"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

Although it is not currently called that, it is MURDER ghoul. I do not want a tyrannical state, I want a Country where people are held responsible for their actions, and are accountable for their actions. Keep it in your pants unless you are responsible enough to raise it!
There is only one good reason to bring a child into this world, millions of reasons not to.
Although it is not currently called that, it is MURDER ghoul. I do not want a tyrannical state, I want a Country where people are held responsible for their actions, and are accountable for their actions. Keep it in your pants unless you are responsible enough to raise it!
By the way I am not a ghoul , I am not threatening others or calling them names and I'm not trying to force my will on anyone. That is something you people do and that fits the definition of a ghoul much better than I ever could , GHOUL.
By the way I am not a ghoul , I am not threatening others or calling them names and I'm not trying to force my will on anyone. That is something you people do and that fits the definition of a ghoul much better than I ever could , GHOUL.
You support the murder of unborn children
noun: ghoul; plural noun: ghouls
  1. an evil spirit or phantom, especially one supposed to rob graves and feed on dead bodies.​
    • a person morbidly interested in death or disaster.
I am not interested in death, you people are promoting that. I' m only interested in the free will rights of women. They are second class citizens when any abortion law is in place.
People who demand that innocent real people be executed should have their tongues cut out.
Thugs for hire - serial mass murderers - are not innocent.

You are calling for violence against me. That is not protected free speech, cocksucker. Come fuck around, you’ll find out real quick.
By the way I am not a ghoul , I am not threatening others or calling them names and I'm not trying to force my will on anyone. That is something you people do and that fits the definition of a ghoul much better than I ever could , GHOUL.
You literally just called for a violent and deadly assault on me, ass pirate.
So much for being "pro-life" in any way shape or form.
I support the human right to life being protected.

Murderers violate the human right to life, retard. They should die in prison or be executed. Murder is really bad.

Sorry you can’t logic your way out of… not even a paper bag, just… you couldn’t logic your way out of a room with open windows and an empty doorframe, just air, just nothing at all, and you’d still be stuck.
While some are unable to distinguish between a microscopic mindless amalgam of cells and a viable, sentient person, others can.

Please do not evoke the coercive power of government to inflict your view upon others, and don't let others impose theirs upon you.

Personal freedom is a good thing, embraced by all advanced democracies.
I can distinguish between you and the unborn.

The unborn still have value. You’re braindead and useless.
You started these attacks I finally responded in kind.
I never said you should be killed for your opinion, you shitstain.

Unless you ARE an abortionist, in which case, yes, absolutely, you should die screaming and good riddance.

But you’re not.
I can distinguish between you and the unborn.

The unborn still have value. You’re braindead and useless.
You can regard microscopic, mindless amalgams of cells however you choose. That is your right.

What you cannot do is use the coercive power of government to impose your notion upon everyone else.

Freedom-loving Americans are championing their rights in state after state.

The U.S. will not follow the example of Nicaragua or El Salvador in the matter.
I never said you should be killed for your opinion, you shitstain.

Unless you ARE an abortionist, in which case, yes, absolutely, you should die screaming and good riddance.

But you’re not.
You are a liar. You said " Eat shit and die ! " If I remember correctly and you said it on multiple occasions.
You are a liar. You said " Eat shit and die ! " If I remember correctly and you said it on multiple occasions.
I absolutely encourage you to engage in coprophagia - it’s cannibalism in your case, even - and to please cease wasting oxygen at your earliest convenience.

That is not the same as saying you should be attacked and killed, you evil cocksucker.
I absolutely encourage you to engage in coprophagia - it’s cannibalism in your case, even - and to please cease wasting oxygen at your earliest convenience.

That is not the same as saying you should be attacked and killed, you evil cocksucker.
What kind of sick twisted person are you ? You must be insane. You keep digging your own grave, ranting like a lunatic !
What kind of sick twisted person are you ? You must be insane. You keep digging your own grave, ranting like a lunatic !
Oh, do shut up.

Just so we are absolutely clear, you literally just called for me to be assaulted and have my tongue cut out, trauma which almost always causes death.
Oh, do shut up.

Just so we are absolutely clear, you literally just called for me to be assaulted and have my tongue cut out, trauma which almost always causes death.
And you threatened me many times before, what is wrong with you ? You should shut up before you drive yourself crazy. Actually you don't have much further to go to get there. Get help !
I already told you how I feel about you, you brainless amalgam of cells. You’re worse than useless.
Zealots who are hellbent upon imposing their personal notions upon others are upset by reality.

No matter what zealots may fantasize, early-stage pregnancy involves a mindless, microscopic amalgams of cells, not a person.
Zealots who are hellbent upon imposing their personal notions upon others are upset by reality.

No matter what zealots may fantasize, early-stage pregnancy involves a mindless, microscopic amalgams of cells, not a person.
I give up trying to talk to these dingbats, even tried to copy their insane rhetoric and then she said I threatened her after she's done that to me all along. They are insane. Good luck, you may as well be talking to the wall.

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