"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

You should read your own links. "For example, many intuitively differentiate morality from prudence in holding that morality concerns our interactions with others, whereas prudence is concerned with the well-being of the individual, from that individual’s point of view."

Since there is no "other", the decision belongs entirely to the woman.

You worry about Canada... how's that

You worry about Y0U ... how's that/
We haven't used carpet bombing since 1973.

When you drop bombs you really have no idea who all you are going to kill.

The U.S. post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and Pakistan have taken a tremendous human toll on those countries. As of September 2021, an estimated 387,072 civilians in these countries have died violent deaths as a result of the wars. Civilian deaths have also resulted from U.S. post-9/11 military operations in Somalia and other countries.

People living in the war zones have been killed in their homes, in markets, and on roadways. They have been killed by bombs, bullets, fire, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and drones. Civilians die at checkpoints, as they are run off the road by military vehicles, when they step on mines or cluster bombs, as they collect wood or tend to their fields, and when they are kidnapped and executed for purposes of revenge or intimidation. They are killed by the United States, by its allies, and by insurgents and sectarians in the civil wars spawned by the invasions.

Civilians Killed & Wounded | Costs of War
And yet you can’t refute a single word of it.

There is nothing to refute. It's on the level of trying to "refute" a statement of, "Boomerang zinger Andrommeda horcrux diamond glimmer."

Being pro-choice is being pro-freedom. If you think abortion is wrong, it’s your choice to carry the foetus to term. If you are in no position to carry a child to term or to raise it after it’s born, either because of health or circumstances, you may choose to wait for a better time to increase the size of your family.

OK...your point? I have never, not one single time, made a post, not one single post, where I advocated restricting abortions. The contrary: I am 100% pro-abortion.

It was only by humanizing that the gestating fetus, and demonizing the woman who terminated the pregnancy, that the radical right was able to sell the American public. The idea that abortion is morally wrong.

These ideas are not supported by science and they’re not supported by the Bible. Pregnancy and childbirth are difficult and complicated processes that frequently go wrong in the most horrible of ways.

This is why all decisions relating to a woman’s, pregnancy and birth should be left to the woman and her care givers.

Irrelevant drivel unworthy of response.
You didn't even try to read the link I gave you. Too intimidating?
I did give it a skim. Nothing at all interesting in there and certainly no evidence that morality is objective. That's why I'm so certain you won't produce any quotes from that link with any evidence for its objectivity.
I've seen the results. See above. When did you come to the conclusion that the government is truthful concerning their wars?

So whenever it's convenient for you they must be lying. I see no reason to believe you anymore than them.

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