"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

Because you told me you didn’t, dumbass.
No, I told you I skimmed it. I don't think you've read it at all because you don't seem to be able to discuss it or the fact that it pretty much admits that there are various moral theories suggesting there is no consensus on some sort of objective morality.

There is much disagreement about what, exactly, constitutes a moral theory. Some of that disagreement centers on the issue of demarcating the moral from other areas of practical normativity, such as the ethical and the aesthetic. Some disagreement centers on the issue of what a moral theory’s aims and functions are. In this entry, both questions will be addressed. However, this entry is about moral theories as theories, and is not a survey of specific theories, though specific theories will be used as examples.

It admits from jump that there is disagreement on what seperates morality from personal preference (aesthetic).
IMAGINE, humanizing a human being?!
No one thinks specks are human beings. Speck. Human. Speck. Human. Different things. My cat knows that specks aren't human beings, and she has a brain the size of a walnut. Your brain is presumably larger, so you know it too. You're just lying about it. You're down on your knees gobbling the knob of the Lord of Lies.

Why do you lie?

1. The rest of your fascist cult is lying. Being a gutless authoritarian follower, you always do what your cult orders.

2. It gives you justification to use violence to implement your fascist utopia.

3. You get a sick pervy tingle up your leg when you lie.

A strong majority of the USA, all of the non-perv decent people, they define you as a shit human. You're helping Democrats all over win elections, so please keep up your disgusting behavior.
1. The rest of your fascist cult is lying. Being a gutless authoritarian follower, you always do what your cult orders.

wow... you turned into a R while we weren't looking!


if so

Which you haven't read, because you can't.
I've read more of it than you have as evidenced by your inability to discuss any part of it including the very first paragraph where it admits there is no consensus on morality making it by definition, subjective.
guess Unk and Curried are duking it out

about what, I don't know...
I didn't have too strong of an opinion on the matter until I saw a presentation from a man that used to perform abortions (having done thousands) and detailing the steps involved. After that, I changed to pro life.
SO...how many unwanted children have YOU adopted?
No one thinks specks are human beings. Speck. Human. Speck. Human. Different things. My cat knows that specks aren't human beings, and she has a brain the size of a walnut. Your brain is presumably larger, so you know it too. You're just lying about it. You're down on your knees gobbling the knob of the Lord of Lies.

Why do you lie?

1. The rest of your fascist cult is lying. Being a gutless authoritarian follower, you always do what your cult orders.

2. It gives you justification to use violence to implement your fascist utopia.

3. You get a sick pervy tingle up your leg when you lie.

A strong majority of the USA, all of the non-perv decent people, they define you as a shit human. You're helping Democrats all over win elections, so please keep up your disgusting behavior.
Desist with your lying faggotry, filthy pro-abort scum.

You are the inhuman refuse who should be denied personhood.

The human beings you hate, and want dead, are human beings - objectively, undeniably. Your profound retardation and bigotry cannot alter reality.
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Unkotare was trying to argue abortion is objectively immoral but is having trouble proving morality is objective to begin with.
Reality is objective.

Reality: Humans are slaughtered in the womb and we have become numb to it all, society that is.

But God does not change and He doesn't want His little ones murdered.

If people can't get off their lazy asses and vote for life... they deserve whatever it is they are afraid of...
Reality is objective.
Your feelings aren't.
Reality: Humans are slaughtered in the womb and we have become numb to it all, society that is.
Thank you anesthesia. What kind of monster longs for the days of back ally coat hanger abortions without any pain medication? You got to numb that cooch before you try and get in there with some forceps to rip that little critter out by its neck.
But God does not change and He doesn't want His little ones murdered.
I don't give a shit what makes imaginary baby Jesus cry.
If people can't get off their lazy asses and vote for life... they deserve whatever it is they are afraid of...
The vast majority of this country and the world are okay with abortion the only question is where to draw the line. God is dead. His rules were too rigid and so the is bastard had to go.
What kind of monster longs for the days of back ally coat hanger abortions without any pain medication? You got to numb that cooch before you try and get in there with some forceps to rip that little critter out by its neck.

wow... absolutely unbelievable, and un-self-aware...

You speak of pain as if it only matters depending on the person experiencing it (subjective thinking). If it is someone YOU (& or the supposed majority) couldn't care less about (the unborn, in this case), you (&/or they) are a-ok with pain! Bring on the pain!

Only women experiencing pain... Only adult females feeling pain seems to concern you (key words: seems to).

Well, that shows you are an elitist and one who very, very likely couldn't care less even about THEIR pain. It's just a way to get someone over to your side (hackery).

But we should not be terribly surprised.... at the inhuman garbage the left comes up with


NEWSFLASH: Abortion is wrong no matterwhat a person's or society's "religion" is... Murder is wrong/criminal in all societies worldwide, has been from Day ONE of humans being on the earth. The society that condones murder of anygroup of its members will in time condone the murder of other groups (abortion... then "assisted suicide" which became coercive suicide)
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wow... absolutely unbelievable, and un-self-aware...

You speak of pain as if it only matters depending on the person experiencing it (subjective thinking). If it is someone YOU (& or the supposed majority) couldn't care less about (the unborn, in this case), you (&/or they) are a-ok with pain! Bring on the pain!

Only women experiencing pain... Only adult females feeling pain seems to concern you (key words: seems to).

Well, that shows you are an elitist and one who very, very likely couldn't care less even about THEIR pain. It's just a way to get someone over to your side (hackery).

But we should not be terribly surprised.... at the inhuman garbage the left comes up with
If you're a non viable fetus, you don't have a right to gestate inside an unwilling woman. Rights have limits. Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose. If you can't lay a finger on me without my consent, what makes you think you can gestate inside a woman's without hers?
"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

OK, I'll be right back, forgot to get the link first.. But one "link" I can provide right now is a book I started to read... not sure I will finish it.. AWFUL

about the abortionist convicted of 7 counts (or more?) of murder. This is an unbelievable story... Most abortionists follow the law on the cut-off point for doing an abortion. Not Gosnell. He violated every abortion & health regulation known to the state of Pennsylvania

"Pro-choice" JURORS became more Pro-life after learning about abortion in the trial of this sick monster, who brought live babies out of the womb (he could have killed them inside, as most abortionists do) and THEN stabbing them in the neck.

The jurors didn't all necessarily become 100% pro life in that they began to support all human life from conception until death (save the death penalty), but they became more in favor of restrictions after a particular age of gestation, say 10 weeks or whatever...
That article is 10 years old
If you're a non viable fetus, you don't have a right to gestate inside an unwilling woman.
maybe the woman should have been "unwilling" BEFORE there was a totally unique, un-repeatable, totally innocent, totally helpless... didn't-ask-to=be-conceived




You are unjust

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