"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

LOL , right that's why the majority of Americans wish the New fraudulent Supreme Court would never have ruled against the reasonable compromise of Roe vs Wade. It's unfortunate the Supreme Court didn't rule as they should have, abortion is a very personal medical procedure and any laws limiting or prohibiting it are egregious and unconstitutional. But Roe was a good compromise at least.
You stupid illiterate cocksucking maggot.

Read the Constitution. Abortion is not in the text.

Eat shit and die made about it.
"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

OK, I'll be right back, forgot to get the link first.. But one "link" I can provide right now is a book I started to read... not sure I will finish it.. AWFUL

about the abortionist convicted of 7 counts (or more?) of murder. This is an unbelievable story... Most abortionists follow the law on the cut-off point for doing an abortion. Not Gosnell. He violated every abortion & health regulation known to the state of Pennsylvania

"Pro-choice" JURORS became more Pro-life after learning about abortion in the trial of this sick monster, who brought live babies out of the womb (he could have killed them inside, as most abortionists do) and THEN stabbing them in the neck.

The jurors didn't all necessarily become 100% pro life in that they began to support all human life from conception until death (save the death penalty), but they became more in favor of restrictions after a particular age of gestation, say 10 weeks or whatever...
The authoritarians who are fanatical about seizing dominion over every woman's womb and arrogating control to the State have El Salvador and Nicaragua as examples that have done so.

Americans have repeatedly expressed their preference for the policies of advanced, democratic nations.
"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

OK, I'll be right back, forgot to get the link first.. But one "link" I can provide right now is a book I started to read... not sure I will finish it.. AWFUL

about the abortionist convicted of 7 counts (or more?) of murder. This is an unbelievable story... Most abortionists follow the law on the cut-off point for doing an abortion. Not Gosnell. He violated every abortion & health regulation known to the state of Pennsylvania

"Pro-choice" JURORS became more Pro-life after learning about abortion in the trial of this sick monster, who brought live babies out of the womb (he could have killed them inside, as most abortionists do) and THEN stabbing them in the neck.

The jurors didn't all necessarily become 100% pro life in that they began to support all human life from conception until death (save the death penalty), but they became more in favor of restrictions after a particular age of gestation, say 10 weeks or whatever...
Where are the numbers that say anybody changed their mind over this one case?
No, by definition it is not. You may be mistaking it for "opinions" or "values" or the like.
Saying no without an argument for why it is objective while ignoring the differences in moral views all around you isn't very convincing. If morals aren't opinions or values then what are they? 😄
You stupid illiterate cocksucking maggot.

Read the Constitution. Abortion is not in the text.

Eat shit and die made about it.
What does abortion not being in the Constitution have to do with anything? In fact it not being in the Constitution is a pretty good case for the government has no jurisdiction over it since the purpose of the Constitution is to lay out the powers and limits of the Federal Government.
No, it's not.

All morals are subjective. Most first world nations have banned the death penalty in criminal cases. The USA is increasing its use of the death penalty. Other first world nations consider the USA a nation which lacks morals for multiple reasons:

1. The Death Penalty;
2. Women are not equal under the Constitution;
3. Your treatment of refugees.
4. The largest prison population in the world;
5. No universal health care;
6. Book banning;
7. Persecution of gays and trans people.
You said you look at it as a medical procedure. I will repeat the question once more. Does the fact that is it a medical procedure make it morally acceptable to you? Don't deflect again. Just answer the question.
I am not the one who's attempting to impose their moral values on others. For me abortion is not a judgment call but a medically necessary procedure for women who need it. I do not have the right to tell any of them what to do and I certainly think the government or the courts don't have that right either.
You said you look at it as a medical procedure. I will repeat the question once more. Does the fact that is it a medical procedure make it morally acceptable to you? Don't deflect again. Just answer the question.

Abortion is not a matter of YOUR beliefs and morality. It's a matter of the woman's beliefs, and morality.

As women, we are told not to announce our pregnancies until the second trimester, because so many little zygotes don't make it to the second trimester. Get to the doctor right away, because anything can go wrong in those first three months. But not all miscarriages are complete or clean. Some of us need D&C's to clear all of the dead tissue, and abortion bans also ban miscarriage surgeries as well.

If you believe that an abortion is wrong, don't have one. That's what being pro-choice means.
Abortion is not a matter of YOUR beliefs and morality. It's a matter of the woman's beliefs, and morality.

As women, we are told not to announce our pregnancies until the second trimester, because so many little zygotes don't make it to the second trimester. Get to the doctor right away, because anything can go wrong in those first three months. But not all miscarriages are complete or clean. Some of us need D&C's to clear all of the dead tissue, and abortion bans also ban miscarriage surgeries as well.

If you believe that an abortion is wrong, don't have one. That's what being pro-choice means.
That is very dangerous. I hope every woman understands that and protests it. The state should be sued for any harm they cause. One wrongful death claim could cost these foolish states millions.
Saying no without an argument for why it is objective while ignoring the differences in moral views all around you isn't very convincing. If morals aren't opinions or values then what are they? 😄
Did you ever go to school at all?

Ever hear of Normative Universal Morality? Not every concept comes down to some meaningless "whatever I feel it is" bullshit. You missed your chance to be a hippy. Try being an adult now.
" Only two cells are needed to form a baby... " I stopped the propaganda film right there. Calling a zygote a baby is ridiculous by any standard. You people are crazy.
Of course it's a baby. If it is not a stage of human development, what species is it?
Did you ever go to school at all?

Ever hear of Normative Universal Morality? Not every concept comes down to some meaningless "whatever I feel it is" bullshit. You missed your chance to be a hippy. Try being an adult now.
I will counter your BS with Normative Ethical Relativism which states there are NO universally valid moral principles. Moral rightness or wrongness of actions varies from society to society ; thus there are no absolute universal moral standards binding on all men at all.times.
Of course it's a baby. If it is not a stage of human development, what species is it?
It has himan DNA no denying that. BUT you're calling it a baby. It is not, depending on what stage it's in it's either a zygote, a blastula, an embryo or a fetus. Every baby I've ever seen has a birthdate. It underwent the birthing process to become a baby.
I will counter your BS with Normative Ethical Relativism which states there are NO universally valid moral principles. Moral rightness or wrongness of actions varies from society to society ; thus there are no absolute universal moral standards binding on all men at all.times.
If you want to talk about relativism, talk about relativism. Morality is universal and normative.

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