"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

A human life begins at conception so calling it a "zygote" is just engaging in word semantics to soothe your conscience over the fact it always comes down to murdering an innocent human being.
Being more often accused of being a liberal than being a conservative, I too believe human life begins at conception. The science seems pretty solid on that, and science seems to be more trusted by liberals than by conservatives. A pro-life stance is morally more in line with liberal ideals than a pro-choice stance, which is more in line, morally, with conservative values. It's only our twisted, Orwellian doublethink, political propaganda that makes it seem the opposite.

However, we really are getting careless with the word "murder", which is more of a legal term than a moral one. We get to decide under what circumstances killing a human being constitutes murder. Many of us have already mentally made that decision, but, legally, it's still up in the air because we haven't codified into law yet.
Having proven you're lying about the scientific definition of human life, let's look at the Bible, where God's word says that man didn't become a human being until he was fully formed, and took his first breath.

Genesis 2:7
Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Source: 15 Bible verses about Breath Of Life

What was your rebuttal???? Hate and lies.

Babies aren't formed from the dust from the ground. Right?
Is that the passage in the Holy moral book where Abraham marries his neice or Lot fucks his daughters?

They believe the world as they knew it had ended with the destruction of their city.

The only way to continue society would be to do it this way.

It seems awful at first but there are two options here. For society to become what it is, it obviously had to not be uncommon because of the lack of other options.

Or life began in a way we don't actually consider.

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