"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

so abortion, truth, morality, condoning murder... none of those things matter anymore. We have evolved?

there's some logic for ya
I hardly think a 10 year old article is making people change their minds about abortion

Most people know that only about 1% of abortions occur after week 21 of a pregnancy and that most Doctors who perform abortions do not do what this guy did.

Only you seem to think that this one guy is representative of every single doctor
I hardly think a 10 year old article is making people change their minds about abortion

Most people know that only about 1% of abortions occur after week 21 of a pregnancy and that most Doctors who perform abortions do not do what this guy did.

Only you seem to think that this one guy is representative of every single doctor
you show your ignorance.

Most abortionists did not do---- SOME of the things this one did (cause the child to beborn alive,then kill him/her).

However, most of them... when theycan get away with, say, violating the laws RE abortion, as this one did... and because of how they know the liberal "inspectors" in their area will turn a blind eye

do the same, disregard the laws.

and again, abortion is murder whether it is legal or not, at ANY stage of human development. Thinking something is OK because a bunch of (possibly corrupt) legislators say so and not thinking about the issue for yourself is...

words fail...

but the wordStupid comes to mind
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you show your ignorance.

Most abortionists did not do---- SOME of the things this one did (cause the child to beborn alive, etc).

However, most of them... when theycan get away with, say, violating the laws RE abortion, as this one did... and because of how they know the liberal "inspectors" in their area will turn a blind eye

do the same, disregard the laws.

and again, abortion is murder whether it is legal or not, at ANY stage of human development. Thinking something is OK because a bunch of (possibly corrupt) legislators say so and not thinking about the issue for yourself is...

words fail...

but the wordStupid comes to mind

Since only about 1% of all abortions ever occurred past week 21 of a pregnancy then by definition most abortion doctors did not perform later term abortions.
Since only about 1% of all abortions ever occurred past week 21 of a pregnancy then by definition most abortion doctors did not perform later term abortions.
I don't care about MOST (of anything)

Abortion is murder at ANY

repeat ANY

stage of development
maybe the woman should have been "unwilling" BEFORE there was a totally unique, un-repeatable, totally innocent, totally helpless... didn't-ask-to=be-conceived




You are unjust
Consent to be touched can be rescinded at any point in time. That's basic.
Abortion is murder at ANY

repeat ANY

stage of development
Murder is a legal concept, which means our representatives determine when, if ever, abortion is murder. It appears our representatives would like the abortion issue to go on forever so they can milk it for votes no matter which party they represent.
Murder is a legal concept, which means our representatives determine when, if ever, abortion is murder
How Nazi

Let's change the words in your post just a tad and see what happens

Murder is a legal concept, which means our representatives determine when, if ever, killing the Jews in the concentration camps was murder
Murder is murder regardless of age. That's basic.
Murder is a determination made by a jury at the conclusion of a trial. Your feelings in and of themselves aren't the arbiters of what is and isn't murder. Try to argue with more reason and less emotion.
Murder is a determination made by a jury at the conclusion of a trial. Your feelings in and of themselves aren't the arbiters of what is and isn't murder. Try to argue with more reason and less emotion.
the irony meter has blown up!

to sum up your illogical post here:

Your (Curried Goat's) opinion matters but

mine (Nomadic5's) statements of FACTS, reality, and OBJECTIVE truth do not...

thanks for helping me make "my" (God's) point

Logic's point

As stated b4, murder is always unlawful
gods and logic have little in common

And yes murder is unlawful by definition but abortion isn't murder and no state that has banned the procedure states that it will charge a person with murder
so words in a law book or the lack thereof determine YOUR "morals"

which means you have none

Morals are and always have been relative.

You people care more about the 2 day old embryo than you do the children that are already here and suffering.

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