"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

The pro-abortion movement even tried to hide their true aim with the misnomer "pro-choice" [sic].

There is no “pro abortion” movement. No one is advocating that women abort their pregnancies.

When women announce their pregnancies, nobody says “you should get an abortion”. When I went to my doctor for a pregnancy test and it came back positive, I was greeted with congratulations. No one suggested that I should terminate the pregnancy, or offered to terminate my pregnancy.

However, when my foetus died, and the ultrasound showed no growth and no heartbeat in more than two weeks, they immediately offered a D&C before I developed sepsis, and my health was compromised. As a result, I was able to get pregnant again very quickly and deliver a healthy baby girl 11 months later.

That treatment would be legal today in Texas and I would be sick home until my infection and my fever endangered my life. There will be a high likelihood that the infection would render me in for tile, and I would be unlikely to ever have another child.

The Republican Party needs to leave the American Medical Association alone to determine the legal care and treatment of patients in the USA. Republican legislators are not qualified to make medical decisions on behalf of the people of America and they’re choosing very very poorly.
There is no “pro abortion” movement. No one is advocating that women abort their pregnancies.

When women announce their pregnancies, nobody says “you should get an abortion”. When I went to my doctor for a pregnancy test and it came back positive, I was greeted with congratulations. No one suggested that I should terminate the pregnancy, or offered to terminate my pregnancy.

However, when my foetus died, and the ultrasound showed no growth and no heartbeat in more than two weeks, they immediately offered a D&C before I developed sepsis, and my health was compromised. As a result, I was able to get pregnant again very quickly and deliver a healthy baby girl 11 months later.

That treatment would be legal today in Texas and I would be sick home until my infection and my fever endangered my life. There will be a high likelihood that the infection would render me in for tile, and I would be unlikely to ever have another child.

The Republican Party needs to leave the American Medical Association alone to determine the legal care and treatment of patients in the USA. Republican legislators are not qualified to make medical decisions on behalf of the people of America and they’re choosing very very poorly.

You worry about Canada... how's that
There is no “pro abortion” movement. ....

There you go hiding behind false labels again. Can't call it what it is because that would make it harder to live the the moral reality of your bloodthirsty hunger for human life.
Every word of it has been refuted.

Denial of the Science, medicine and even the Bible. You have not refuted a single thing, and continue to claim that your idea of morality is the valid opinion.

Americans have a long history of trying to legislate morality. Every attempt has failed completely. Racism has not been eradicated. The constitutional amendment prohibiting the sale of liquor spawned the gang wars of the 1930’s and lead to the creation of the FBI. Laws against mixed race, marriages have been overturned as have the laws against same-sex marriages.

Every attempt at legislating morality, always begs the question “who’s morality?”.
Denial of the Science, medicine and even the Bible. You have not refuted a single thing, and continue to claim that your idea of morality is the valid opinion.

Americans have a long history of trying to legislate morality. Every attempt has failed completely. Racism has not been eradicated. The constitutional amendment prohibiting the sale of liquor spawned the gang wars of the 1930’s and lead to the creation of the FBI. Laws against mixed race, marriages have been overturned as have the laws against same-sex marriages.

Every attempt at legislating morality, always begs the question “who’s morality?”.

It's not killing innocent babies

Americans have a long history of trying to legislate morality. ...

EVERY law is based on the moral compass of the society it represents. Clearly your irrelevant ice cube up there has no moral compass.
Unless it's abortion, in which case you're all stomping on the face of liberty.

Oh wait. It's not just abortion. The right stomps on the face of liberty in every possible way, not just on abortion. It's what defines them. It's why they're so unpopular in the USA, and why they can only win by gerrymandering, vote suppression and cheating.

Liberals fight for liberty. We're the good guys, we know it, and the Satan-inspired gaslighting lies of the right have no effect on us.
You loons couldn't tell the truth if your life depended on it. Even your leader is a well known liar.
A zygote is not a child, any more than an egg is a chicken.

Neither is abortion infanticide, because there is no infant until the child is born and breathes its first breath. Under God, under law, and under all that is decent.
God said he knew you before you were in the womb.

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