"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

Life is trash to you? Typical leftist.
Those are your words and I've heard it over and over from you ? And people like you to describe women who have abortions. Why on earth would you even want these women bringing children into this world. So you could complain about them even more. Also I don't believe any woman who is forced to bear children would make good mothers. Do you really want more child abuse and higher child mortality rates ? There's no consistency in your position. It's just sad.
If you want to talk about relativism, talk about relativism. Morality is universal and normative.
I just disproved that. Example : Jewish people have no problem with abortion. Life begins at " first breath " or birth.
... it's either a zygote, a blastula, an embryo or a fetus. ...
If you need semantics to soothe your guilty conscience that's your issue, but whatever term you choose at random you are still talking about a human life. In the natural course of progression whatever you want to call it will NOT develop into an adult giraffe, bunny rabbit, or cherry tree. We are talking about a human being.
.....So you could complain about them even more.....

"Even more"? Another failed straw man. You seem to be one of those "limited" people who resorts to dishonesty when your weak argument falls apart.
If you need semantics to soothe your guilty conscience that's your issue, but whatever term you choose at random you are still talking about a human life. In the natural course of progression whatever you want to call it will NOT develop into an adult giraffe, bunny rabbit, or cherry tree. We are talking about a human being.
Absolutely NO guilt here, sorry you feel so badly about your's.

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