Going to donate them to the Nebraska Herpetological Society when I pass on. Keeping busy. Enjoyed my life here, hope others are able to do the same.
Come on, 32 hours AND a library card? You're like a super-genius.
Thanks, but no thanks. Now I know you're bullshitting me, you're never this nice. Try to have a good day. I plan on it. Resting indoors now. It's too hot out there. We're scheduled to break a few more records this week alone.
Thanks, but no thanks. Now I know you're bullshitting me, you're never this nice. Try to have a good day. I plan on it. Resting indoors now. It's too hot out there. We're scheduled to break a few more records this week alone.
Thank goodness your lab - I mean the library - is air-conditioned.

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