"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

The sentiment of Americans, overwhelmingly, is that a woman's personal control of her body be respected, rather than having authoritarian politicians seize control of it - to either prescribe or proscribe abortion. Unless and until the gestative stage where a viable, sentient individual has developed, the extremists are free to proselytize for their notions but, failing in that endeavor, resorting to the coercive power of the state to inflict them upon everyone is not acceptable in a free society.
Why are you not promoting contraception and all of its positives? Less babies conceived is a win and an end to abortion. Childless couples increasing is a massive positive for the situation.
An obvious and "massive" loss for our nation and humanity in general. Not sure why the nihilistic elderly are so enthusiastic about the idea of the world ending when they personally end. Can't imagine anything more self-centered and immoral.
Your dandruff contains your DNA as does your sperm.
Neither of which will, in the natural course of events, develop into an ever more mature human being on their own. A fertilized egg will, if nature proceeds according to the intended course of biology.
An obvious and "massive" loss for our nation and humanity in general. Not sure why the nihilistic elderly are so enthusiastic about the idea of the world ending when they personally end. Can't imagine anything more self-centered and immoral.
Saving the world is immoral. Great !
Neither of which will, in the natural course of events, develop into an ever more mature human being on their own. A fertilized egg will, if nature proceeds according to the intended course of biology.
And that 's a very big " if " normally. In these situations hopefully even bigger odds against it. There's only one good reason to bring children into this world and that is love, there are millions of reasons not to and that is also love.
Neither of which will, in the natural course of events, develop into an ever more mature human being on their own. A fertilized egg will, if nature proceeds according to the intended course of biology.
That's a big IF. Where else should we be slaves to nature's process rather than our own intent? Should we forgo eye glasses or corrective eye surgery if our eyesight starts to go because that's a natural process? 😄
If you think "saving the world" means eliminating humans from it - fuck off. If that is your real agenda, at least admit it instead of wasting time trying to argue that a human isn't a human.
No, getting the population down to a level where it's sustainable and not destroying and threatening all other life forms is a win-win for us all. If you can't see that you are a fool. The problems of this world keep getting worse and it all goes back to the excessive human population.
..... There's only one good reason to bring children into this world and that is love.......
Fuck off, you ghoul. There is every reason why the natural process IS to bring children into this world. Love should be part of all of it, but I sure don't sense any from your comments.
NO, it's not. Is it a "very big if" that a fish will swim, a bird will fly, rain will fall, the earth will revolve around the sun?
Just as an acorn may develop into an oak tree, but it is not an oak tree
Excellent point . The average oak tree produces 2,200 acorns a year. If all those grew into Oak trees they'd use up all the natural resources in the immediate area and all die out.
No, getting the population down to a level where it's sustainable .....
Fuck you. You have no idea what "level is sustainable." We are all here, and the global population will begin to contract long before we reach your "dream" of so-called overpopulation. You just hate human life. All your bullshit about pretending human life isn't human life is just rhetoric to advance your agenda of eliminating humans from the world. What a fucking scumbag. If the word "evil" has any meaning...
Fuck off, you ghoul. There is every reason why the natural process IS to bring children into this world. Love should be part of all of it, but I sure don't sense any from your comments.
I am nothing but love, you keep calling us ghouls , telling us to fuck off, wishing us ill will. Where's any love in that. Do you do this crap to your children too. That's not long ve.
Just as an acorn may develop into an oak tree, but it is not an oak tree
Is it a watermelon? A giraffe? A whale? If all goes according to plan, that acorn will become an ever more mature form of what it IS.

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