"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

Fuck you. You have no idea what "level is sustainable." We are all here, and the global population will begin to contract long before we reach your "dream" of so-called overpopulation. You just hate human life. All your bullshit about pretending human life isn't human life is just rhetoric to advance your agenda of eliminating humans from the world. What a fucking scumbag. If the word "evil" has any meaning...
I've read articles and we're far beyond the sustainable level that's why everything is begining of to finally collapse. The experts vary from 1/2 billion up to 5 billion at the most. The last time we were at 5 billion was July 11th. , 1987. It is celebrated annually as World Population Day. We officially crossed the threshold of sustainability. Enjoy the ride it's all been downhill since then.
Call it "nature" if you want. The plan is still the same. Sorry if life offends you.
If I want? I'm asking you what you're calling it. Nature doesn't have intent and if it did why the fuck would I care more about its intent than my own? 😄
I'm calling YOU a ghoul. I'm telling YOU to fuck off. I'm not sure how many voices are inside your head, but tell them all to fuck off.
You cannot silence anyone's voice but your own. And that might be a very good idea for your sake as well as others. You don't want to go completely insane.
Tell the truth. You think the earth would be better off with no humans on it. Yes or no? Yes or no?
No, just less of them. Then they might be better in their relations and responsibilities to each other and the world they live in. Yes and no have their place on simple answers. This is not a simple question or answer. It is a very complex situation. Life is never perfect, life is never easy for any of us.
:lmao: Oh, you've "read articles"! Well, that IS compelling! And yet, here we are.

Just how fucking stupid are you?
Again with the ridicule. Could you possibly be any more closed-minded, I don't think so. Read for yourself about human sustainability on those planet.
It is an acorn, not an oak tree.

If I step on an acorn and crush it, anyone who accuses me of destroying an oak tree wouldn't be taken seriously.
I went this route before using the egg and a chicken. They can't or simply won't relate. It's a total disconnect for them.
I went this route before using the egg and a chicken. They can't or simply won't relate. It's a total disconnect for them.
If you ignore the temporal transformation of a microscopic, mindless mass of cells into an actual person, it follows that all brain-dead individuals must be treated according to the same standard.
In general Nature is great BUT nature is mindless. It will reproduce itself into extinction.
Thank you Curried Goats and schimdlap, good exchanges. Have a great day. Got a pickup load of mulch to spread out before it gets too hot. Enjoy !
If you ignore the temporal transformation of a microscopic, mindless mass of cells into an actual person, it follows that all brain-dead individuals must be treated according to the same standard.
Do people still have a problem with family members and care takers pulling the plug on brain dead loved ones? 😄

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