Pro-life at 51%

Again.. it is not about what you do with your uterus... You can stuff it with cottage cheese and paint the inside blue for all I care... this is about protecting an innocent life at the early stages of development

So why does innocent life at any other stage of deveopment not arrouse your compasion?
And nobody FORCED the pregnancy process on you... you willingly subjected yourself to that process the minute you decided to become a sperm receptacle.. consequences to actions

Cool. I vote that all women start boycotting that process to give men like you a taste of the medicine you are demanding.
LOL! Then only rapists would be fathers.
Hey Nesser.. by all means.. HAVE complete control of your body while making decisions on who to fuck and preventing unwanted pregnancy. However, a fetus is genetically distinct from YOUR body and, thus, is NOT YOUR BODY. You certainly DO have a choice here... But, the choice happens BEFORE the fucking begins.

I've seen this pendulum swinging back for a while now. It's time for a compromise on Abortion. You will regret throwing this into a batch of "purely legal issue", Nes.. I promise you'll change that line after abortion gets banned and is no longer a LEGAL OPTION. If abortion defenders put as much time, effort and energy into PREVENTING unwanted pregnancies as they do DEFENDING the killing of feti then this would be a non-issue. You've got a myriad of birth control options and the individual prerogative to use them. Do it and stop making excuses for killing human genetic individuals..

I wish I could get you pregnant. You'd be singing a different tune. :lol:
A rat will always be a rat.. a human fetes even at a lesser developed statge will not remain that way, it will continue developing into a full grown human...

nice try
Actually many don't. Some abortions occur naturallly. It's called miscarriage.
And nobody FORCED the pregnancy process on you... you willingly subjected yourself to that process the minute you decided to become a sperm receptacle.. consequences to actions

Cool. I vote that all women start boycotting that process to give men like you a taste of the medicine you are demanding.
LOL! Then only rapists would be fathers.

I would also submit that taking away the legal abortion option would potentially put more women in that position of being raped.
And of those who are pro-choice, a huge chunk of them are pro-choice only in limited circumstances.

I am only pro-choice during the first trimester or very early second trimester. I'd say about 15 weeks is the limit.

Third trimester abortions or partial abortion is outrageous and disgusting.

I'm a first trimester and life of the mother in danger guy.

Making it illegal and returning to back alley coat hanger job days doesn't sound like a good policy to me.

I'm with you. It is also important to note that abortion rates have actually decreased since Roe v Wade made it legal.
Like I said... it's about the other human life involved.. not about your vagina.. you want to concrete up your vagina, carve it out, or turn it into a party room... all well and good...

OR, since you are the ultimate gatekeeper, enjoy the prerogative that your bra burning ancestors fought for and stop letting irresponsible decision turn your vagina into a trash receptacle at the park.

Has extreme vagina envy turned Shogun and Diamond Dave into a couple of very bitter bitches?
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Frankly, I think it's mostly MEN who are so anti-abortion and if they ever had to actually give birth themselves, it wouldn't even be an issue.

I think that's probably true. I understand the number used to be something like 80% of anti-choice activists were male.

It's a control thing... the religious right hasn't been able to stand it since the pill was invented.

And the proof of that? The same people who fight re-productive choice don't want birth control made readily available...... or the morning after pill...

and they preach "abstinence only"... which doesn't work. and is the sex version of fire and brimstone.

Then the harlots are supposed to take "responsibility' for their choice while the dads skip town and don't pay child support...

leaving single moms as the largest single group on welfare.

but the people who fight against your right to control what you do with your body also don't want to pay for welfare either.... or for job training... or anything else that would make the lives of these women easier.

because it's all about exacting pennance for their transgressions.
Newborn = already born. It's not a parasitic life at that point and someone else can take it. Next attempt to twist the discussion. This is about fetuses and lumps of cell tissue.

your are making a caveat to your "leave individuals alone and let them make their own choice" ALREADY?!?! you DONT SAY!

