"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

you show your ignorance.

Most abortionists did not do---- SOME of the things this one did (cause the child to beborn alive,then kill him/her).

However, most of them... when theycan get away with, say, violating the laws RE abortion, as this one did... and because of how they know the liberal "inspectors" in their area will turn a blind eye

do the same, disregard the laws.

and again, abortion is murder whether it is legal or not, at ANY stage of human development. Thinking something is OK because a bunch of (possibly corrupt) legislators say so and not thinking about the issue for yourself is...

words fail...

but the wordStupid comes to mind
No one kills aborted fetus that live. They are given palliative care and allowed to die in peace. It's people believing lies like that one that are the problem.
As I've already informed you, that's an EMOTIONAL RESPONSE.. Not. Accurate by any means
Completely accurate. That's WHY normal human beings feel an emotional connection with their unborn BABY. It is cowardly, callous, and dishonest to avoid the central moral issue of the topic.
Completely accurate. That's WHY normal human beings feel an emotional connection with their unborn BABY. It is cowardly, callous, and dishonest to avoid the central moral issue of the topic.
When emotions are involved logic and science go out the window.
It most certainly is. Your attempt at avoiding that is the epitome of cowardice.
You're attacking women you don't know or care about and you're calling me a coward. Moral-based laws have lead to the persecution of many people. That's why modern laws are based on ethics not morals. Morals proved very biased , unreliable and unfair. Ethics don't have those problems. You need to climb out of the dark ages.
FAIL. That is attempting to use emotion in place of reason.
How did you beliefs get so twisted. Reason always has to rule when it comes to the law. Why do you think so many people are upset about these over-the-top emotional abortion laws republicans are passing. It's one step away from insanity.
Tell me I'm wrong then....
You're wrong. NOT wanting to condone the slaughter of the most innocent and vulnerable HUMAN LIVES in our society can in no rational way be construed as "attacking" anyone. NOT killing or condoning the killing of the innocent is about as far from "attacking" as it gets.
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You're wrong.
LOL , right that's why the majority of Americans wish the New fraudulent Supreme Court would never have ruled against the reasonable compromise of Roe vs Wade. It's unfortunate the Supreme Court didn't rule as they should have, abortion is a very personal medical procedure and any laws limiting or prohibiting it are egregious and unconstitutional. But Roe was a good compromise at least.

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