"Pro-choice" people become Pro-life after learning about abortion in the USA

A zygote is not a child, any more than an egg is a chicken.

Neither is abortion infanticide, because there is no infant until the child is born and breathes its first breath. Under God, under law, and under all that is decent.

Until a happily pregnant leftist vermin gets murdered and her hubby wants the perp to be tried for two murders.

Sick hypocrisy, but certainly nothing new.

You're a great ad for retroactive abortion, Cunadian.

Thanks for your wonderful post.

A zygote is not a child, any more than an egg is a chicken.

Neither is abortion infanticide, because there is no infant until the child is born and breathes its first breath. Under God, under law, and under all that is decent.
You rotten filth and your joke concept of a “god” only fit to be worshipped as a toilet are as far from decent as it gets.

If your “god” thinks it’s fine and dandy to attack and kill innocent human beings then your “god “is an evil piece of shit. And based on that I certainly know you made up this “god” in your own image.
Exactly what is stopping us from settling our little abortion issue? Democrats will say it's the Republicans. The right will say it's the left. Conservatives will say it's the liberals. Reverse all those things and they will still be true. Everybody thinks they have the answer. In reality, nobody does. We are stuck in perpetual gridlock, unable to address our more important issues. I would like to say we have to wake up and honestly appraise our situation, but "woke" has been hijacked by political propaganda and no longer has any real meaning in any of its variations. I feel like giving up, as so many people already have, but I see a possible way out of this mess and feel obligated to try despite the inevitable mass rejection that is bound to occur. But... I will try.
Exactly what is stopping us from settling our little abortion issue? Democrats will say it's the Republicans. The right will say it's the left. Conservatives will say it's the liberals. Reverse all those things and they will still be true. Everybody thinks they have the answer. In reality, nobody does. We are stuck in perpetual gridlock, unable to address our more important issues. I would like to say we have to wake up and honestly appraise our situation, but "woke" has been hijacked by political propaganda and no longer has any real meaning in any of its variations. I feel like giving up, as so many people already have, but I see a possible way out of this mess and feel obligated to try despite the inevitable mass rejection that is bound to occur. But... I will try.

No need to even read further.


A zygote is not a child, any more than an egg is a chicken.

Neither is abortion infanticide, because there is no infant until the child is born and breathes its first breath. Under God, under law, and under all that is decent.
A human life begins at conception so calling it a "zygote" is just engaging in word semantics to soothe your conscience over the fact it always comes down to murdering an innocent human being.

in·fan·ti·cide in-ˈfan-tə-ˌsīd : the killing of an infant

infant (ĭn′fənt) n. 1. A child in the earliest period of life, especially before he or she can walk.

Children Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
child noun 1 : an unborn or recently born person

Maybe that's the only way the Baby Butcher Death Cult can live with themselves.

I'll continue to speak the truth/facts & call it what it actually is- INFANTICIDE
All through the 20th century, anti capital punishment types showed fictional or sometime real graphic images of an execution or described legal executions in graphic detail. Fair enough. Yet the most horrific procedure ever created to execute innocents is never discussed or (God forbid) shown in public. Murder of a full term infant is illegal so some legal genius figured a way around it. The baby is turned around in the birth canal (which has to be painful and dangerous for the mother) to cause what we used to call a "breach birth" where the feet appear first instead of the head. The technicians are careful to adhere to the law when about two inches of the baby's head still remains in the birth canal so it isn't "born" in a technical and legal sense. An incision is opened in the back of the baby's head without anesthesia while it squirms just inches from life and a tube is inserted and it's brains are pumped out until it's little skull shrinks and it falls on the table. Sometimes the butchers miss and a live baby drops from their bloody fingers. Judging by Dr. Gosnell's house of horror, the standard procedure is to slit the baby's throat and pretend it was aborted in the usual horrific way. Are the organs sold and bartered? Maybe. Video it and show it to the public. What are you afraid of?
A human life begins at conception so calling it a "zygote" is just engaging in word semantics to soothe your conscience over the fact it always comes down to murdering an innocent human being.

in·fan·ti·cide in-ˈfan-tə-ˌsīd : the killing of an infant

infant (ĭn′fənt) n. 1. A child in the earliest period of life, especially before he or she can walk.

Children Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Definition of CHILDREN
child noun 1 : an unborn or recently born person

Maybe that's the only way the Baby Butcher Death Cult can live with themselves.

I'll continue to speak the truth/facts & call it what it actually is- INFANTICIDE
A human life begins at conception so calling it a "zygote" is just engaging in word semantics to soothe your conscience over the fact it always comes down to murdering an innocent human being.

in·fan·ti·cide in-ˈfan-tə-ˌsīd : the killing of an infant

infant (ĭn′fənt) n. 1. A child in the earliest period of life, especially before he or she can walk.

Children Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
child noun 1 : an unborn or recently born person

Maybe that's the only way the Baby Butcher Death Cult can live with themselves.

I'll continue to speak the truth/facts & call it what it actually is- INFANTICIDE

No, you idiot it’s a zygote. Biologically and scientifically you do not become a human being until the child draws its first breathe.

The antiabortion movement filled your head with all of these lies in order to humanize the tissue that was being destroyed. You weren’t terminating a pregnancy you were murdering a baby.

What I’ve been discussing, is not the butchering of innocents, It’s the murder of their mothers by the state before the child can be born.

You’ve got all this bright and colourful language to describe abortion, but what about the women dying from lack of care, because the foetus lives inside them?

No man has the right to tell a woman that she must bear a child. Not even the father of that child.

