"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

OK, I'll be right back, forgot to get the link first.. But one "link" I can provide right now is a book I started to read... not sure I will finish it.. AWFUL

about the abortionist convicted of 7 counts (or more?) of murder. This is an unbelievable story... Most abortionists follow the law on the cut-off point for doing an abortion. Not Gosnell. He violated every abortion & health regulation known to the state of Pennsylvania

"Pro-choice" JURORS became more Pro-life after learning about abortion in the trial of this sick monster, who brought live babies out of the womb (he could have killed them inside, as most abortionists do) and THEN stabbing them in the neck.

The jurors didn't all necessarily become 100% pro life in that they began to support all human life from conception until death (save the death penalty), but they became more in favor of restrictions after a particular age of gestation, say 10 weeks or whatever...
Interesting. I have had members of my family have abortions. I still am pro choice and think abortion can be a very good idea.
Then the government has no jurisidiction over it. Not the federal government nor the states.

If it's not mentioned in the Constitution, the government has no right to control it.

You are the dumbest of all motherfuckers.

There are other units of government besides the federal government, you know this, because you mention it.

If it’s not mentioned in the Constitution, the 10th Amendment clearly states the states may legislate on that topic.
Must be sadistic bitches. Just remembered, Catsomy says she's a man, but I don't believe her. No man could be that unstable about this issue.
Too much faggotry, I’m sorry.

Could you bring it down to a dull roar, Mary? I know yours goes to 11 but you’re making ears bleed rainbows over here.
All morals are subjective. Most first world nations have banned the death penalty in criminal cases. The USA is increasing its use of the death penalty. Other first world nations consider the USA a nation which lacks morals for multiple reasons:

1. The Death Penalty;
2. Women are not equal under the Constitution;
3. Your treatment of refugees.
4. The largest prison population in the world;
5. No universal health care;
6. Book banning;
7. Persecution of gays and trans people.
Abortionists deserve execution.
Of course it's a baby. If it is not a stage of human development, what species is it?
While some are unable to distinguish between a microscopic mindless amalgam of cells and a viable, sentient person, others can.

Please do not evoke the coercive power of government to inflict your view upon others, and don't let others impose theirs upon you.

Personal freedom is a good thing, embraced by all advanced democracies.
While some are unable to distinguish between a microscopic mindless amalgam of cells and a viable, sentient person, others can.

Please do not evoke the coercive power of government to inflict your view upon others, and don't let others impose theirs upon you.

Personal freedom is a good thing, embraced by all advanced democracies.
DNA transferred at conception make that a separate human being you ghoul. We are not a democracy
DNA transferred at conception make that a separate human being you ghoul. We are not a democracy
I know you want the US to be some kind of tyrannical state being but we are not, we are a Constitutional Republic valuing democratic principles not repressive, dogmatic ideologies.
That is thee stupidest argument the left makes!
The idiot she responded to keeps calling for the day execution of people who support a woman's right to choose. If you can't see the irony in that you are a total idiot. So much for your stance on pro-life too, stupid.
I know you want the US to be some kind of tyrannical state being but we are not, we are a Constitutional Republic valuing democratic principles not repressive, dogmatic ideologies.
Although it is not currently called that, it is MURDER ghoul. I do not want a tyrannical state, I want a Country where people are held responsible for their actions, and are accountable for their actions. Keep it in your pants unless you are responsible enough to raise it!
Although it is not currently called that, it is MURDER ghoul. I do not want a tyrannical state, I want a Country where people are held responsible for their actions, and are accountable for their actions. Keep it in your pants unless you are responsible enough to raise it!
You are just as crazy as the other two women on here. A human embryo cannot meet the requirements of being a person no matter how you look at it. Primarily you can't prosecuted for murder of the person ? doesn't exist yet. No birthdate, no social security number, no name. At best it is a potential person. I'd like to see the police trying to book that murder , with no identifiable person. The day what wish happens America is no longer a free nation in the world. Tyranny will have taken over with a despot in charge.

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