"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA
I didn't have too strong of an opinion on the matter until I saw a presentation from a man that used to perform abortions (having done thousands) and detailing the steps involved. After that, I changed to pro life.
Disagreeing with YOU is not "lashing out in anger." Sorry to be the one to let you know, but YOU are not that important.
Resorting to name calling when you can't make an argument is lashing out however and you've done that at every turn in this thread whenever I ask you to prove your claim.
I didn't have too strong of an opinion on the matter until I saw a presentation from a man that used to perform abortions (having done thousands) and detailing the steps involved. After that, I changed to pro life.
Pro-life, pro-choice? It doesn't really matter. Those are just indicators of how affected we all are by useless, political propaganda. What actually matters are the laws we eventually agree to make and enforce. Right now we are far away from any rational agreement due to our extreme divisiveness, and it looks like our politicians plan on keeping us that way.
I provided you with an opportunity to edify yourself, but it turned out to be beyond you. Your limitations are not my fault.
I'm not the one with the claim, you are. Whenever you feel like presenting this evidence of morality's objectivity I'll be here to point and laugh at it.
I'm not the one with the claim, you are. Whenever you feel like presenting this evidence of morality's objectivity I'll be here to point and laugh at it.

I did. You couldn't understand it. Your limitations are not my fault.
I did. You couldn't understand it. Your limitations are not my fault.
No, you didn't. You posted a link without commentary because I'm guessing you didn't bother reading it. It's why when I asked you to provide the passage that amounts to evidence that morality is objective you faltered and failed.

Morality is clearly subjective by the very fact that you and I don't share the same moral beliefs.
Which was so far above your head you didn't even try to read it.
How would you know if I read it? I'm more than willing to discuss and debate the nature of morality with you except you'd rather hide behind a link. Which part of that link? Who knows because you are too cowardly to discuss your own link. Which paragraph or argument within do you think specifically supports your argument?
I've written material on philosophy more complex than that. You couldn't even manage to read it.
Sure you have, that's why you've spent page after page afraid to debate me on the subject.
Is that your opinion? You fail logic again.
Why? Because you say so? You think that's how logic works? Where is your best argument?

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