And certainly not a misogynistic piece of shit such as yourself.
Argue argue argue. How about educating women about how hard it is to have kids and raise them? Why are we not teaching that. How about teaching it's a great thing if you choose not to have kids. How about doing that
We should not be promoting having kids.
Argue argue argue. How about educating women about how hard it is to have kids and raise them? Why are we not teaching that. How about teaching it's a great thing if you choose not to have kids. How about doing that
We should not be promoting having kids.

Educating women?? Women know full well what’s involved in bearing and raising children.

How about educating men not to get women pregnant? How about teaching men about female biology and how it works because there isn’t a single man who’s posted in this thread who seems to have any idea whatsoever about how difficult pregnancy and childbirth are, or how women’s bodies works.

The USA has the highest rate of maternal death in pregnancy and childbirth in the first world. And that was before Roe v. Wade was overturned.

I guess the death count wasn’t high enough for you. Every one of these draconian laws, the white men are passing, ensures more women will die.

Pro life women are suing the states for endangering their lives. The women will win.

Campaign life, your name’s a lie.
You don’t care if women die.
There is something quite telling here. This was placed in "politics". Gosnell never ran for office.

To many they are not pro-life or pro-choice. They are pro pushing whatever they see that can further their political agenda.
A human life begins at conception so calling it a "zygote" is just engaging in word semantics to soothe your conscience over the fact it always comes down to murdering an innocent human being.

in·fan·ti·cide in-ˈfan-tə-ˌsīd : the killing of an infant

infant (ĭn′fənt) n. 1. A child in the earliest period of life, especially before he or she can walk.

Children Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Definition of CHILDREN
child noun 1 : an unborn or recently born person

Maybe that's the only way the Baby Butcher Death Cult can live with themselves.

I'll continue to speak the truth/facts & call it what it actually is- INFANTICIDE

I love the perfectly descriptive phrase "Baby Butcher Death Cult". It goes henceforth into my vocabulary.

Thank you.

No, you idiot it’s a zygote. Biologically and scientifically you do not become a human being until the child draws its first breathe.

The antiabortion movement filled your head with all of these lies in order to humanize the tissue that was being destroyed. You weren’t terminating a pregnancy you were murdering a baby.

What I’ve been discussing, is not the butchering of innocents, It’s the murder of their mothers by the state before the child can be born.

You’ve got all this bright and colourful language to describe abortion, but what about the women dying from lack of care, because the foetus lives inside them?

No man has the right to tell a woman that she must bear a child. Not even the father of that child.

And certainly not a misogynistic piece of shit such as yourself.
Again, you are completely wrong & heading down the path of lies.
What a well worn trail for members of the Baby Butcher Death Cult.
A human life begins at conception despite your attempts to assuage your own guilt over the fact it is actually infanticide to kill a baby, born or otherwise.
If this hurts your strong feelers, it should because it is barbaric.

You are in favor of murdering innocent human beings for convenience so just own it already dragonbreathe

"The American College of Pediatricians concurs with the body of scientific evidence that human life begins at conception - fertilization…. Scientific and medical discoveries over the past three decades have only verified and solidified this age-old truth. At the completion of the process of fertilization, the human creature emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop. The difference between the individual in its adult stage and in its zygotic stage is not one of personhood but of development. The Mission of the American College of Pediatricians is to enable all children to reach their optimal physical and emotional health and well-being from the moment of conception."
When Human Life Begins, American College of Pediatricians, March 2004
"After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being...[this] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion, it is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence...." - Dr Jerome LeJeune, Professor of Genetics at the University of Descartes, Paris, discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down's Syndrome, and Nobel Prize Winner,

Standing up for the life of the innocent baby is not the same as hating women but I doubt you can grasp something as simple as that
Biologically and scientifically you do not become a human being until the child draws its first breathe.
Objectively false, insane, completely at odds with textbook biological science.

Overopinionated and undereducated - you are just fucking retarded, stop spewing nonsense.

you were murdering a baby

What I’ve been discussing, is not the butchering of innocents
Abortion is the butchering of innocents.

It’s the murder of their mothers by the state
Delusional nonsense. Doesn’t happen.

No man has the right to tell a woman that she must bear a child.
Every man and every woman has the right to tell a mother to not kill her own kid. And I will tell them that at every opportunity.

And certainly not a misogynistic piece of shit such as yourself.
Oh shut it, misandrist piece of shit.
Objectively false, insane, completely at odds with textbook biological science.

Overopinionated and undereducated - you are just fucking retarded, stop spewing nonsense.


Abortion is the butchering of innocents.

Delusional nonsense. Doesn’t happen.

Every man and every woman has the right to tell a mother to not kill her own kid. And I will tell them that at every opportunity.

Oh shut it, misandrist piece of shit.

Thank you for proving my post, in spades.

"Life, in a true sense of word, begins when the chemical matter gives rinse, in a specific way to an autonomous, self-regulating, and self-reproducing system."

Objectively false, insane, completely at odds with textbook biological science.

Overopinionated and undereducated - you are just fucking retarded, stop spewing nonsense.


Abortion is the butchering of innocents.

Delusional nonsense. Doesn’t happen.

Every man and every woman has the right to tell a mother to not kill her own kid. And I will tell them that at every opportunity.

Oh shut it, misandrist piece of shit.

Having proven you're lying about the scientific definition of human life, let's look at the Bible, where God's word says that man didn't become a human being until he was fully formed, and took his first breath.

Genesis 2:7
Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Source: 15 Bible verses about Breath Of Life

What was your rebuttal???? Hate and lies.
No, you idiot it’s a zygote. Biologically and scientifically you do not become a human being until the child draws its first breathe.


There's that magical birth canal theory again. How scientific! :rolleyes:

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