"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

LOL , right that's why the majority of Americans wish the New fraudulent Supreme Court would never have ruled against the reasonable compromise of Roe vs Wade.....
The Supreme Court is not an opinion poll. You don't want it to be.
If we could convince women to love their children and men to respect their own family there would be no issue with abortion. Women do not want to be mothers. Men do not want to be fathers or even husbands. It's cultural rot that needs to be treated at the root.
you show your ignorance.

Most abortionists did not do---- SOME of the things this one did (cause the child to beborn alive,then kill him/her).

However, most of them... when theycan get away with, say, violating the laws RE abortion, as this one did... and because of how they know the liberal "inspectors" in their area will turn a blind eye

do the same, disregard the laws.

and again, abortion is murder whether it is legal or not, at ANY stage of human development. Thinking something is OK because a bunch of (possibly corrupt) legislators say so and not thinking about the issue for yourself is...

words fail...

but the wordStupid comes to mind

You're a veritable font of misinformation and lies about abortion. You know NOTHING.
" Only two cells are needed to form a baby... " I stopped the propaganda film right there. Calling a zygote a baby is ridiculous by any standard. You people are crazy.
So you often find yourself saying, "When is your zygote due?". "Congratulations on your zygote!".

You are useless, except as a vessel for the baby killer propaganda, and you suck at that too.

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