Here's an idea: Why don't you excercise your rights to choose whom to fuck in the first place and AVOID the abortion conflict altogether with a little responsibility? Is that too tough? Too much to consider? Womens suffrage didn't happen so that women could murder a fetus. enjoy your personal autonomy AND your personal responsibility. When your lifestyle requires the killing of a genetic human distinction then you might want to re-evaluate what choices, EXACTLY, were once the fuel of the womans rights movement.

Responbility is a dirty word. Whenever you look at all the issues that the left loves to push on everyone else, it always has something to do with taking care of people who have not been responsible for themselves in some way or another. It's a way to get their grubby little hands on everyone's money while trying to pretend that they're only doing what's 'morally' right for 'every' citizen. There's no choice involved when it comes to forcing others to follow what they think is morally right, they have no problem with using legislation to force others into following their morality whatsoever. That's why they have to intertwine abortion and religion so zealously, so they have a 'good' reason to not allow your morals to disrupt their agenda. Their morals are a completely different story, however. It's funny how when you talk about the left and its agenda, hypocrasy is always the word that comes to mind first.
Shogun, does it not give you pause that someone like Newby agrees with you?
Frankly, I think it's mostly MEN who are so anti-abortion and if they ever had to actually give birth themselves, it wouldn't even be an issue.

I think that's probably true. I understand the number used to be something like 80% of anti-choice activists were male.

It's a control thing... the religious right hasn't been able to stand it since the pill was invented.

And the proof of that? The same people who fight re-productive choice don't want birth control made readily available...... or the morning after pill...

and they preach "abstinence only"... which doesn't work. and is the sex version of fire and brimstone.

Then the harlots are supposed to take "responsibility' for their choice while the dads skip town and don't pay child support...

leaving single moms as the largest single group on welfare.

but the people who fight against your right to control what you do with your body also don't want to pay for welfare either.... or for job training... or anything else that would make the lives of these women easier.

because it's all about exacting pennance for their transgressions.

Wow, well-said.

I am pro life (with certain exceptions, most of which were argued here), but most of what you said is spot on. It's true: Most conservatives don't really care about the fetus. It's about the control. They aren't a culture of life. The Republican party is the culture of death.
If a woman wants an abortion then fine, but to promote abortions and shit that has been done is OVER the FUCKING LINE.

Who the hell promotes abortion? I know of several women who have had abortions, and not one of them enjoyed the experience one iota...
Federal dollars asswipe! If a woman wants an abortion then make it expensive like an elective surgery and they foot the bill not the fucking tax payers! Maybe if it's expensive little molly and joey will take more're a moron.
Federal dollars asswipe! If a woman wants an abortion then make it expensive like an elective surgery and they foot the bill not the fucking tax payers! Maybe if it's expensive little molly and joey will take more're a moron.

Listen here Dogface, how do fed dollars PROMOTE abortion. Not inform, not give advice, but PROMOTE.
And you didn't address my post you dumb shit...
When our Gov. made laws to make it easier to just get an abortion instead of taking the pill, or re-vamp our adoption laws, to give that option more agressively to woman then there is a problem!

Since when have laws made it easier to get an abortion than to get birth control pills? At one time both were illegal in my state, still the pills were easy to obtain, according to my mother. Your doctor would tell you what pharmacists sold them under the counter.

As far as it being easy to take birth control pills, they aren't tolerated by all women, nor affordable for all.
Federal dollars asswipe! If a woman wants an abortion then make it expensive like an elective surgery and they foot the bill not the fucking tax payers! Maybe if it's expensive little molly and joey will take more're a moron.

Listen here Dogface, how do fed dollars PROMOTE abortion. Not inform, not give advice, but PROMOTE.
And you didn't address my post you dumb shit...
I see your mother decided not to abort you..shame really fatass!

Federal dollars goes to planned parent hood and most of that money I'm willing to bet goes to abortions...a girl comes in and is thinking about getting a fucking abortion and they ease the girls guilt and they do not give her other options...if that isn't promoting fatass then...I guess maybe you should go visit and see if you can be aborted now. :lol:

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